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The organization as a component of the administrative process

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Social organizations exist from the moment in which the human being began to live in society. Although this is a very fashionable and current term, social organizations can take many different forms and this has been the case over time. One of the main characteristics that a social organization must have is to have a group of people who share elements in common, similar interests, similar values ​​or ways of acting in certain situations.

At the same time, social organizations are always established with a purpose, for example to change the reality that surrounds their members, to provide discussions on certain topics or simply to share a specific moment.

In the same way that societies and human institutions are complex, social organizations can also become highly complex and even conflictive. To avoid this, they must have a more or less rigid system of hierarchies that organize the different tasks, establish various functions and mark the objectives as well as the results to be achieved.

Social organizations today are some of the most important ways when it comes to trying to build a better world. Many times, non-governmental social organizations (also called NGOs) are established in spaces where the State does not reach and leaves gaps of attention and care for those who need it most.


Social organization is understood to be any group of people that is established from shared elements, common ideas, similar ways of seeing the world. In addition, it is important for such a group of people to be considered a social organization that there is a goal to be achieved, be it solidarity or private. This is so since a social organization must always exist for a reason and not due to spontaneous causal variables (in which case we would not be talking about social organizations but rather common expressions of certain social groups).

Importance of the organization

The basic fundamentals that demonstrate the importance of the organization are:

  1. It is of a continuous nature; It can never be said that it is over, since the company and its resources are subject to constant change (expansion, contraction, new products, etc.), which obviously results in the need to make changes in the organization. through which the best way to achieve the objectives of the social group is established Provides the methods so that activities can be carried out efficiently, with a minimum of efforts Avoid slowness and inefficiency in activities, reducing costs and increasing productivity.Reduce or eliminate duplication of efforts, by delimiting roles and responsibilities.

It is the technical structuring of the relationships that must exist between the functions, levels and activities of the material and human elements of a social organism, in order to achieve maximum efficiency within the stated plans and objectives.

In every action that we carry out we have a starting point, which can be considered as the Hypothesis of a problem, subsequently having a Method that consists of the procedure or the set of actions that are carried out to demonstrate or refute this point of departure, and an Objective that presents the arrival to a particular Conclusion.

This way of working and of being able to develop ourselves in all social activity is a form of Organization, the application of a structure being important to be able to reach an objective in an orderly and non-random way, although the company of luck is not ruled out, not we must depend exclusively on it, especially if we want to repeat the experience or that others can carry it out.

We can define an Organization as a system that is chosen to be able to achieve a specific objective through Human Resources, being derived from the Individual's Talent and counting in turn with other organizations derived from it that allow the elaboration of a Work Methodology to achieve a specific purpose, taking a starting point and having a Work Object on which we will elaborate and develop the activities.

The Organizations derive precisely from this, which consist of numerous Social Groups that pursue a specific purpose, distributing the tasks and activities to be carried out according to each Human Ability that is provided for an activity, seeking in each sector and with collective work the realization of a proposed purpose.

For an Organization, it is not necessary to have a large group, but there must simply be at least two people, having between these two individuals the fundamental principle of Cooperation, that is, that both people can achieve a division of work or a I work together to achieve the Final Objective, agreeing to do so on different Coexistence Rules and other kinds of regulations that allow the division and organization of work or social activities to be carried out.

Regarding the Organization Structures, they are based mainly on the form that they generally adopt given by the Explicit Rules that regulate these organizations, or by the structure that is given by the Administration chosen for an Organization, being found in every social group.

Informal is made up of interactions and social relationships between the Informal Organization:

Informal organization:

  • It is the organization that emerges spontaneously and naturally among the people who occupy positions in the formal organization and from the relationships that they establish with each other as occupants of positions. It is formed from relationships of friendship or antagonism or the emergence of informal groups that do not appear in the organization chart, or in any other formal document The informal organization is made up of interactions and social relationships between people located in certain positions of the formal organization It arises from the relationships and interactions imposed by the formal organization to the performance of the positions The informal organization includes all those aspects of the system that have not been planned, but that arise spontaneously in the activities of the participants, therefore,for innovative functions not foreseen by the formal organization.


It is the division and grouping of functions and activities into specific units, based on their similarity. When departmentalizing, it is convenient to observe the following sequence:

  • List all the company's functions Classify them Group them according to a hierarchical order Assign activities to each of the grouped areas Specify the relationships of authority, responsibility, and obligation between functions and positions Establish lines of communication and interrelationship between The size, existence and type of organization of a department should be related to the size and specific needs of the company and the functions involved.

According to the specific situation of each company, the most common types of departmentalization are:

1. Functional: It is common in industrial companies; It consists in grouping analogous activities according to their main function.


2. By product: It is characteristic of the manufacturing companies of various product lines, the departmentalization is based on a product or group of products related to each other.


3. Geographical or by Territories: In this case the departmentalization is carried out based on the geographical areas in which the company is present


4. By customers: It is generally applied in commercial companies, mainly warehouses, and its function is to create units whose primary interest is to serve different buyers or customers.


5. By Process or Equipment: In the industry, the grouping of equipment in different departments will report efficiency and time savings; as well as in an automotive plant, grouping by process.


6. By Sequence: It is used in production companies that work without interruption the three shifts, to control each of the shifts; or when it comes to tasks that handle a large number of numbers or letters.


Authority and responsibility

The authority

Authority in an organization is the right of a position (and therefore of the person who occupies it) to exercise discretion in making decisions that affect other people. It is, of course, a type of power, but power within an organization.

Today the exercise of authority has become very difficult; the prevailing disorientation is such that the exercise of authority is confused with manipulation, authority properly understood with authoritarianism, and healthy democracy with anarchy assembly. Detractors of authority forget a basic sociological observation: the universal need for authority as an instrument of order and of social economy. Wherever we see a social reality - from a primitive tribe to the board of directors of a company - there we meet the observation of men and women who exert their influence and take initiatives over others. Of course, like all human works, the exercise of authority is subject to the possibility of error and corruption, as Aristotle said "power corrupts",but this does not invalidate its character as an authentic social requirement.

The difficulties faced by the exercise of authority in modern organizations are the result of several concomitant factors:

  1. The elevation of the educational level, which confers a greater criterion and induces to ask for more prominence in the decisions.The elevation of the standard of living, which reduces the economic dependence of the subject and, consequently, confers more power against the organizations (such as Rostow observes, the diffusion of goods, the result of economic growth, generates a diffusion of power). The increasing complexity of the operation of companies; This complexity requires close coordination of efforts between professionals, which must be based more on collaboration than on imposition. Development of a clearer awareness of human dignity, which leads to demand more participation

Authority refers to the rights inherent in an administrative position to give orders and expect them to be obeyed. The principle of authority was a basic dogma of the classical writers. It was seen as an adhesive that united the organization. It had to be delegated downward to subordinate managers, giving them certain rights while setting certain limits within which they should operate.

Each administrative position has certain specific rights of those who occupy them acquired by the hierarchy or title of the position. Therefore, authority relates to one's position within the organization, and overlooks the personal characteristics of the individual manager. In fact, it has nothing to do with the individual directly. The expression “the king is dead; Long live the king!" illustrates this concept. Whoever the king is, acquires the rights inherent to that office. When a position of authority becomes vacant, the person who left the position no longer has any authority. Authority remains with the position and its new occupant.

When we delegate authority, we delegate a parallel responsibility. That is, when one is given "rights", the corresponding "obligation" to perform them is also acquired. The assignment of authority without responsibility creates opportunities for abuse, and no one should be held responsible for something that has no authority.

In any area of ​​customer services of an organization, it is essential to promote the philosophy of service, the development of knowledge, and continuous improvement KAIZEN, among others, since they make up the main engine of the processes and strategies proposed as part of the functions and definition of each area. Thus, good management or leadership in this area would highlight the importance of the commitment to the service of employees towards the customer, which is the main asset of a service company. When this leadership is able to inspire, motivate, teach values ​​and direction towards excellence in service to employees, it can be achieved that they commit to providing a high quality of customer service with commitment, motivation and thus achieve a effective teamwork.

Good service is not just another romantic idea from those who research and teach about management. In today's increasingly competitive world of business, service is often what allows a company to beat other competitors in the market, no matter how big.

A committee is a working group that according to the laws or rules of an organization, institution or entity have established certain competencies.

An example of a committee is the company committees.

Senior management is considered to be the highest-ranking managers in an organization. The President, the General Directors and the Directors of the different areas or departments. In companies, Senior Management is part of the Steering Committee or Executive Committee that meets with a certain frequency and sets the strategic line to be followed by that Company. In the organization chart of companies, the highest position is the CEO (acronym for the Anglicized Chief Executive Officer) who in Spanish-speaking countries is called President.

They are those people in charge of a matter. Leading body of a political party or one of its sections, representative body of the workers of a company or work center for the defense of their interests.

There are also committees of experts in some matter and they are groups where they meet to discuss projects, theories or norms regarding a topic.


Each of the steps in the administrative process has been named. But how important is this to professional managers and empirical managers?

If the administrative act is a rational and simple process that is innate in every human being when carrying out their daily activities, since the mere fact of thinking and planning an action are always related to obtaining a goal or an objective, therefore when doing Mentally plans and goals that we set ourselves are motivated by certain factors that drive us to direct our thoughts and actions to what we want and want to achieve.

It should be taken into account that any person who leads a group and tries to achieve the objectives with the help of other people, becomes an administrator, whether empirical or professional. In addition, the study of the administration helps people improve the performance of their actions. And it is here where we find the importance of the administrative process since everything must be in its place at the right time and not only as the human mind adapts it, it cannot be controlled without having planned and organized the ideas according to importance. of each one of them, because each person is an effective or ineffective manager of their own life, and according to the way they manage it, they will have the ability to lead a group either without or with the necessary knowledge.

“… You need people who make your team feel that the company is neither its building nor its profit and loss statement. For the customer, the eyes and face of the company are the eyes and faces of the employees with whom they have been in contact. For an employee, the eyes and face of the company are the eyes and face of its managers. From this perspective, customers are the guarantor and the reason for the company's existence. Luis Maria Huete

Information Sources / Bibliography

  • FRENCH, W / BELL, Cecil Jr. «Organizational Development» 5th Eric.ORTUETA, Lucas. «Scientific Organization of Companies». 1st Eric. National Public Administration System. Organization Standards STONER, James / FREEMAN, Edward. "Administration". 5th Eric.CHIAVENATO, Idalberto. "Principles of administration". 5th Eric.TERRY, Geoge. "Principles of administration". 2nd Eric.SALAZAR Larraín, Luis. «Organization and Methods» 7th Eric.GUERRA Cruz, Guillermo. "Organization and methods". 5th Eric.KOONTZ, Harold / WEIHRICH, Heinz. "Administration - A Global Perspective". 11th.
The organization as a component of the administrative process