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How to set up a quality and customer service department


In today's world, economic, political and social changes are becoming faster and more complex, and in the tourist sector, a client is appreciated and is becoming more demanding, so quality structures must adapt and become more flexible.



Prepare a project of a Change Model that responds to a work problem present in an organization, which must include as essential elements:

1. Identify the unwanted situation.

2. Diagnosis of the variables involved in each of the processes and moments that must underpin the model of change.

3. Include the methods and tools used in the model.

4. Define the expected results.

5. Other aspects of interest.

I. Presentation of the problem to be solved.

In today's world, economic, political and social changes are becoming faster and more complex, and in the tourist sector, a client is appreciated and is becoming more demanding, so quality structures must adapt and become more flexible. This involves consciously managing quality and "structuring" that work throughout the management cycle: planning, execution and control. For this reason, it is more important than the person or persons that will comprise it, its content, role and place in the organization and the conviction of the new work approach must be clear.

This is to ensure that quality is not a function or attribute only, but is conceived as a planned, effective system that coordinates the activity of the different areas to achieve the most important principle: satisfy and exceed customer expectations. internal and external.

In this sense, this study is carried out at the Meliá Habana Hotel, a 5-star category, administered and marketed by the Spanish Hotel Chain Sol Meliá, founded on September 30, 1998 by Commander-in-Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Its main issuing markets are: Spain, Cuba, Italy, Mexico, Greece, France, Argentina and the USA and according to the number of stays within our main clients are Iberojet, Monogram, CVT Alpitour, Blue Panorama, Cubana de Aviación, CVT TUI, Viñales, Travelplan, Sol y Son Los Viajes and Sol y Son Argentina.

The project and design of the Hotel is purely Cuban, by the Architect Abel García Puerto, where the use of the position of the sun to integrate it into the decoration and setting of the Hotel Lobby were conceived as the main characteristics in its construction.

With its 9 years of operation this hotel is considered a relatively young company and in general its operation is complex not only for its own corporate purpose (service), but for its expectations as an entity (mission and vision) as it aims to position itself, in a business area and a competitive environment, such as the hotel preferred by men in this sector, due to its constructive characteristics (large number of rooms, points of sale, the largest swimming pool in the city, large expanse of noble and green areas, other added values ​​such as SSRR, gym, hairdresser, parking, medical services, business center, etc.) for its organizational structure (diversity of areas and departments that comprise it), for the particularities of its staff and the personological characteristics of its managers,their professional training and management issues and some instability in the central management (the hotel since its inception has had 4 General Directors, 5 Deputy Directors and the presence of several Foreign Advisors in the areas of Floors, Administration, Kitchen and A + B).

When performing an analysis of the work processes in this company, it can be seen that the current structure does not facilitate the execution and interconnection of these, since it is by its nature rigid, as opposed to the dynamic nature of the new processes, therefore It is proposed to redesign its "structure", which must change if it is intended to apply a Systemic Approach to its management, therefore, after carrying out the analysis and mapping of the processes, the need for the creation of a quality department that facilitate and integrate this activity in the organization.

In this way, a new change in the organization must be planned, executed and controlled: The creation of the Quality and Customer Service Department, which consists of merging the areas of Quality and Public Relations, in order to further exploit the potential of communication that public relations maintain with customers and commit them to the end result of Quality.

This proposal must also take into account that Public Relations, despite having historically carried out the application of customer surveys, has not standardized its level of subordination equally in all facilities, nor does it feel involved in the final solutions of the customer complaints, but you could take further advantage of their language skills and communication facilities to enhance continuous product improvement.

For the creation of a new philosophy that causes change, the Organization must be considered as a "biological organism", as a system of dynamic processes that do not allow subordination to rigid structures, but these must be designed according to their dynamics and for this the top management must promote principles and working methods that correspond to the new strategic design.

II. Theoretical model that supports the proposed solution.

The proposal that is made assumes in the theoretical order the scheme of the “Shewart-

Deming Diagram ” of continuous improvement, for which the different Stages that respond to the needs of our Hotel Meliá Habana are designed.

Change model design.

Design of the planned change using internal change agents, who will lead the transit in the members of the new department and throughout the Melia Habana, radiating new values, skills, and behavior.

I) Awareness (starting criteria).

- Training Tools on Organizational Culture and Total Quality.

• Leadership.

• Cultural change.

• Communication.

• Total Customer Focus.

• Strategic Planning.

• Principles of Quality.

• High Management Diploma (Directors)

- Variables:

• Preparation of the Personnel for the change • Leadership Style

• Environment.

Organizational Philosophy: It is the set of beliefs and values ​​that distinguish or differentiate an Organization and constitutes the essential part of its Strategic Planning, this is manifested through its Organizational Culture.

Organizational Culture: It is the real behavior of the members of an Organization that is promoted through the rules and procedures described, in correspondence with the values ​​that they want to promote.

Cultural Change: it is the redesign of norms and procedures based on the values ​​identified by the Strategic Planning, to achieve the proper behavior of its members in favor of the established objectives.

Establishing an effective process towards a new Organizational Culture requires adequate preparation by the top management, which must lead this process. It also implies a great effort and an adequate financial outlay that adequately establishes the strategically planned priorities, that ensure the quality of the Product and the operation's assurance.

Management must therefore assume a creative role, which fosters the harmony and flexibility of processes, must be capable of developing new ideas and breaking old paradigms, of being ready for change and continuous learning that leads to the optimal exploitation of resources with a perspective of teamwork and group goals, in which each collaborator contributes to the success of the designed actions, as well as to the optimal state of the results that are desired.

A new Organizational Culture must be accompanied by the commitment of the highest Management to Total Quality so that it is sustainable, and one of the ways to put it into practice is the creation of this Quality and Customer Service Department.

Development-oriented leadership: Values ​​experimentation, seeks new ideas, and generates and implements change, Originates new approaches to problems, and encourages members to start new activities.

It is essential, therefore, that the Systemic Approach prevails in each of the planned actions, this analysis visualizes each one of the processes that intervene in the management and how they can affect Customer satisfaction through our entire system of offers and services, from access to our advertising to final consumption of the Product at destination, taking into account uninterrupted changes in your tastes and demands, as well as the appearance of new clients with different preferences and travel reasons.

Although it is important to maintain the correct economic and financial control to achieve the optimum efficiency that guarantees a greater profit margin, an adequate analysis is not always followed that allows matching the economic efficiency with the effectiveness of the operation and that both are designed in perfect harmony with Customer satisfaction and subsequent loyalty.

For all these reasons, we have planned a first Awareness Stage to understand these principles that will enable us to effectively undertake this important process that the Management of the Meliá Habana Hotel must lead.

III) Commitment.

- Formal commitment of the maximum Management of the Hotel with the creation of this new structure.

This stage is of utmost importance since it is the moment when the New Approach of the Organization and the formal Commitment of Management are declared, both with the proper functioning of the Department and mission, and with its monitoring and continuous improvement.

IV) Diagnosis.

- Evaluation of the current situation of the Organization

This stage, therefore, aims to assess how the Organization is, which allows identifying strong and weak points that affect the activity, as well as knowing the harmonic and synchronous elements that exist associated with the organizational culture in each of these areas., through the application of some tools that allow us this type of information and then make the Strategic Planning that guides performance towards the desired future state.

The following Diagnostic Tools will be used for this Diagnosis phase:

- Self-diagnosis of the Installation according to the Audit and Quality Control Process.

- Results of Quality Audits (Sol Meliá, Cubanacán, ONN, MINTUR, etc).

- Hygiene, Safety and Environment Standards.

- Categorization Norms 126 and 127.

- Other norms that regulate the Hotel Operation (ISO 18001. Occupational Health and Safety; ISO 14000 Environmental Management System.

- Client Surveys.

- Economic Balance.

- Tour Operator

Surveys. - Surveys. of Employees "Satisfied Responds"

- Mistery Guest

- Organizational climate study techniques

- Sol Meliá Listen

- Open Doors with Management

- Marketing Plan.

- Business breakfasts with the Director.

- Our Dining Room Today.

- Workers' opinions mailbox.

- Meliá Habana warns.

- Sol Meliá Distinguish.

- Meliá Habana Apoya.


- Physical conditions of the facility

- Elements that influence the Environment

- Staff performance and integration

- Employee


- Customer satisfaction - Economic indicators of the company

- Motivation and commitment of the staff

- Type of resistance to change are revealed by having what to assume the change Resistance (Internal):

• Loss of status (position in the organizational structure)

• Variation of your job content

• The expectation created by the knowledge that the worker must incorporate into his work content, that is, not knowing how to carry out a task, as a result of not knowing how to carry it out or not knowing how to respond to the diversity of the same (fragmented vision of the content of work).

Resistance (External):

• Identify the Public Relations Group within the quality activity and assume it with a different name (Customer Service).

V) Planning

Strategic Planning: It is the action of identifying the values ​​and beliefs that prevail or that you want to promote in an Organization, a premise from which the Vision or Desired Future State is designed and its policies, processes and resources are ordered to obtain certain objectives in the time that lead to the Total Quality of your Product. It is a powerful tool for correct decision-making by top management.

- Design of the new Organizational and Strategic Culture.

Strategic planning.

Organization Values:

• Quality- Price: Offer our clients the best balance between quality and price.

• Personalized service: Give a personalized service taking care of detail with kindness, efficiency and friendliness.

• Austerity, work, simplicity and humility: Promote the criteria of intense work, austerity and humility.

• Continuous improvement: Develop in the work a spirit of continuous improvement to reach its maximum development.

• Training - Promotion: Recycle staff through ongoing training, facilitating their promotion.

• Family business: Use the favorable environment of a family business to promote the convergence of company interests with staff and customers.

• Lead by example: Constantly lead by example from the highest level of the organization.

• Delegate: Delegate functions.

• Enhance responsibility: Enhance the highest sense of responsibility.

• Control: Establish the necessary controls and adequate supervision.

III.- Proposed solution: Creation of the Quality and Customer Service Department at the "Meliá Habana" Hotel.

It is defined as your:

- Vision: We will be the favorite urban hotel located in the future financial heart of the city, where, in a tropical environment, our personalized service and technological advances will make the difference

- Mission: We are a Sol Melia urban hotel, which sells enthusiasm, elegance and security, for leisure and business clients, who achieve their satisfaction through the careful treatment of our team of professionals in permanent training, thus guaranteeing the success of our organization..

- Goals:

• Achieve high levels of Economic Efficiency and decrease costs.

• Prepare trainings, courses, workshops or others of interest in those chosen topics and in direct relation to quality (Training and transmission of Know-how, Workshops and courses to the departments).

• Carry out studies that expand the aspects that are currently registered in the Non-Quality Costs tool.

• Implement the “S” mark Health, Safety and Satisfaction.

• Increase communication with external clients (Interviews, Surveys, etc.) and internal (Mural, Bulletins, Surveys of work environment, Loose).

• Prepare the hotel's internal website

• Refine the hotel standards

• Carry out a re-induction process for all hotel workers with a view to improving the level of information.

• Carry out benchmarketing visits to surrounding hotels and the competition.

• Validation of the Sol Meliá Cuba quality model. • Prepare a comprehensive program of Soul and Magic.

• Present the Cubanacán Company Quality Award.

• Start the implementation of the HACCP system.

• Continue training for handlers and managers to improve food safety.

• Work rationally, bearing in mind that the client is our reason for being.

• Provide an affable and courteous treatment to all our clients and to those who visit us.

• Implement an Environmental Management System

• Continue working to increase the sense of belonging

- Strategies used to achieve greater market penetration:

• Philosophy of competitive prices, high volumes • Positioning in the overnights segment.

• Positioning in the Business and Events segments, taking advantage of its excellent location in front of the Miramar Business Center and a short distance from the Convention Center and Pabexpo.

• Consolidation of overnights operations, circuits and delayed flights through Receptivos Nacionales.

• Optimization of its Executive Plants.

• Freezing of general tariffs and touring tariffs in most markets in both Winter and Summer.

• Support from the Solmelia, MSM Cuba and Sol Caribe Tours offices for their sales management.

• Commercial actions such as Sales Blitz, FAM Groups, Co-marketing, etc. in the main markets.


- Definition of Relevant Markets

• Our Relevant Markets continue to be Spain, Italy and Argentina. Especially Spain, which we intend to consolidate even more by increasing market share considering that we recently opened an office.

• Others like Argentina that must continue growing, having found the recovery of its economy and at the same time that we have an ally Solways, a company that belongs to the Sol Meliá group.

• With Italy we must begin to recover the decrease in Presstours thanks to the incorporation of circuits such as Ventaglio and reinforce the operation of the Bravo Club.

• We intend to strengthen the segment of incentive groups and tourist groups

- Definition of Segments in each Relevant Market

• In general, the main segment in each relevant market continues to be the Tour Operator, in the case of the group and Incentives segment, countries such as Turkey stand out, and Iceland, Spain and Argentina, our main markets which, due to their behavior during 2007, will have the highest priority in terms of efforts to increase sales.

- Positioning Strategies

• Hotel Location: City Center, surrounded by shops, pharmacies, bank, travel agencies, cinemas and theaters.

• Size and width of the rooms.

• Meeting rooms with equipment for conferences and congresses.

• Great variety of points of sale and specialized restaurants with unique offers in the city. (Panoramic Sierra Maestra Restaurant)

• Executive floor for businessmen

- Communication strategies in each Relevant Market

• Door to door visits to retailers and main TTOOs. Product presentations, delivery of brochures and gifts that identify and remember the hotel.

• Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey and Scandinavia: May, June and September.

• Argentina and Chile: October.

• Keep the website updated.

• Insertion in specialized press.

• Participation through the Corporate in International Fairs.

• Promote co-marketing with main TTOOs, according to their behavior.

- Strategic Action Plan.

The design of a Service Strategy allows to establish, at a competitive level, an organizational culture, strongly oriented to service. Positioning Strategy through the Potentialization of the following attributes:

- Resource allocation.

• One of the best hotels in Havana City.

• Being managed by Sol Melia one of the most important hotel chains in the world.

• Location in the area of ​​new commercial and business development of the city, in front of the Miramar Trade Center, the Comodoro Commercial Gallery, near the Palace of Conventions and Pabexpo.

• Link with Cuban culture through the gallery-exhibition of works of art in areas of the Lobby and Basement of the Hotel, development of activities with renowned figures of art and national culture, as well as the names of the Suites and lounges of the Service All real alluding to recognized personalities of the national culture.

• Combination of hotel stays with stays in other tourist centers in the country: Varadero and Cayos.

• City declared a World Heritage Site with a rich history, culture and architecture

• Free transportation for clients to the historic center of the City.

• Personalized and excellent service.

• Wide range of rooms.

• Recognition and prestige achieved in the celebration of events and banquets.

• The Royal Service recognized by many as the best in Havana City.

• Wide variety and quality in restaurant services.

• Medical care 24 hours.

• Casa del Habano, paradise for lovers of cigars.

• Wide open spaces, lush gardens and the largest pool area in Havana City.

• New, modern, unique five-star hotel in the area, located in front of the sea.

• Safe and hospitable destination, friendly, educated people with high health standards.

• Nearby tourist and ecological points: Varadero, Trinidad, Viñales, La Moka, Soroa.

• Natural beach 25 minutes from the Hotel.

• Facilities for practicing water sports and others near the hotel (Club Habana, Marina Heminway).

• Close to the main nightclubs in the city: Tropicana, La Macumba, El Rincón del Bolero, Casa de la Música de Miramar.

• Close to renowned restaurants such as El Algibe, Dos Gardenias, La Cecilia, El Tocororo, Don Cangrejo, La Ferminia, Rancho Palco.

• National Aquarium located 800 m from the Hotel.

• Daily excursions to Cayo Largo and Cayo Coco.

• Gym with sauna and massage service.

• Special services and added values ​​for honeymoons.

• Business Center open every day, with Internet service, cell phone rental, fax, photocopies

• Internet connection from all rooms.

• Very spacious rooms with a beautiful decoration and modern design, most with ocean views.

VI) Action.

1.- Design or Redesign of the Quality activity, Customer Assistance Line, Public Relations and Wedding Services:

1.a) Reorientation and design of the Quality Department, Customer Assistance Line, Public Relations and Wedding Services:

- Creation of a Multidisciplinary Group.

1.b) Design of Processes and Procedures:

- Preparation of the Process Management Manual.

- Procedures for coordination between departments or process interrelation.

1.c) Redesign of the Structure in favor of the Process Approach.

- The distribution of functions for each of the jobs:

POSITION: Head of Quality and Customer Service


• Responsible, in coordination with the Department of Human Resources, for the selection of personnel approved by the Directorate to work under their charge.

• Plans, organizes, executes and controls the quality processes designed in the Quality Program.

• Inform with the periodicity established by the Management about the implementation of the Quality Program.

• Plans, organizes and / or executes and controls the supervision, inspections and service and physical certifications of all areas of the Hotel.

• Prepares, with the systematicity that the Management decides, reports of the opportunities for improvement detected in the supervisions, inspections and certifications.

• Coordinate and participate with the departments and areas of the Hotel in the preparation and execution of corrective and preventive action plans.

• Designs, in coordination with the Training Specialist, the training strategy on the subject, and suggests -from the detection of opportunities for improvement- in which areas should be trained.

• Plans, organizes and controls the results of internal quality audits.

• Develops studies on the needs and expectations of clients and their correspondence with the requirements of the services offered and their quality.

• Conserve and constantly update the Quality records that may show results, indicators and evidence of the work carried out in the different areas.

• Registers, responds, preserves and develops systematic analysis of all complaints, claims and / or suggestions from clients who arrive by any means at the Hotel.

• Development of motivational campaigns with workers based on the involvement and commitment associated with the quality of the service.

• Develops service quality evaluations from the clients' perspective.

• Plans, coordinates, executes and controls, together with those responsible for areas, the design and implementation of procedures and standards with a process focus.

• Disseminate content of the activity as well as the best experiences through Quality Murals, newsletters, etc.

• Guides and controls the application of corporate questionnaires, their processing and analyzes their results.

• Participate in events, meetings or activities of interest for the perspective development of the activity.

• Advise and organize the presentation process for quality awards or certifications.

• Designs in the induction process the service attitude and quality strategy of the Hotel.

• Develops training actions in quality tools or topics related to the project groups, improvement or selected teams.

• Coordinates and collaborates with the departments involved, and especially with Human Resources, in the design of a human resources management policy that enables internal customer satisfaction vis-à-vis the external customer. It develops studies on the needs and expectations of internal clients (through specific surveys, Sol Meliá Listens Breakfasts, mailboxes, interviews, etc.) and their correspondence with the working conditions and facilities provided.

• Participate with the areas involved in the design of new offers and services.

• It guarantees with the different areas, in the hotels in opening and before its start-up, that all the facilities and services are ready, evaluating them from the clients' point of view.

• Collaborate in the implementation and supervision of the hygiene and health care measures and programs projected according to a contract with the Safety Group.

• Plan your training, benchmarking and personal preparation.

POSITION: Quality Assistant


• Collaborate in the design and improvement of all hotel processes.

• Keep the Hotel Process Manual updated.

• Manage all the Certification processes.

• Perform certifications, supervision and audits of all processes, analyzing and subsequently communicating the deviations detected.

• Statistical analysis of customer feedback tools.

• Update all internal communication media (murals, bulletins, etc.) with workers.

• Participate in improvement group meetings.

• Collaborate in the preparation of the monthly and annual summary that the department must issue.

• Based on feedback from both internal and external clients, carry out specific investigations and communicate their results.

• Perform regular phone tag checks.

• Monitoring of action plans derived from internal and external control tools.

• Update the SISCAL quality system regarding certifications, audits, telephone labels and improvement group agreements. • Support in all department tasks.

POSITION: Specialist in Hygiene and Environment


• Design, facilitate the implementation and control the cleaning and disinfection program for kitchens, restaurants and bars.

• Collaborate in the design of the processes according to the HACCP system.

• Supervise the cleaning and hygiene of kitchens, restaurants, bars and swimming pools fundamentally.

• Enforce the rules of uniformity and hygiene in food handling, as well as in direct service to customers.

• Hygienic control of food during the reception, storage, preparation and transportation of the same.

• Perform regular controls of drinking water, evacuation and treatment of excreta, waste water and pool water.

• Carry out sanitary controls of solid waste in the storage, collection and transportation phases.

• Establish procedures to identify environmental aspects and those with significant impacts. Document and keep this information updated.

• Documentation of the environmental management system and its periodic updating.

• Ensure that measurement and monitoring equipment is used and kept calibrated and verified.

• Carry out periodic internal audits to determine whether the environmental management system is in accordance with the planned and communicated provisions.

• Follow up on actual and potential problems detected in audits, as well as propose corrective and preventive actions for their solution.

• Keep updated all the records that have to do with hygiene and the environment, according to the regulations in force in the country.

• Personalized attention to all sanitary and environmental inspections carried out by organizations outside the hotel.

• Carry out training actions on hygienic-epidemiological and environmental content.

• Establish and implement internal and external communication related to hygienic-epidemiological and environmental aspects.

• Advise management on hygienic-epidemiological and environmental aspects.

POSITION: Customer Service Center


• Specialized attention and follow-up until its solution of all requests and requests for information by customers over the phone.

• Updating of the SISCAL quality system regarding the menu of the Customer Service Center.

• Preparation of all work communication for the day, as well as important information for clients (press, weather, list of entries and exits, pending issues from the previous day, etc.)

• Printing and preparation of all letters of welcome and farewells for customers.

• Processing of all surveys.

• Collaborate in translations of information aimed at customers.

• Registration and updating of the SISCAL quality system in terms of non-quality costs for compensation and claims.

• Respond to complaints, online surveys and letters received from customers.

• Carry out once the clients have entered the hotel the Welcome and promotion call of the CAC.

• Carry out a summary of the day with all incidents occurred for the use of the department head.

• Updating of all existing files in the department.

• Update the database of repeat customers.

• Review all incidents and follow up with clients in need of personal contact.

• Update all records of medical consultations, as well as sick clients at the hotel and give personalized follow-up.

• Review all records of entries to select customers who are years old.

• Review all requests in order to update possible customer service (VIP, TTOO, referring customers, etc.)

• Manage all service to these special customers.

• Supervise compliance with hospitality in rooms.

• Collaborate as interpreter and communicator in the solution of conflicts and problems related to clients in the hotel.

POSITION: Wedding Coordinator

FUNCTIONS: According to Job description

• Participate in the welcome and farewell of the majority of clients.

• Provide information to representatives about events, events and / or changes in hotel activities and services.

• Contact representatives daily in order to know customer satisfaction.

• Collaborate with the Commercial department in the attention to visitors (TTOO, AAVV, journalists, FAM groups, etc.)

• Participate in investigations related to customer services.

• Distribute all farewell letters to clients.

• Permanently develop opinion studies of internal and external clients.

• Develop daily tours that allow you to detect opportunities for improvement and causes of customer dissatisfaction.

• Participate in internal audits and diagnoses.

• Manage all activities carried out by management with repeat customers.

• Serve as coordinator of weddings and honeymoons in hotels where the position does not exist, complying with the processes designed for this segment.

• Carry out a summary of the day with all incidents occurred for the use of the department head.

• Support in all department tasks.

• Preliminary Training Plan

- Training Plan for jobs, Procedures prepared for Sol Meliá Cuba Operations or those of the facility - THEORETICAL - PRACTICAL.

- Preparation of Checklists by job position. (Before, During and After each work shift).

Check list. Areas.

1. Clean floors, without stains and good preservation of the slabs.

2.Clean walls and ceilings.

3.Clean grids.

4.Clean doors without marks.

5. Clean crystals without marks.

6. Clean, spotless, smooth and well-preserved curtains.

7. Plants and flowers in good condition.

8. Flower pots clean, without garbage and in good condition.

9. Clean, dust-free furniture, lamps and decorations.

10. Ashtrays in good condition and clean (not more than three butts) 11. Lamps in good condition and in good working order.

12. Pleasant temperature.

13.Pleasant smell.

14.Correct lighting.

15. Well maintained and clean fire extinguishers.

Check list. Area bathrooms

1. Correct lighting.

2. Soap dispenser (minimum ¼ capacity) 3. Correct operation of the hand dryer.

4. Enough toilet paper in each toilet.

5. Clean litter bin with plastic bags.

6. Clean toilets.

7. Protector and cover of clean toilets. 8. Clean wall-mounted urinals

9. Clean mirrors.

10. Clean worktop.

11. Hot water in the sink.

12. Clean floor, without stains and good preservation of the slabs.

13. Clean ceilings and walls.

14. Clean doors, without marks and in good condition.

15. Clean grids.

16. Pleasant smell.

17. Pleasant temperature.

18. Plants in good condition.

Operating procedure. Use of Logs


Area: Food and Drinks


The blog, the most important instrument of communication between the Points of sale and the A&B Dilection and will allow fluid information in both directions that will allow the operation to be followed up.


• The use of the log is daily and mandatory

• The log must remain throughout the operation at the point of sale.

• It will be the guiding tool to keep track of sales, budget, number of covers, collaborators, make the check list for opening shifts, maintenance orders, missing breakages, the most important observations and customer complaints.

• The log must be filled daily by the Head of area, captain or substitute in his Point of Sale effect and must be left at the end of the last shift at the desk of the General Directorate.

• The A&B management will review at the beginning of the following day, following up on the items indicated.

• The blog must return to the point of sale with the signature of the A&B Director and the Maitre.

2.- Philosophy and Human Resources Management.

Staff pick.

By having our service standards defined, we are practically designing the type of employee you need to have in order to achieve the expected results in the shortest possible time.

Therefore, a profile must be designed for each job, which describes all the essential personal and technical values ​​that an employee must possess, to achieve the standards that must be achieved in each specific job.

Hence, all the requirements that must be met are determined with extreme care, as well as applying intelligence and personality test techniques that help determine if the candidate has those characteristics that are hidden in the personality of each person, but that are It is very important to know them to know if they correspond to the demands of their subsequent performance.

There are other aspects that can be evaluated with the naked eye in interviews with the candidate and which are as important as intelligence and personality. We refer to personal appearance, the form of expression in communication; both verbally and bodily (manners), smiling, etc., this is of utmost importance, since we must remember that there are aspects that at a certain age are very difficult to form (Example: posture, smile, gait, manners, diction, etc.), for which we must guarantee that he meets a minimum of conditions that show him fit for the position for which he opts, the skills that he must develop in his work will be subsequently trained.

The Head of the Department in question, together with the designated Human Resources Commission, must participate in the selection of candidates, since the Head of the area can appreciate very specific aspects of the person that are important to consider for the subsequent performance of the position.

Hence the importance of knowing our standards well, to know at a glance the type of employee that our Organization needs and to take into account that each position requires specific characteristics that must be well defined by Human Resources in their Profile Manuals. Position, which must be prepared in a collegial way with the controls of the different work areas of the facilities.

- Training and Job Training Plan.

- Versatility.

- Induction Manual: Employee Information Program on:

- Chain (Sol Meliá, Cubanacán)

- The installation.

- The environment.

The country.

- Error prevention system.

- Performance evaluation (for each position).

- Employee satisfaction and stimulation policy.

3.- Feedback.

a) Measurement of Employee Satisfaction through "Satisfied Responds"

b) Measurement of Customer Satisfaction through Corporate Surveys and interviews.

VII) Follow-up

Expected results:

One variable that can be explained is the analysis of the indicators:

• Surveys of internal and external clients

• Daily measurements (Example telephone label, etc.)

• Checks are carried out

• Work is carried out on performance evaluation

• Deadline for evaluating the operation of the project (put until% of implementation is the new structure)

• Application of checklists to each job.

• Supervision: Evaluation and training of employees.

• Application of internal and external customer satisfaction feedback tools.

VIII) Control and Measurement of compliance with the operation of the new structure:

The Control of the operation of the new structure of the Quality and Customer Service department, basically consists of the continuous monitoring of each and every one of the aspects included in this model, as we have been explaining this process works constantly and does not stop, this is precisely the formula that ensures its success, if we don't worry, it returns everything to the starting point.

This Control is executed at all levels of work:

1. At the Employee level:

- Self-control and teamwork.

2. At the Intermediate Command level.

- Supervision and training on the job.

- Review of the measures of the Strategic Plan.

- Review and modification of procedures.

- Review of compliance with each stage.

- Review of the feedback results.

- Follow-up of the Corrective Measures Plans of the Diagnostic Tools.

- Review of the results of the "Satisfied Responds"

- Review and analysis of the Economic and Financial results.

3. At the management level.

- Review of the feedback results.

- Analysis of the number of complaints received.

- Analysis of the figures of the costs of Non-Quality.

- Analysis of daily incidents.

- Review of the Process Manual.

October 2011. Havana, Cuba.

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How to set up a quality and customer service department