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The transformation of social media in business

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A social network is defined as a new form of communication and social interaction between people of different nationalities and who are usually united by a common interest. Previously, the way to publicize a company or a brand was through means such as television, radio, brochures and flyers, this was how companies promoted their products or services to their customers, with the passage of time it has been seen that technology advances and with it come changes for which the environment must adapt. Nowadays, thanks to the existence of the Internet, it has managed to impact in a remarkable way for the use of applications that make more efficient and precise the way to generate the success desired by companies, which is why the use of social networks determines the impact of companies towards customers,The current competition of companies suggests that the use of social networks is of the utmost importance for success.

A Considerable Impact

Bruno Roldan, who is Director and Marketing Manager at Shopify, states that thanks to the fact that there is a closer and more personalized relationship with customers, social networks are an excellent channel to attend to questions or demands that customers may have, which explains that thanks to the emergence of social networks, the relationship between clients and companies is strengthened through the use they make when working hand in hand with social media, generating good participation in it.

Social networks have become a very important tool for development between the organization and its clients, thus developing strategies that provide the opportunity to grow various companies that do not have resources, it should be noted that the companies that are involved in this new sales model have to be constantly updated so as not to lose the dominance they gain on this platform. Many companies have found it necessary to create small sites within their platforms focused on their customers where they can suggest changes in their product lines and these have been successfully transformed over time, as in the case of Procter &Gamble created VocalPoint a benefit site for American mothers where they exchanged about the use of different products relying on their knowledge and consumption, obtaining great benefit for improving productivity, organization, reputation, as well as a fundamental part of increasing greater customer preference for this brand.

The social networks most used by companies

Social networks are structures that are intended to create links that allow business-oriented tasks and communication between people with different interests to be related, currently in the workplace such as macro and micro companies are forced to take into account the uses of different tools offered by these sites, according to businessman David Javaloyes suggests that the Internet is a world of opportunities, which of course explains that if it is well used at the end of the day it is sure to bear fruit.

Facebook more than a friendship network

A site that has created great importance due to the diversity of services that are granted to which it is possible to access. It is a network with excellent tools that offer from creating an account to being able to hold a meeting or live meeting through tools that are offered right there, currently it is the social site that more users register their statistics, highlighted as the first tool used to publicize products, this network maintains advanced useful advertising material such as better segmenting the product / service that is created and this ultimately projects excellent results.

By using it among the same friends within this medium, it is possible to find out very easily about important notifications through a photo, video, etc. You can see how many people saw it, how many are interested in the subject, this network is open to share tastes and interests, as well as the implementation of emoticons that represent the mood or action of the person. Facebook will take care of the remaining work once you have created the company page, you must add photos that show the product or service, description and instantly start publishing.

Due to this, it can be interpreted that Facebook is a very powerful tool for more fluid and specific communication between company-client.

Twitter a network totally up to date

Called the 140-character digital revolution network, since it is enough to write a message that does not exceed the number called Tweets, and wait just a few minutes for it to generate influence and go viral, being the most talked about topic in the community, the message must contain concise words and the speed with which this platform works is really fast since a message from a political, artistic, sports or any other phenomenon is a matter of seconds to wait for a quick response from users.

There are effective instruments to be able to manage presence in the networks, failing that for Twitter, this Crowbooster is of benefit to measure the time and schedule during the day in which messages can be sent and observe the impact it has on people, followed by finds Twellow oriented to track those users that are of interest, in addition, once unified, TweetDeck was born, designed to open multiple opportunities by sending messages simultaneously to all accounts, also for Facebook and LinkedIn, among others, having great success in the networks, finally Klout that evaluate the amount of "likes" or "Retweets" determining who and how many people are interested or not.The aforementioned tools provide endless opportunities for all those companies that wish to expand their presence with customers.

YouTube a view that counts

A successful network that monopolizes the public without distinction of age, the platform that adds visits and visits at all times every day since, through the publication of videos through channels, it has achieved that many entrepreneurs and professionals manage to have a presence by showing their I work through this site either by making promotional videos, product handling tutorials accompanied by creative material that draws attention since today customers need more than a product, they require many elements such as quality, etc.. Currently, many visits are registered during the day that provide a broader panorama when choosing in purchases.YouTube is a very dynamic platform that is constantly changing and for this reason is that companies should take advantage of the potential that this network has and make productive use of it since most of its access is free, what better way to start venturing into this new model that is attracting more and more everyone's attention and YouTube could not be left out of this classification.

LinkedIn a one-click opportunity

Finally, a network that has become more visible like LinkedIn oriented not only to make friends, share photos, but rather a completely wide site and different from the others since it offers the possibilities to share information and contact with people dedicated to commercial activities, professionals but also to generate the positioning of companies, records indicate that the users of this network are managers, owners, directors or vice presidents of companies awarded to young university students, it is also necessary to highlight that the creator of this network was right to develop a site where the Users will connect in a closer way according to their abilities and work interests, as well as sharing through a professional identity that would make them known,create ties between professionals and extend new opportunities for the business to grow, on the other hand, it is possible to generate and update a curriculum in the same way to be able to carry out projects in a more suitable way.

The future of social media in business

Social networks in the business field have been developed jointly for the benefit of all people, it should be noted that there are thousands of sites that help the development of new strategies thus helping micro and macro companies having the same growth opportunity, some of the advances that technology has brought to companies is being able to establish an online company without considering having a physical establishmentAn example of this is Spotify, which launches ads every 30 minutes offering a benefit to the user and at the same time publicizing a brand. Another advertising way in which a brand is known is through the exposure of photographic images that show a wide range of Product panorama such as Instagram and Snapchat, which one of its main tools are hashtags when publishing a new product, making them more viral in the search for a topic of interest, which is why the relationship that they have established With these new strategies, they have become a fundamental link for the success of the brands.


  • Spaces. (2016). Reasons why small businesses should have a presence on social networks. Retrieved from: https://www.bbva.com/es/cinco-razones-por-las-que-un-negocio-debe-estar-en-internet-y-redes-sociales/DavidJavaloyes. (2010). Why Your Business Should Have a Presence on Social Networks. Manpower Professional, (2009). Social networks and business: How to harness the power of social media. In Manpower Professional.es: new trends, 10.3-7.Abati Morey, G. (2010). The impact of social networks on brands. In MK Marketing + Sales, 258,14-19. Recovered from: http://pdfs.wke.es//7/1/3/7/pd0000047137.pdfMerodio, J. (2010). Marketing in Social Networks. Retrieved from: https://www.juanmerodio.com/marketing-en-redes-sociales-mensajes-de-empresa-para-gente-selectiva/Moschini, S. (2012). Keys to digital marketing. Retrieved from:



NAME: Magdaleidy Martínez Flores

PHONE: 953 161 51 78

EMAIL: [email protected]

Student of the career in Engineering in Business Management, has awards granted in Business Oriented Accounting, Fundamentals in Business Management, Electronic Billing, Taxes 2014, REPECOS Course as well as participant in an Exprocrecer contest in the creation of Entrepreneurial Projects and organizer in the VII Symposium of the career in Engineering in Business Management entitled

"Entrepreneurs of Today, Entrepreneurs of the Future".


NAME: Isabel Turíjan Cariño

PHONE: 953 163 63 63

EMAIL: [email protected]

Student of the career in Engineering in Business Management, has awards granted in Business Oriented Accounting, Fundamentals in Business Management, Electronic Billing, Taxes 2014, REPECOS Course as well as participant in an Exprocrecer contest in the creation of Entrepreneurial Projects and organizer in the VII Symposium of the career in Engineering in Business Management entitled

"Entrepreneurs of Today, Entrepreneurs of the Future".


NAME: Alethia Beatriz Martínez Flores

PHONE: 953 538 54 14

EMAIL: [email protected]

Student of the career in Computer Engineering, has recognized awards in Innovating Emerging Technologies, Emerging Technologies and Agile Project Development, Arduino Manipulation, SQL Server 2012 Database Administration, IMPULSA Participant (member of the JA World Wide (Puebla) International Forum of Entrepreneurs 2015).


"The Transformation of Social Networks in Business"

Nowadays, companies and technology have developed a new marketing strategy in order to reach a broader social environment. One of the most important tools offered by this strategy is social networks, which have had a great impact on people's lives. Currently in the workplace the benefits offered by these tools to publicize a brand within the market, to increase sales and in this way reach customers, as well as keeping them faithful to their proposals. Deciding to make use of these different technological tools ensures commitment and the ability to satisfy the needs that the client demands. Today the most important social networks that a company must know to be able to impact this market that is developing are: Twitter, Facebook,YouTube and LinkedIn. Social networks are intended to create links that allow communication between people with different interests as well as their constant relationship with business to promote and strengthen knowledge for employees and consumers. A communication space such as the one generated with social networks will be a valuable source for obtaining information and managing actions that implement best practices. This communication is agile, precise, effective and of great change, you will decide whether to use social networks as another way of success and to belong to this change.Social networks are intended to create links that allow communication between people with different interests as well as their constant relationship with business to promote and strengthen knowledge for employees and consumers. A communication space such as the one generated with social networks will be a valuable source for obtaining information and managing actions that implement best practices. This communication is agile, precise, effective and of great change, you will decide whether to use social networks as another way of success and to belong to this change.Social networks are intended to create links that allow communication between people with different interests as well as their constant relationship with business to promote and strengthen knowledge for employees and consumers. A communication space such as the one generated with social networks will be a valuable source for obtaining information and managing actions that implement best practices. This communication is agile, precise, effective and of great change, you will decide whether to use social networks as another way of success and to belong to this change.This communication is agile, precise, effective and of great change, you will decide whether to use social networks as another way of success and to belong to this change.This communication is agile, precise, effective and of great change, you will decide whether to use social networks as another way of success and to belong to this change.


Social Networks, Companies, Technologies, Businesses, Tools

Main ideas:

  • Knowing the impact of Social Networks on Companies The opportunities offered by social networks in business activities.  The key in the use of social networks in Business


Mainly, the purpose for which this article is to be disseminated is aimed at all those who have an interest in knowing the importance and impact that social networks have generated in companies and how this has been updated over time since its origin until today, as well as to publicize the essential tools for handling each one of them and to know in the same way what their benefits have been to be able to enter this world and the business environment that suffers constant every day changes.

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The transformation of social media in business