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10 New challenges for strategic management


The globalization and the environment, increasingly competitive, requires that companies have to design models management able to make a difference and to implement strategies to ensure survival in a market that selects its participants for the intervention and decision direct from customers who with their behavior promote the urgency of establishing competencies in organizations aimed at developing best practices.

Among the competencies necessary to establish new paradigms in managerial management in the coming years, we can point out that, although their name may be the same or similar to how we have always known them, their content and meaning have varied substantially, that is, each one of them has incorporated new scopes and contents into its concept, therefore its development implies a new experience that arises from training capable of developing these competencies within organizations.

Almost three decades have passed since Macklelland proposed his model of competencies and there have been many authors who have deepened, enriched, adjusted, expanded, etc., the term, to the point that today it would be difficult for anyone to assume the risk of defining the word competence and include in it the entire scope of it. However, understanding that the three basic pillars that) remain in the epistemological base of the term (knowledge, ability and attitude), I then risk proposing a group of competencies that are undoubtedly already or will be very soon on the managerial agenda, in such a way, the corporate results will undoubtedly be associated with their development.

Among many others that can be identified and characterized, I consider, in my opinion, that the competencies that will make a difference in the 21st century are:

1. Business Environmental Competencies. The environmental includes the attitude of people and transcends the organizational level. The international regulations that are aimed at promoting cleaner and less polluting production in organizations must now be supported by the development of business environmental competencies that promote behaviors in the organization that go beyond the minimum behaviors of respect for the environmentIt is about building organizational cultures that incorporate among their traditions the need to favor the maintenance of healthy environmental conditions for current and future employees. This challenge is identified with the need to be sensitive to the use that is given to water resources, for example, it is to become aware that air quality is also our problem, energy consumption, respect for the natural resources present in the management, the implementation of strategies that make effective the task of the R (Recycle, Reuse and Reduce). That the environment is translated into a common effort and not in the fulfillment of norms that are forgotten as soon as we leave our business roll. Environmental competencies, as a differentiating axis of managerial management,It is just beginning its transition towards practical models that allow each employee to assess the current state of these skills; it is locked into a process that is just beginning to be valued in its proper dimension.

2. Situational Leadership. Develop influence and persuasion in specific contexts according to the needs of the work teams. There are many theories and models that run through the corridors of management schools and leadership has become, in many organizations, a generic that means a lot but in the end it may mean nothing. The new leadership challenge sets out to discover that, as mentioned in his model by K. BlanchardIt is about recognizing the contexts in which people's skills develop and that is where leadership acquires its real dimension. The leader, as they say in the indigenous tribes of the Sierra, is recognized, not named. This recognition stems from the identification that the follower has, the acceptance it offers him and the hope he has in what the final results will be. Situational leadership allows to rotate responsibility, invites to empower the team, make the result collegiate in such a way that it begins to recognize that the leader is not synonymous with the boss or supreme authority, it is the recognition of the knowledge underlying the work team. Leadership then arises, as posed by P. Senge, as a collective learning option. The new challenge then lies in the possibility of offering all the members of the work team the recognition that their knowledge and skills are a significant contribution to achieving the expected results and that at any time they can be at the head of the group.. Situational leadership has been conceptually explored in a generous way, however it will be business practice that will dictate whether or not it will be successful in finding new frontiers for innovation and teamwork.

3. Empowered Teams. Recognize the skills and competencies of the members aiming at the achievement of corporate purposes. The human being is above all a gregarious being, in this sense his horizon of meaning is always framed in what he recognizes as his work team; Being part of a team generates in people the satisfaction of the contribution, of the identity and of the “our way of proceeding” to which Saint Ignatius alluded. Teams are powerful because they are clear about their results, because they know the goal to which they are going to reach, because they anticipate the difficulties they will have along the way and because they prepare to overcome the barriers that the development of a management implies, whatever it may be in the organization. Talk about empowered teams, means that its power comes from within, to generate the synergy required so that each of its members contributes the best of themselves in the execution of tasks. This management challenge addresses the urgency of believing that the people who make up our work teams in the organization are the best we have and are the talent that will allow us to remain in a market full of risks. Developing the competence of "empowered teams" also means that behavioral evidence can only be evaluated collectively, it is the opportunity to recognize that the results are obtained by the contribution and contribution of each of the members. Finally, it is important to recognize that teams not only refer to the classic vertical style where they are made up of the work of particular areas or processes,The management teams and in general all those that involve people from different departments, have the obligation to build relationships oriented to the execution of tasks that generate added value to the specific management of the assigned activity.

4. Assertive communication. Identify communication models capable of successfully dealing with conflicts in the organization. The differentiator in this competence is precisely the ability to develop assertiveness in the communicative processes in the collaborators, that they discover the way to express adequately everything that can favor or hinder the adequate development of interpersonal relationships in the exercise of professional or labor work. In this sense, it is worth revisiting the invitation of D. Golemanto train emotional intelligence as an alternative for personal, social and group improvement. Recognizing one's rights in a society or in a company implies inner strength as well, leaving the fear of the consequences and taking the risk of saying adequately what can make the difference between a productive and positive work environmentand a bitter experience within the team. We know many stories of people who suffer from their bosses and colleagues, their inability to speak in a timely manner can lead others to think that their way of being is like that and therefore no infraction is being committed. Assertive communication allows us to create spaces to also listen to those who think differently without disqualifying them and in this way find valuable alternatives for action. It is important to recognize that this competition disqualifies the attitudes of supremacy and aggressiveness exhibited by many bosses in organizations that prevent valuing the opinions, alternatives and experiences that other people have, in such a way that, even management, ends up impoverishing and impoverishing the organizational results.

5. Innovative proactivity. Promote initiatives that allow "to make things happen" (S. Covey) in new organizational environments. Many years ago I listened to Joel Barker an explanation about the difference between the Pioneer and the Colonist, I believe that his approach is quite correct and valuable for the managerial world, it is the invitation to recognize that the current times urgently need to reawaken the spirit from the Pioneer, from those who seek new routes, new paths, to propose new experiences to their teams. This competence is then based on the discovery of new scenarios that are not yet reality but are possible and probable, it is supported by prospective models that allow you to intuit variables that can make a difference for your organization. Proactivity introduces an important element in the development of the organization's work teams as it allows the management to consolidate the recognition that everything will be provisional and that there will always be new possibilities. Business history has shown that only those who are constantly on the move will have a greater chance of finding new and better markets, producing new products, etc.The way is then made for the pioneers to advance towards the unknown, however, returning to Baker's simile, it is essential that the colonists also strengthen the lands they have won and ensure the new realities since we have seen cases of companies that go forward but not they have the ability to maintain the success achieved.Proactive innovation implies recognizing that new business realities do not wait and are presented in a qualitative rather than quantitative way, as will be mentioned in the technological competition.

6. Social Responsibility.Establish a framework of action that contributes to a management that allows sustainable development for the benefit of society. The subject goes through studying in depth the scope of the ISO 26000 standard that has been much named but little understood. It is about identifying in organizations the ability to value their environments and therefore, recognizing that their business management involves customers, suppliers, their shareholders, collaborators and also the communities in which their organization is present, whether by actual physical presence or brand impact. In this sense, the challenge consists in meeting the need raised by the stakeholders by designing plans and programs capable of meeting their expectations in terms of implementation. It is true, then, that the social dimension passes through altruism,but it should not stop there, its responsible action must go beyond the punctual and temporary solution to be framed in inclusive, complementary and equitable alternatives. Social responsibility must be characterized from the business essence, from the very thing of your company, it is not about offering solutions to which it is not obliged or that demonstrate more than solidarity and cooperative interests, efforts guided by selfish intentions that eventually end up in being discovered, or by actions that end up being media assistance that does not solve or contribute anything to the context in which the organization develops. This competition is beginning to be viewed with sympathy by corporate executives, although, I suspect, they still do not recognize the scope they have in terms of business productivity.its responsible action must go beyond the punctual and temporary solution to be framed in inclusive, complementary and equitable alternatives. Social responsibility must be characterized from the business essence, from the very thing of your company, it is not about offering solutions to which it is not obliged or that demonstrate more than solidarity and cooperative interests, efforts guided by selfish intentions that eventually end up in being discovered, or by actions that end up being media assistance that does not solve or contribute anything to the context in which the organization develops. This competition is beginning to be viewed with sympathy by corporate executives, although, I suspect, they still do not recognize the scope they have in terms of business productivity.its responsible action must go beyond the punctual and temporary solution to be framed in inclusive, complementary and equitable alternatives. Social responsibility must be characterized from the business essence, from the very thing of your company, it is not about offering solutions to which it is not obliged or that demonstrate more than solidarity and cooperative interests, efforts guided by selfish intentions that eventually end up in being discovered, or by actions that end up being media assistance that does not solve or contribute anything to the context in which the organization develops. This competition is beginning to be viewed with sympathy by corporate executives, although, I suspect, they still do not recognize the scope they have in terms of business productivity.

7. Change as a condition. The situational is the expression of the conditional, new ways of doing things appear every day and collaborators must have strategies that allow them to recognize the impact that new global and regional trends will cause in the daily management of the organization. It will be a great challenge for organizations that intend to survive to recognize the dynamic aspects of their business management, identify the necessary practices and adjectives, establish new learning models and resolve the great doubts that generate initiatives that do not pay off in the short term. Change will become a map that collaborators must learn to readand they will be the ones who will identify that the organization is stagnant and requires fast and necessary movements, the urgency appears to create strategies that ensure the long term of the organization, we know by heart the history of companies that were successful a couple of years but after that nothing new appeared. The change also implies identifying who should stay and who should leave, as suggested by Jeanie Daniel, it is the talents who will be able to jointly identify the winning and differentiating strategies for the market, it is no longer enough to survive, it is necessary to put all the potential into operation of the organization to achieve amazing results.Employees will also have to evolve and they will discover that the organization is just one more station in their professional life and that challenges will continue to await them in other business environments perhaps more demanding than the current one.

8. Technological skills.Integrate into daily management the ability to rely on resources and technological tools to promote connectivity in the organization. The new world of organizations is impossible to explain without the internet, Tom Peters suggests. The presence stopped being local to become global and as McLuhan anticipated, now we can speak of the global village. Just thinking of a company that does not have a website would be thinking of an organization that does not exist, the design, implementation and use of models and technological tools are what make the difference in the management of the organization. Social networks have gone from being spaces dedicated to leisure and fun to powerful strategies for market penetration and low-cost advertising. Emails, laptops,mobile communications and all the plethora of alternatives that we are not even able to name are rapidly taking over management andforce to change the way and style of doing business. Geography is no longer a barrier, nor is language a barrier, and this has led to free trade being in the hands of young people who have risked breaking down borders and bringing everything possible and the incredible to our homes. It is no longer necessary to have an office, businesses become a virtual cloud, everything happens there. This competition could drive out of the market many companies whose executives are unable to incorporate the pioneering spirit into their management. In this world, words take on new and powerful meanings, connectivity is the key and none of us will want to lose it. On this subject, its potential is just beginning to be glimpsed and the interest and the government's desire to include new users to the network every day is understood, is the possibility of competitiveness.

9. Integrity and Reputation.Evidence with their behaviors and actions the legality and legality beyond all belief in order to operationalize the corporate values. At least for our country (Colombia), this is a time of crisis that does not seem to end, however the corporations at the world level have not set the required example either. The permanent search for greater utility at the cost of fair taxation, or the non-legal commissions that are delivered in the hiring processes or perhaps the unclear handling when hiring collaborators, among many other examples and situations, invite reflect deeply on the ethical dimension in the organization. Promulgated and promoted values ​​sometimes appear as occasional ghosts that are wielded at the time of accountability.It is then about facing the challenge of temptation, of the risk that we run when promoting behaviors that are on the edge. Values ​​are the expression of what becomes non-negotiable, it refers to what is exhaustive that invites us to recognize the path that must be traveled. As Blanchard says in Gung Ho, thedestination is negotiable, the values ​​do not admit curved lines, in this sense it is necessary that the management has clarity of the testimony that offers with its actions to the clients and collaborators, especially; It is intended to review the coherence between saying and doing in such a way that the organizational praxis has some guiding principles that support the corporate identity. The requirement of legality, neatness and legality cannot be subject to the burden of proof, to damning evidence, on the contrary, this competence is intended to shield the company and its work teams from any suspicion and in this sense power show a management where the only thing that does not fit is doubt. It will have to go a long way to consolidate young professionals in the required competence, however, it is an urgent task.The criterion is formed and is then a possible mission.

10. Trust and Credibility. Develop competencies aimed at strengthening character and knowledge in behaviors and relationships with suppliers and customers. I believe that this challenge will be a real opportunity for the managers of the organizations to grow personally as they integrate and assimilate the contents of what it means to develop trust in the work team. As expressed by S. Covey in "Confidence Factor" costs can go up or down for the organization if trust is strengthened in relationships with customers, suppliers and collaborators. The bridge of trust is linked to that of credibility, we can almost say that one conditions the other, in this sense it is necessary to increase the levels of credibility in people, teams and the organization. The consequences of showing this competence in organizational behavior will undoubtedly bethe ability to affirmatively answer the three questions that Kaplan and Norton ask in their initial BSC book, such questions are: Is this a company worth buying? Where is it worth working? worth investing ?.To develop trust and credibility is to position the principles that sustain managerial management, it is to have the opportunity to be judged based on the actions and in this way to consolidate the managerial experience every day as a learning that is translated into actions capable of contributing in a significant way in the fulfillment of the goals and tasks of the work teams.

Finally, assuming that these competencies are only one among many and that much more can be preached about each of them, it seems appropriate to invite all those who have managerial responsibilities to judiciously review the content of each of these competencies that Undoubtedly, they will be in the very near future and in some cases they already are, part of the new managerial dynamics that will mobilize organizations towards new realities that will govern corporate destiny.

10 New challenges for strategic management