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Study for the assembly of an industrial guinea pig farm for meat exploitation in lima peru. presentation


The project talks about how the guinea pig industry has great potential. Today there is a generalized preference for low calorie, fat and cholesterol foods: This healthy eating culture has grown in recent years and guinea pig is an alternative due to its nutritional characteristics.

study-set-up-industrial-farm-guinea pigs-exploitation-meat-lima-peru



A. Denomination

"Industrial Guinea Pig Farm (Cavia porcellus), Marketing, vacuum packaging and refrigerated meat"

B. Location

  • Department: Lima Province: Lima District: Puente Piedra

C. Background of the Guinea Pig

  • Domesticated 2,500 to 3,600. In the Temple of Cerro Sechín (Peru) excreta was found. The Paracas Culture period (250 to 300 BC) consumed guinea pig meat. III Paracas Culture period (1,400 AD) all houses had a cuyero - In Huacos of Mochica and Vicus culture they show the Cuy in human feeding. Remains of long skulls have been extracted in Ancón, ruins of Huaycán, Cieneguilla and Mala.


  • In Peru, the upbringing and exploitation originated in pre-Inca times, was a source of supply and continues to be today (Chauca, 1997). Socioeconomic changes caused migration to the coast, bringing their customs and consumption habits. Therefore, Lima is the city with the highest rate of migrations and is a potential demand for products of Andean origin and tradition (INEI, 2001). For this reason, the guinea pig industry has great potential. Today there is a general preference for foods low in calories, fat and cholesterol: This culture of healthy eating has grown in recent years and guinea pig is an alternative due to its nutritional characteristics. Commercial breeding is using select, early, prolific and efficient lines. of food.This type of aging is not very widespread, and will contribute to offering meat,where so far it is scarce. There is great potential in the international market, in different colonies of Peruvians, Ecuadorians and



a) General objective:

Assess the economic, financial and technical feasibility of the installation on an industrial farm.

b) Specific objectives:

  • Analyze the market and consumption of guinea pig meat in Metropolitan Lima. Determine the minimum amount of investment for the installation of an industrial farm. Determine the economic and financial profitability of the project.



  • The guinea pig (guinea pig, curi or guinea pig), a rodent mammal from Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. Its high nutritional value gives food security to the rural population with few resources. Peru, with the largest population and consumption, registers 16,500 MT of meat annually, from 65 million guinea pigs, reared in a family production system.

The distribution of guinea pigs in Peru is throughout the territory, due to its ability to adapt to various climatic conditions, they are found from the coast to 4,500 meters above sea level, in cold as well as warm areas (Chauca, 1997).

a) Taxonomic description Zoological scale:

  • Kingdom: AnimalSubreino: MetazoariosPhylum: VertébradosClass: MammalsOrder: RodentiaFamily: CavidaeGenre: CaviaSpecies: Cavia porcellus

b) Morphological characteristics

  • An adult measures 20 to 25 cm and weighs 0.5 to 1.0 kg. Head, large and wide in relation to the body. Ears drooping, small, bare and wrinkled. The eyes are round, lively, black or red. The conical snout, small nostrils and nostrils, split upper lip, the entire lower lip, elongated incisors, do not have large canines and molars. Neck, thick, muscular, consisting of 7 vertebrae, the axis and the atlas well developed. Trunk, shape cylindrical, formed by 13 vertebrae and the last 3 are floating. Abdomen, of great volume and capacity, has 7 lumbar vertebrae as anatomical base. Extremities, short, the anterior ones being shorter than the posterior ones. Both end in fingernails. The number varies from 3 for the later ones and 4 for the previous ones. The posterior reeds are used to stand up, making them calloused and strong.


a) According to conformation

Table 1. According to conformation

Type A


Cajamarca Ecotype) Improved guinea pigs, parallelepiped shape, classic of meat breeds, have good length, depth and width. Calm temperament and good food conversion.

Type B


Arequipa) Guinea pigs with an angular shape, shallow depth and little muscular development. Triangular and elongated head, variable ear size, very nervous and difficult to handle.

b) According to the coat shape

Table 2. According to the coat shape

Type Features

  1. Straight hair, short and close to the body. Short, rose-colored hair, distributed throughout the body. Long, straight hair, can be rose-colored. Short bristled hair.

c) According to the coloration of the coat

Table 3. According to the coloration of the coat

Classification Characteristics

Clear Whites, berries and browns and combinations between them.

Dark Black, Gray, Barred Brown

(with black hairs) and combinations of these.


1. Product Background

  • Sizing the market is difficult due to informality, both Creole and improved. In the traditional market, it has been marketed live or as fresh carcass. Most establishments demand cuy live or fresh meat and there has been no supply of this meat in other presentations.

2. Product definition

The product is guinea pig meat vacuum packed and refrigerated for human consumption. The name of the product is "MISKI CUY". 3 month old guinea pigs, 0.630 kg carcass, with head and gutted will be offered.

3. Product Features

Guinea pig meat vacuum packed is a technique of removing almost all the air inside the container, without being replaced by another gas. It preserves all its nutritional properties and increases its shelf life, remaining juicy, fresh and matured in the container. There is no dehydration so it does not lose weight and external contamination is avoided.

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Study for the assembly of an industrial guinea pig farm for meat exploitation in lima peru. presentation