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Feasibility study for the operation of a children's event park in Guayaquil Ecuador


With the Tourism Investment Project "Children's and Teenage Events Park, Monina's Party" in the Canton of Guayaquil, in the province of Guayas, it is expected to cover a large part of the demand for services for children's events, within a residential area in the northern sector of the city of Guayaquil, such as Urdesa, hoping to cover the needs of parents, offering entertainment services, clowns, puppets, music, food & drinks, etc. Intended for children and adolescents, hoping to achieve acceptance, of the wide range of services that the Monina's Party Park will have. This project beyond nourishing the economic need as an investor, this project will help to have knowledge and experience in terms of sales and services, thus achieving business success, according to the consumption index in terms of events for children and adolescents,in the local environment the percentage is increasing, therefore it is certain that the project is feasible and executable; In addition, the need of the market leads to offering total services in the organization of this type of events.


Today children's parties tend to be away from home because children need more physical activity and entertainment than years ago, and in response to this trend we see a boom in rooms for children's parties, clowns, magicians, puppets, inflatables, children's catering, etc. Inside and outside the city of Guayaquil, we can mention the Revolutions playground, by the actor and singer Jorge Luis del Hierro, who has been on the market for less than three years and has been very well received despite its physical space and prices, despite the extensive offer that exists in the north specifically within the Garzota sector, where you can also include the football halls that are usually used for events of all kinds. Another example to cite is the Riverpark that is located Via Samborondon,park that has entertainment for teenagers and adults, very apart from the area of ​​children's events, which despite not having a wide proposal in terms of variety in its packages of events since they focus a lot on children's parties between the ages of 2- 7 years.


Knowing that the supply of existing children's party event areas is focused especially on the Garzota sector, it has been seen the need to cover a potential demand exists in the northern area of ​​Guayaquil specifically Urdesa, where there is no such type of directed structure and However, it is important to define the type of entertainment you want to hire to achieve both the enjoyment and participation of guests and who is hiring the service, which is why the proposal Monina's Party carries an item from each of these aforementioned locations.

The main objective of the events area is to satisfy the expectations of investors and our future clients by providing a solution in the organization of children's parties and young adolescents.

As regards the project, what is innovative is the fact that the park will be suitable to satisfy the new market segment that it wants to capture, which is adolescents, since almost all event rooms only focus on Children's audience, but through this project alternatives will be offered to the adolescent public, offering a wide range of services and alternatives in terms of music, decoration, highlighting the fact that we are going to cover the needs of the Urdesa sector (Guayaquil-Ecuador), where is unexplored in this type of business.

Within the project administration, this is a project carried out by a private entrepreneur to satisfy his objectives.

The benefits expected from the project are the results of the sale value of the products (services) that the project will generate. For this reason, a: Collective Company would be implemented.

If we talk about the distribution of functions and responsibilities, the General Manager will be in charge of managing the budget, costs, operation, analyze the financial statements, be accountable to the owners, establish policies, procedures, and make key decisions regarding to the Monina's Party Park, Event Area.

Director of Sales, Public Relations and Marketing: the main objective is to achieve the sale of preferable events for a considerable volume of people so that they generate great income. You also need to create Marketing and Advertising strategies to meet the needs and expectations of the targeted target.

Head of A&B: Direct the sections, components of the food and beverage department, supervise the warehouses and the preparation of dishes. Work together with the accountant to reduce the expenses and costs of your department. You also need to put in place controls to monitor the discipline of your staff.

Chef: He is the managing head of the kitchen, his responsibilities include planning, purchasing, supervision, teaching, preparation and service. He is a food production manager, to operate his kitchen with profit, he must know well the functions and details in each position or game.

Accountant: is a trained professional who provides advice for efficient decision-making, and the good management of your economic and financial resources, who has an active participation in the economic life of a company.

Recreation Manager: He is in charge of planning recreational activities in conjunction with the entertainers who are developing a children's or adolescent event, games, music, decoration, etc.

Recreators: They are the ones who carry out the activities, interact with the guests, and make the event an unforgettable moment.

Waiters: guarantee customer service through the assembly, disassembly and cleaning of tables, handling of china and glassware, service, seating of guests at tables, and food service at the table.

Security: It will be in charge of cleaning and maintaining the areas, protecting the integrity of those who use our facilities.

Within the feasibility study, the target group to which the "Monina's Party" Park, event area, is focused are men and women, between 25 and 45 years old, with children in age ranges between 5 and 16 years old., residents in the city of Guayaquil, with economic income between 500 to 1000 US dollars., residing in the north of the city or nearby places.

Parque Monina's Party, event area, wants to establish itself within the local market as a provider of services for children's events, and adolescents, providing innovative effects in terms of decoration and live shows, etc.

We try that our clients obtain unforgettable moments through services, where all kinds of fantasy can be realized by our group of highly trained entertainers.

This market is currently not so exploited, although there are event rooms, where the areas for recreation are limited and the offer is repetitive and scarce.

We consider the market to which we want to introduce our product as perfect competition, since there are several entrepreneurs who are dedicated to providing entertainment and rental of premises.

We all know that currently the cost for recreation and services is high, children's entertainment is not reasonable, in addition to this some parents work full time even on weekends, in order to correct the high costs for the event. of their children.

Existing this competition, our business aims to capture the attention of customers due to the difference with other competitors due to the added value that we will offer, and thus have the opportunity to obtain something different from the usual that is not only to carry out animated contests, but to give them a recreation. Both for children, teenagers and parents.

Information required at the level of the city of Guayaquil:

The companies that provide rental and entertainment services are located in the city of Guayaquil, especially in the sectors:

North 50%

South 30%

Center 20%

Our direct competition in this case would not be a direct indicator but we focus on the number of families that hire nursery schools in the gardens or schools, to liven up their children's parties whether they are at home, event rooms, etc.

We have in the city of Guayaquil and above all in the northern sector, which is where our business is located, 20 places for organizing events at a children's level between the Kennedy, Alborada, Urdenor, and Urdesa Central cities.

In addition we have that the rental price of the premises is in a range of $ 200 to 300 the cheapest and only includes what is animation service, and a limited consumption of water or soft drinks depending on the number of guests, they also provide extra services as a special decoration if required for an additional cost which increases the rate.


In conclusion, the Feasibility Study for the Monina's Party event park in the city of Guayaquil is feasible and feasible within the Urdesa area in the city of Guayaquil-Ecuador.


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Feasibility study for the operation of a children's event park in Guayaquil Ecuador