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Stages in the creation of a company


Through this article I want to present a brief guide on the stages in the creation of a company, presenting web links that help in each stage of the venture to the person who has always dreamed of having his big business but who has no idea where to start..

Well, first of all I want to tell you that creating a company is a great satisfaction, feeling that you own your time is not worth it, so I will strive so that this article is the one that gives you the impulse to fulfill that great dream. Here are the stages in the creation of a company:

1- Motivation

At this stage the entrepreneur is full of reasons to think about creating his company, at this stage it is advisable to read business success stories that allow you to be inspired and feel confident that if others were able to do so, you should reflect on your life and current situation and think that you can be in a better situation.

2- Generation of the Business Idea

Once you feel fully determined to undertake and have acquired sufficient determination to fight to the end to carry out your dream, you must take a next step and that is to generate that idea that will become your company.

At this stage the most important thing to remember is that no idea is perfect and if you wait to find a perfect idea you will only be wasting valuable time.

Something you can do is read business ideas from other entrepreneurs, this can be an inspiration for you to develop your own idea.

3- Prepare the Business Plan

Once you have your business idea clear, you must give it a deep analysis and start to develop your own business plan, this will be your letter of introduction to investors, banks, financing funds, etc. It will also give you a clear idea of ​​how your business will be.

One mistake that many entrepreneurs make and that you should avoid is planning too much and acting too little, your business plan is not the most important thing so do not spend so much time trying to plan rather dedicate yourself to developing your plan.

4- Get Resources

Already with your business plan in which you have defined exactly what you need for your business, continue to get those elements that will allow you to start, use all the sources you can, friends, banks, family, savings, financing funds, etc. Be constant and do not give up, you will see that with effort you will have everything ready. A recommendation for this stage is that you go to the different support entities that exist in your area and find out about the requirements to access financing.

5- Give Birth to the Business

This stage is the most important of all, it is what Andy Freire called "From the idea to the harsh reality", you must get all your passion for entrepreneurship and dedicate all your efforts to your company, you will realize that not everything goes as you planned, so you must be determined enough not to give up. At this stage do not forget to inform yourself well about the licenses that you must have for your business to be legal, also find out about the legal benefits that your country offers for the creation of companies.

6- Achieve the Growth of Your Company

Once you have your company you will realize that to enter the path of success it takes much more than you earn, therefore you must be constant and always try to step forward and achieve what I call "sustainable economic growth", this It means that you must find a way to constantly increase your income, get new customers, increase your sales and everything that allows you to increase your income. It will take years to strengthen your company to make it sustainable, but believe me, there is nothing more rewarding.

As you could give yourself how much there is to do, maybe you have already advanced some stages but even so the fight must be constant, if you have not started yet because I tell you that this is the best time to start, there are many opportunities waiting for you.

My final recommendation is that you don't lose the battle without having fought.

Stages in the creation of a company