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3 Steps to quickly get out of stagnation in your online business

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One of the most crippling feelings for the entrepreneurial woman is that of feeling stagnant. Here I list several situations in your business that can lead you to feel like this, and I teach you 3 simple steps to get out of there quickly!

There is nothing more frustrating for the entrepreneurial woman than feeling stagnant with her business.

Maybe you do not even know that you are stagnant, because you would not define it with these words, but you feel frustrated, unmotivated and overwhelmed and you live with those feelings thinking that it is normal for a business.

You're stuck with your online business if you feel like:

  • You want to take your business to a higher level of income, but you don't dare, because you feel insecure about how your current customers will react. Your niche does not respond to your offers and does not seem to be as ideal as you initially thought. ideas, but you do not achieve the clarity necessary to establish an action plan to implement them. You have potential clients who state that they want to work with you, but, in the end, they do not hire you. Your current business model is overwhelming and stressing you, but you are not entering the money you want to earn.

If you identify with any of these symptoms, then it's time to take these 3 steps to get out of there:

1. Get out of the confusion

You will not be able to leave where you are if you are not clear about your situation. Be brutally honest with yourself. Analyze the five previous situations and choose the one that is affecting you the most and ask yourself what you must do to get out of there. Then make a step plan to get out of there.

For example, if you need clarity to establish an action plan, now is the right time to hire a mentor or mentor who has already gotten where you want to go.

You don't have to invent the wheel again, there are already proven strategies that you can copy!

2. Coach yourself

Has it ever happened to you that you are giving excellent advice to others on how to solve their problems and you realize that you should also follow them?

Many times it is easier for us to help others than ourselves, because we can analyze the problems of others more objectively. Our own situation seems to us to be a tangle of real circumstances mixed with emotions that we find difficult to control.

Put your mind in "neutral" and ignore the feelings evoked by those steps that you wrote down in the previous point. Write them down as if you were helping your best friend (or client).

3. Overcome fear

Once you have written down the steps necessary to get out of your impasse, you have a plan that gives you the clarity to move on.

Now is the time to address your fears and fears that are stopping you from taking action.

My favorite action right now is to remember that I am not alone in this. God is with me. He called me to do this and he won't leave me in the middle of the battle.

And my God is greater than any obstacle that can be crossed! What am I to fear?

3 Steps to quickly get out of stagnation in your online business