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The educational lag as a barrier to business entrepreneurship

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Education is the most powerful weapon of society that can promote human development, although it is also important that society has a job to ensure that individuals obtain the conditions to lead a dignified life and to contribute to the economic development of the country and at the same time having the opportunities to create innovative expectations to achieve permanence or growth in the workplace.

On the contrary, the phenomenon of educational backwardness is known, as a result of educational inequality in the population and that refers according to INEA (2016) to:

“Population aged 15 years and over who cannot read or write and / or who have not started or finished their primary and secondary education” (1). This leads to the unemployment rate that exists, since many times the profile is not available to perform a position, which stops the development of people's skills and at the same time limits the development of business entrepreneurship, which according to Seminar (s / f) says:

"It is the set of attitudes and skills that are necessary to overcome an inherent paradigm in a given situation or in this way create, develop or improve projects that allow taking a step beyond the known" (6).

Consequently, these two terms are analyzed as well as the relationship between them and the impact they have on the development of society, both positive and negative.


Educational lag in Mexico

Returning to the above, the educational lag is a strong factor that is being faced in the country thanks to institutions that are in charge of serving this population in order to reduce the lag rates and eliminate educational inequality since the main cause that originates this factor is the family's economic situation. According to INEGI (s / f) it says:

There is a population of 33.3 million men and women aged 15 years and over, representing 53.1% of that age group, who have not managed to join or remain in the National Educational System and complete compulsory basic education, such as secondary school.. (5)

Likewise, Rojas (2014) mentions: “In Mexico, between 400 and 500 thousand people are added each year to the ranks of illiteracy and educational lag, since around 800 thousand students abandon their basic education studies” (4). Consequently INEGI (s / f) mentions:

A population group that lacks formal construction or has not managed to complete basic education can be considered vulnerable, because it does not have the same opportunities to be inserted in social development; and in this way contribute to the knowledge of one of the educational challenges that the country faces. (10); This means that the educational lag has an impact on the human development of the country that is not very favorable, for this reason the INEA has the great task of promoting the development of capacities and offering this population index the same opportunities to create and achieve social well-being and referring to the business environment the ease of being able to develop entrepreneurship in individuals, for which Rojas (2014) says:

At the end of 2018, the INEA will seek to have taught reading and writing to 2.2 million people and for more than 5 million additional people to complete their primary and secondary education. The goal is to reach the attention of seven million Mexicans. (7)

The entrepreneur is born or made

Something similar happens with entrepreneurship as it is a phenomenon in the country that is being experienced, in some cases I exist and others do not, this because many entrepreneurs have the capacities and qualities to innovate but very little will to be able to achieve their objectives. For this reason, the question arises if an entrepreneur is born or is it made ?, since failure can be visualized in some and total success in other attempts of entrepreneurs, returning to the question, Barrón (2017) says:

It may be a little of the former and a lot of the latter. A person can be born with qualities that facilitate or help him to carry out and create different ventures, however, many of the most successful entrepreneurs are those who have learned to undertake. (3)

On the other hand, the author Morales (2014) mentions: “Entrepreneurship is a job to do throughout life with the accumulated knowledge, attitudes, skills and values ​​that can be supported by the home, school and government. successful ventures »(1).

It is also necessary to have an entrepreneurial spirit that according to Barrón (2017) says: “It is a vital element for the development and creation of a successful business” (1). And at the same time he mentions: "The entrepreneurial spirit depends both on innate qualities and on the capacities that are developed along the way" (7).

In addition, the importance of successful entrepreneurship represents a great importance for the country, since according to Zibaoui (2014) it says: “It plays an important role in contributing to capital formation, creating job opportunities, reducing concentration of economic powers, encourages creation and promotes general economic growth ”(3). Important data to promote the elimination of educational lag.

Education in business entrepreneurship

To achieve the training of entrepreneurs, motivation and the development of skills in the education stage are important, as the author Morales (2014) mentions: “If from our first steps in basic and secondary education we were motivated or promoted entrepreneurship as a style of life, we would have many successful entrepreneurs ”(1). In agreement with this author, Zibaoui (2014) says: “The role of education in the preparation of a new generation of entrepreneurs is the key” (6). This means that students must be provided with the tools to reach their potential and at the same time have knowledge of what to do after the completion of their academic training, since according to the author Borrón (2017) says: “All people may have entrepreneurial qualities, however,It is always necessary to exploit these capacities and have enough courage to take risks and leave the famous comfort zone ”(6).

It should be emphasized that basic education is a priority to take this step, since it is the means to start working with the term "entrepreneurship", so that the student population can create their own ideas and have the will and confidence in themselves to develop in a society a successful plan and at the same time achieve a satisfying life. On the contrary, those who do not have this opportunity are stagnant and there is no progress in the quality of life, being the educational lag a barrier for business entrepreneurship, so according to the author Zibaoui (2014) mentions: “There is a need urgent to foster and support the entrepreneurial spirit in a generation that has the knowledge to take advantage of the wealth of opportunities in the future ”(5).

A country with no educational lag and with entrepreneurship

The vision of a country with a minimum educational lag rate could be appreciated as a reward for successful business entrepreneurship, since the barrier that prevents being an entrepreneur would be destroyed, and the economic turn would have a favorable change since, according to Seminario (s / f) says: "Only through entrepreneurship can you be successful in crisis situations" (8). That is why Zibaoui (2014) provides:

Society must harness the creativity and potential of its young people. They must be given the support, the opportunity and the freedom to make their contribution. Holding on to outdated traditions is comfortable, but it can kill the genius of innovation. (eleven)

Taking into account the impact of the competent development of entrepreneurs, according to Seminar (s / f), he mentions: “Governments have understood very well the importance of entrepreneurship, so much so that they have started support programs for entrepreneurs, to help them in their purpose. to create ”(8).

Returning to the above, to achieve this vision, the cooperation of institutions, society and governments is important and to combat the educational lag in the population, because as mentioned above, it prioritizes eliminating this barrier since it should be emphasized that education is the impulse to interact and obtain training so that people can develop their internal knowledge to innovate, which will be the future of the country's development.


To conclude, the author Zibaoui (2014) says:

In the past, the various cultures and religions that emerged were able to cope with the changes. The descendants of these people are certainly capable of matching and exceeding these achievements, thus beginning a new stage of renewal. (12)

Many times they do not realize the impact that a factor can have on society, and that in turn can be found in a more adequate human development, but unfortunately for many there is conformity and they fear the risk of looking for something new and making a difference This independent of the educational lag that hides skills and prevents social growth, it is very important to recognize the value of entrepreneurship since at the same time it would be fighting the poverty rate and favoring the quality of life of people. Regarding education, it is known that it is the most important process for the development of the human being, achieving the development of skills, development, self-confidence, scope of skills and acquisition of opportunities to enrich their knowledge,Those who do not go through the formal education process do not have any of the above.

Having said this, the author Zibaoui (2014) mentions: “If we seek the qualitative transformation of our societies, we have to fight against the negative attitudes that are frustrating the youth. Feeding their effort, talent so that a meaningful job is naturally sought ”(13).


  • Barrón, P. (March 3, 2017). Is the entrepreneur born or made? RPP, Recovered from: https://amp.rpp.pe/branded-content/el-emprendedor-nace-o-se-haceINEA (2014). Educational backwardness. Recovered h ttp: //www.inea.gob.mx/index.php/serviciosbc/ineanumeros/rezago.html INEGI, (s / f). Educational lag in the Mexican population. Retrieved from: http://internet.contenidos.inegi.org.mx/contenidos/productos/prod_serv/contenidos/espanol/bvinegi/productos/historicos/2104/702825497538/702825497538_1.pdfMorales, A. (2014). Entrepreneurship is made or born. (Degree work). FITEC Technological University, Colombia.UMG14 Seminar. (S / f). Business Entrepreneurship. Recovered from Rojas, H. (December 5, 2014). Dropout in adult education. Future education, Retrieved from http://www.educacionfutura.org/tag/rezago-educativo Zibaoui, A. (March 18, 2014). Is the entrepreneur born or made? Ideas. Retrieved from http: //ideas.economi adigital.es/redirect/_el_emprendedor_nace_o_se_hace_1 52103_102. html
The educational lag as a barrier to business entrepreneurship