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Techniques to fight negative thoughts. self improvement conversation

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Hello Maritza, give me a big hug, what a joy to see you, almost 10 years without seeing each other and the worst without communicating.

- Hello Isabel, yes so long, you look good, you are slimmer, younger and more elegant, the truth is that you look radiant, you can tell that you have done well!

- Yes, I'm fine, says Isabel, I'm doing what I like and therefore happy and fulfilled. Now, let's get to the important thing, how are you? I was worried when I received your email, I have all the time you need to listen to you, before you were my listener, remember? Today I am here to see you, listen to you and help you. Tell me what happens?

- Maritza sighs and says, do you find me very fat and careless? Your hair looks shiny, silky, beautiful, mine is horrible, do I look very bad? it is not true?

- Isabel looks at her, takes her hand and says sweetly, I think that is how you look or want to see yourself, you have always been beautiful and today you are too. I find you sad, anxious.

- Well, says Maritza, everything has gone wrong for me, I have been out of work for three years, I got tired of searching, we finished or rather Eduardo ended up with me, do you remember? yes? Isabel nods her head.

- Maritza, you're still a little upset now. - He is married to Iris, they have a little girl, it makes me very angry when I see them, I can't help but wish them the worst. At home, my annoying presence, everyone says I'm lazy and they send me to look for work. They do not understand that it is not my fault that I am unemployed, I don't have the strength to get up, I feel sick and alone, my head hurts constantly and people make me angry. They talk pure nonsense, they exhaust me, they irritate me, well nobody understands me.

- Isabel, take the opportunity to intervene. I have sent you six emails and I lost count of the times I called you, why didn't you answer me?

- I really didn't feel like it, says Maritza, you've been lucky, you won a prize at games of chance. You can tell that you are doing well in everything and look at how I am, I have very bad luck and it is not my fault, it is fate. Above in the house they do not help me, they only criticize me when I ask for money, they humiliate me, they play deaf or almost throw it at me, I want so badly to get a big prize. All my problems would end, and I am tired of praying and offering orders for a miracle to happen, I no longer believe in anything. I called you because I don't want to continue like this, actually, I need your help. - Maritza cries silently, she looks exhausted, without strength, sad, confused, she looks at me and tells me you went through very bad and sad times, you lost all of your belongings, I remember that I saw you badly, then I don't know you got lost and today I see you better than beforenow you have something very special, you look bright, happy.

- Isabel smiles and says, thank you for having located me. I want to clarify that I have never been favored in a game of chance. And now I ask why do you want to change, do something or find the solution to your state? Do you have a special reason?

- Ugh. What a question! Says Maritza, she stays silent for a while, tears run down her cheeks, she sighs, raises her head and almost defying me she says to me - I don't have a special reason, I have many, I'm tired of being criticized at home, It distresses me to meet former colleagues and friends in the street, to see them accompanied and I always alone, I need to obtain my income and finally, why and how did you get ahead? I see that you are well I want it and I need it too.

- Well, friend, I have listened carefully to everything you have told me, I am sure I have the solution, says Isabel. First of all, I want to make it clear to you that there are no magic solutions, they do not exist, you should not wait for another or others to solve your problems, nothing and nobody will solve them, there is a tense silence, ONLY YOU AND NOBODY ELSE CAN SOLVE YOUR PROBLEMS. Maritza looks at me fixedly and says –And how you? Isabel, clear her voice and say. The solution to my condition was personal, I found a reason, a powerful force that took me out of the comfort and convenience zone, that prompted me to move and act with an inflexible purpose until I achieved the quality of life I desired.

Maritza, interrupts me and says - how? I don't understand anything! Isabel continues, when I was sunk, no longer strong, unable to continue, a newspaper with national coverage accidentally came into my hands, it included an extensive article that made me shudder, the incredible and remarkable life experience of a successful real estate entrepreneur Edward Wale Rosales who in the year 1990, in the US, returned home in his private plane, landed, the engines were cooling down and suddenly everything turns into a ball of fire. What remains of him enters the Hospital as “DOA” (DeadonArrival) or dead upon arrival. There he remains without legs and almost without hands, with 92% third degree burns SOMETHING IMPOSSIBLE TO SURVIVE. How and where are you today, 2017,Edward Wale? Aware that he did not have skin with pores to regulate his body temperature, he sought a climate that was more conducive to him and moved to Chile, the city of Puerto Montt, due to an average temperature of 16 degrees. He has walked again, drives his car, regained his pilot's license, became a successful entrepreneur again and also a motivator through talks in which he demonstrates what the mind is capable of achieving if it is oriented towards the positive side of life. lifetime.He returned to be a successful businessman and also a motivator through talks in which he shows what the mind is capable of achieving if it is oriented towards the positive side of life.He returned to be a successful businessman and also a motivator through talks in which he shows what the mind is capable of achieving if it is oriented towards the positive side of life.

Maritza, she is still perplexed, she doesn't understand and she tells me what does that have to do with you? Isabel answers her - EVERYTHING. From the day after reading the article and day after day I decided to follow her example, if she had managed to get up and get ahead, "with positive thoughts and attitude challenging even science" Why not me? It was not so bad, I had only lost my material goods nothing else.

Maritza, - says Isabel, with force and raising the tone of voice I am going to teach you the secret and you must follow it, step by step because it is your decision and… it is the only way to achieve the change you hope for.

The difficult decision to change and the actions that lead to change


The thoughts. They are ideas, that is their content, it is also an accumulation of energy that has movements and propulsion. We are always thinking, it is proven, by science, that we have more than 50,000 thoughts

diaries, most of them being without much meaning or use, we usually think about the past and feel bad, we live worried about the future. We use thoughts to create and represent reality in one way or another. Thinking, just as breathing becomes automatic, now if we accept them without understanding how we use them to create our reality we will be unconscious and living in their illusion and slavery.

The thoughts are thrown and have the ability to return to the thrower, because they are a boomerang (boomerang in English) is a weapon of Australian origin that was thrown with the intention of stun the victim and in the case of not succeeding, receive it back and try again. The habit of evaluating, measuring or cataloging others can be related to the boomerang's ability to return to oneself or to the principle that it expresses.

Jesus "pay attention to what you hear, because with the measure you measure, it will be measured to you, if it will even be added to you." . Philosophers, enlightened, meditators, scholars of the mind, sages and now science say it "it is our thoughts that to a great extent have created and continuously create our world."

Modern theories agree and classify thoughts into:

  1. Necessary or Mundane that are those that are related to daily life, for example the alarm clock rings, I look out the window there is a warm sun, I think, What should I wear? They help to plan or organize. Recommendations should not be exaggerated, for the benefit of planning and not carrying out. Catastrophic, they are exaggerations, assertions that do not really exist. The more rigid, absolutist or extreme, the greater the probability that it is in error. It is not advisable to use the totalizations: All, always, nothing, nobody, never, etc. Example, Nothing works in my life. Data, get them out immediately, tell him go away Negative,They are usually critical of oneself or others, they are not realistic or healthy, the negative attracts the negative, it becomes a vicious circle, it is difficult to reduce them even more to eliminate them. For example, a lady looks for her purse to cancel her bus ticket, she searches and searches, she says to the driver, this wallet makes me so bored, everything gets lost in it, I'm so messy. Negative thoughts play a very trick on us, by having them in our head, we give in to them and end up convincing ourselves that we are like that.

Negativity is the enemy of our mind and feeds on our energy and… if we project many negative thoughts they will end up coming back to us because we all have the ability to attract what we think about. They do not disappear from one day to the next, the medium helps us to maintain them: TV with its dramatic soap operas and its main axis based on hatred, grudges, failed, stormy love affairs, revenge and servility, the headlines of the written press, in red to draw even more attention and so that our minds, family, friends that we meet during the day with their complaints, bad temper, criticism, anger, curses or regrets remain engraved in our minds. We deal with them all day receiving and receiving more negative messages, so controlling them becomes difficult. There is a thought of the Dalia Lama,very useful to help us avoid these external influences.“Let go of your side to people who only come to share complaints, problems, disastrous stories, fears and judgments of others. If someone is looking for a garbage can, make sure it is not in your mind ”.

Techniques or recommendations to fight against them and overcome them slowly or to replace them with positive thoughts.

  • Prepare posters (white color and write with black marker) “From today I will not criticize, I will not complain, I will not invent, I will not curse, I will not offend myself or others, I will be careful not to use pejorative words when referring to other people. Bye, goodbye negative thoughts ”. Prepare another poster (yellow background, write with red marker) "Welcome Positive Thoughts to tell about Today every day when I wake up I will give thanks to God, for the opportunity of a new day, I will laugh, sing, dance, walk, not only look at the trees, birds, animals, otherwise I will see them and admire the beauty of nature. From TODAY I practice HAPPINESS ”. Install the first in the bathroom door (internal) and the second in a visible place in your bedroom. Learn to put yourself in the present moment. At the beginning it is not easy, later when acquiring the practice,It's relatively easy! The infallible formula is to focus on the breath, it is ideal with the eyes closed, attention is drawn to the abdomen and we become aware of our breathing. Inhale slowly, pause, and then exhale slowly, repeat this exercise at least five times during the day. Let the thoughts flow. Trying to control thoughts is very difficult, and it is not the idea to be constantly stopping them. If suddenly a thought comes that says "I'm old", just let it pass by saying "Ok" I'm old and let's continue with the usual routine. Let's seek calm and joy.We pause and then exhale slowly, repeat this exercise at least five times during the day. Let the thoughts flow. Trying to control thoughts is very difficult, and it is not the idea to be constantly stopping them. If suddenly a thought comes that says "I'm old", just let it pass by saying "Ok" I'm old and let's continue with the usual routine. Let's seek calm and joy.We pause and then exhale slowly, repeat this exercise at least five times during the day. Let the thoughts flow. Trying to control thoughts is very difficult, and it is not the idea to be constantly stopping them. If suddenly a thought comes that says "I'm old", just let it pass by saying "Ok" I'm old and let's continue with the usual routine. Let's seek calm and joy.

4. Positive thoughts, the act of attracting good, affirmative, healthy thoughts, living in the present NOT in the future and definitely NOT in the past, accepting that the latter cannot be changed, that you have some control in the present and that positive thoughts lead to a better future. And… Isabel concludes, Maritza you must manage to modify your thoughts and you will make everything work out for you, you will fulfill yourself as a person, you will enjoy mental and physical health, you will be able to satisfy your basic and acquired needs and even with your new attitude you will find love. I invite you to conclude with a thought from CHARLES CHAPLIN: "Life is a play, it doesn't allow rehearsals, that's why sing, laugh, dance, cry and live intensely every minute of your life before the curtain goes down and… the play ends without applause."

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Techniques to fight negative thoughts. self improvement conversation