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The information society and its importance in companies


This article seeks to offer an approach about the importance of the information society within companies, this being a trend that is constantly advancing along with technological and social changes, which in turn, impact competitiveness of companies with extensive experience and those that are starting activities related to the production of goods or services to satisfy the demand of end customers, focused on new trends where the human factor is considered as the fundamental factor for the drive of each organization.

Cleri (2007), argues that:

Bureaucratic and hierarchical control organizations fail to meet the challenge of the speed of change of the modern era. To keep the company on its feet, new designs emerged that reject rigidity and introduce flat, horizontal and flexible shapes. For information to flow freely, the boundaries between departments must be removed, allowing for greater laterality and a flexible framework. But this order can only work in a trusted system. The model includes internal networks and federative forms of organization, highly efficient teams, participation, decentralized decisions, commitment, self-control, and highly trained cadres. (p. 226).

Lara, López and Salas state that:

The technological boom that has been taking place in recent years, (mainly advances in information processing and new communication systems, using the computer), have led to what some authors call the new social revolution, with the development of the information society. In this new society, the raw material is information and around it new professions and jobs will emerge, or existing professions will be readapted. (p. 1).

Information is the most important input to achieve effective communication, in this sense, Castillo (1995), mentions as to "what distinguishes the current process of technological change is that information constitutes both the raw material and the product". (p. 38).

From another point of view, Marqués (2000), affirms that:

Of all the elements that make up ICT, without a doubt the most powerful and revolutionary is the Internet, which opens the doors to a new era, the Internet Age, in which the current Information Society is located. The Internet provides us with a third world in which we can do almost everything we do in the real world and also allows us to develop new activities, many of them enriching for our personality and way of life (contact telematic forums and people from all over the world, immediate location of any type of information, telework, teletraining, teleocio…). And it is that now people can divide the time of our life interacting in three worlds: the face-to-face world, of a physical nature, made up of atoms, governed by the laws of space,in which there are distances between things and people; the intrapersonal world of imagination and cyberspace, virtual in nature, made up of bits, without distances. (p. 3)

It is necessary to recognize that the information society can make communication and interaction between internal and external clients of each organization more efficient, even more so when distances often shorten the possibility of a FACE TO FACE treatment, however, by giving The use of information and communication technologies makes the communication necessary to establish strong business ties with great effectiveness less uphill.

In conclusion, advances in the information society are given by situations or historical moments that arose and that merited the design of new technological tools in order to create more expeditious channels when it comes to expanding the portfolio of clients that are the basis of the sustenance and permanence of any company, this is how information and communication technologies gave rise to the birth of the information society where efforts are combined to achieve the integration and interaction of societies and organizations in a virtual and digital way of a an increasingly globalized world, where the human factor is the spearhead for the development and use of new technological changes for a better society.

The information society and its importance in companies