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Prefeasibility study for duck meat production in Peru


«Prefeasibility study of a farm for fattening Creole ducks“ (Cairima moschata Domestica L.) ».

Since our country is deficient in terms of the production of protein of animal origin, of which its consumption is an index of development of the peoples, it is very important to look for different alternatives that allow us to increase the production and productivity of species that can contribute to decrease this deficit and also make it possible for the population to reach it.


In this sense, raising ducks for meat production is presented as an important alternative, recognizing the ability of these birds to use coarse food, the speed of growth, their greater resistance to diseases and hardiness that allow them to be raised in less environmental conditions. stricter than other birds, and thus offer a low-cost protein-rich food in a short time.

Among the meat-producing duck breeds, in our environment we have the variety of Creole ducks, which is recognized as the one with the highest growth rate. It is due to its great aptitude to produce meat that it is convenient to carry out economic evaluations of its exploitation and disseminate its results in our environment to stimulate its upbringing.

On the other hand, the use of commercial feed is common within duck farms, which results in a competitively expensive product in relation to meat chicken. Hence the importance of updating the information referring to the results of the investigations carried out on the raising and fattening of ducks and since there are no studies on the ages and food supplies to obtain the greatest benefits, it is necessary to carry out studies that tend to improve productivity rates.


- The main objective for the installation of our farm is the economic one. You want to make a fattening trying as much as possible to use a modern technology according to the magnitude of our exploitation trying to minimize costs and obtain the maximum utility.

- Give employment to the settlers who are under the farm's area of ​​influence and thus contribute to their standard of living.

- Offer an alternative source of animal protein to the country that generally suffers from a shortage of quality animal protein.

- Use the beneficiaries' own resources, such as land.

1.3 Location:

The farm will be located in the department. de Lima, Lima province, district: Lurin.

1.4 Beneficiaries:

1.5 Background and previous studies carried out with the project:

In the Lurin area, there are several duck farms, which have an offer, the end product of which is destined for the same gathering wholesaler; which has a demand for duck meat whose volume is feasible to be covered with the total production of all these farms so there would be no competition between them.

Likewise, our farm will help improve the socio-economic level of the area.

On the other hand, the sanitary problems in ducks are minimal, so preventing, you will not have any problem of this type, not even due to the existence of other producers in the area.



2.1 Definition of the geographic areas of influence in the market: The geographic scope covered by the project includes the Lima area and nearby areas. But our product is not bought by the general public, but is practically limited to the purchase made by the collection wholesalers.

Our product will be destined for the collection centers located in Lima.

2.2.1 Characterization and uses of the main and secondary Products: The main product is duck meat, and as secondary products we have the bed at the end of breeding, which could be sold as fertilizer for agriculture. This fertilizer is an excellent organic fertilizer with a high concentration of Nitrogen.

2.2.2 Identification of Consumers:

Intermediary consumers will be markets and supermarkets in the province of Lima.

The final consumers will be the residents of Lima, who will mostly buy it cooked in restaurants and to a minimum degree buy it refrigerated in supermarkets and fresh in markets.

2.3 Analysis of Product Demand:

As there are no statistics on the marketing, consumption and demand for duck meat, we have carried out a market study based on surveys.

The sampled population consisted of:

• Wholesaler - gatherer

• General public

And the following results were obtained:

• General public - 74% of monthly demand is unsatisfied.

• Wholesaler - gatherer sells an average of 1,000 ducks per month. the retailer in the market sells between 300 - 450 ducks per month. The survey models are detailed in the annex.

2.4 Analysis of the offer:

There are no records where duck meat producers can be identified, but due to inquiries we have made, we have reference to the existence of farms in Puente Piedra, Cieneguilla and Huachipa.

These farms are estimated to have a weekly production of 1000 ducks. However, we think that the increase in production is feasible based on the aforementioned, but this would require government institutions to support the study of supply and demand in order to have statistics and make projections based on historical series.

2.5. Prices and marketing systems:

2.5.1. Current prices and sale price formation Wholesale Price $ 1.86 Kg.

2.6.2 Marketing margins in the chain of intermediaries

Gross marketing margin: 38.46%

Gross margin of the wholesaler: 16.9%

Gross margin of the retailer: 21.5%


2.6.3 Favorable aspects to enter the products in the local, regional and / or national markets:

The favorable aspect is that the same wholesaler who buys the production from the other farms is the one who buys our production, so our sales are assured.

The investment is low cost.

The weight gain of these animals is fast, so the production process will be short.

There will be no heavy outlay of money in the sanitary aspect since these birds are very rustic. Everything works on the basis of prevention.

2.6 Project market:

2.7.1 Marketing system proposed for the project:

All our production will be destined for the gathering wholesaler, who supplies the retailer and this in turn for the general public. Our sale price will be $ 1.86 / Kg

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Prefeasibility study for duck meat production in Peru