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The 5s, theoretical and implementation manual


The principle of order and cleanliness to which we will refer is called the 5S method and is of Japanese origin.

This concept should not be anything new for any company, but unfortunately it is. The 5S movement is a concept linked to the orientation towards total quality that originated in Japan under the guidance of WE Deming more than 40 years ago and is included within what is known as continuous improvement or gemba kaizen.

It arose from the Second World War, suggested by the Japanese Union of Scientists and Engineers as part of a movement to improve quality and its main objectives were to eliminate obstacles that prevent efficient production, which also brought about a better substantive of hygiene and safety during production processes. Its range of application ranges from a position located on an automobile assembly line to the desk of an administrative secretary.


What is the 5S strategy?

It is called the 5S strategy because it represents actions that are principles expressed with five Japanese words beginning with S. Each word has an important meaning in creating a dignified and safe place to work. These five words are:

  • (Seiri) (Seiton) (Seiso) Standardized Cleaning. (Seiketsu) (Shitsuke)

The five "S" are the foundation of the industrial productivity model created in Japan and now applied in Western companies. Not that 5S are unique features of Japanese culture. All non-Japanese people practice the five "S" in our personal lives and many times we do not notice it. We practice Seiri and Seiton when we keep items such as tools, fire extinguishers, garbage, towels, notebooks, rulers, keys, etc. in appropriate and identified places.

When our work environment is disorganized and unclean we will lose efficiency and morale at work is reduced.

Factories, workshops and offices are rare that apply the five "S" in a standardized way in the same way as we maintain our personal things on a daily basis. This should not be the case, since in daily work the routines of maintaining order and organization serve to improve the efficiency of our work and the quality of life in that place where we spend more than half of our lives. Actually, if we do numbers, it is at our workplace where we spend the most hours in our life. Given this, we should ask ourselves the following question… is it worth keeping it messy, dirty and poorly organized?

This is why the application of the 5S strategy becomes important. It is not about fashion, a new management model or a process of implantation of something Japanese that "given has to do with our Latin culture." It is simply a basic principle of improving our lives and making our workplace a place worth living fully. And if with all this, we can also improve our productivity and that of our company, why don't we do it?

Need for the 5S strategy

The 5S strategy is a simple concept that people often do not give enough importance to, however, a clean and safe factory allows us to guide the company and the workshops towards the following goals:

  • Respond to the need to improve the work environment, elimination of waste produced by disorder, lack of cleanliness, leaks, contamination, etc. Seek to reduce losses due to quality, response time and costs with the intervention of personnel in the care of the workplace and increased morale for the work Facilitate the creation of conditions to increase the useful life of the equipment, thanks to the permanent inspection by the person who operates the machinery Improve standardization and discipline in compliance with standards as staff have the possibility to participate in the development of cleaning procedures,lubrication and tightening Make use of visual control elements such as cards and boards to keep all the elements and tools involved in the production process in order Preserve the work site through periodic controls on the maintenance actions of the improvements achieved with the application of the 5S Power to implement any type of program of continuous improvement of Just-in-Time production, Total Quality Control and Total Productive Maintenance Reduce the potential causes of accidents and increase awareness of the care and conservation of the company's equipment and other resources.

What is Seiri? Seiri - Sort

Discard what is not needed

Seiri or classify means eliminating from the work area all unnecessary elements that are not required to carry out our work.

We often "fill" ourselves with items, tools, boxes with products, carts, supplies, and personal items, and it is hard for us to think about the possibility of doing work without these items.

We seek to have elements or components around us thinking that we will need them for our next job. With this thought we create true reduced stocks in process that annoy, take up space and clutter. These elements impair visual control of work, impede movement through work areas, induce mistakes in handling raw materials and can often lead to accidents at work.

The first "S" of this strategy provides methods and recommendations to avoid the presence of unnecessary elements. The Seiri consists of:

  • Separate in the workplace the things that really work from those that do not work Classify the necessary from the unnecessary for routine work Maintain what we need and eliminate the excessive Separate the elements used according to their nature, use, safety and frequency of use in order to facilitate agility at work Organize tools in places where changes can be made in the shortest possible time Eliminate elements that affect the operation of the equipment and that can lead to breakdowns Eliminate unnecessary information and that can lead us to errors of interpretation or action.

Benefits of Seiri

The application of Seiri actions prepare workplaces to be safer and more productive. The first and most direct impact of the Seiri is related to security. In the presence of unnecessary elements, the work environment is tense, it prevents a complete view of the work areas, it makes it difficult to observe the operation of equipment and machines, and emergency exits are obstructed, making the work area more insecure.

The practice of Seiri in addition to the benefits in safety allows:

  • Free up useful space in the plant and offices Reduce access times to material, documents, tools and other work items Improve visual control of stocks of spare parts and production elements, folders with information, plans, etc. Eliminate product losses or elements that deteriorate due to being exposed for a long time in an environment not suitable for them; For example, packaging material, labels, plastic containers, cardboard boxes and others Facilitate visual control of raw materials that are running out and that are required for a process in one shift, etc. Prepare work areas for development of autonomous maintenance actions, since the leaks can be easily appreciated,leaks and contamination existing in the equipment and that are frequently hidden by unnecessary elements that are near the equipment.


The purpose of Seiri or sorting means removing from workstations all items that are not needed for day-to-day production or office operations. Necessary items should be kept close to the "action" while unnecessary items should be removed from the site or removed.

The implementation of the Seiri allows the creation of a working environment in which space problems, loss of time, increased safety and energy savings are avoided.

By implanting Seiri, the following benefits are obtained among others:

  • Visual control of work items, in-process materials and final product is improved. "Smooth" flow of processes is achieved through visual control. Product quality is improved as visual controls help prevent defects. MTBF or Mean Time Between Equipment Failure is improved. It is easier to identify areas or work sites with potential risk of occupational accident. Office staff can improve productivity in the use of time.


By not applying the Seiri some of the following problems may occur:

  • The production plant and workshops are unsafe, there are more accidents, valuable time is lost to find some material and work becomes difficult. Excess in-process or final product, drawers and cabinets used to store unnecessary items create the "canary cage" effect, which prevents communication between co-workers. In the event of an alarm signal, the emergency routes being occupied with unnecessary products or materials, prevents the rapid exit of personnel. It is necessary to have lockers and space measured in square meters to locate unnecessary materials. The financial cost is also affected for this reason, it is more difficult to keep under control the stock produced by defective products.The existing volume of products in process makes it easier to hide unnecessary stocks. Compliance with delivery times can be affected due to wasted time due to the need for more handling of materials and products.

How to implant the Seiri

Identify unnecessary elements

The first step in the implantation of the Seiri consists of the identification of the unnecessary elements in the place selected to implant the 5S. The following aids can be used in this step:

List of unnecessary items

The list of unnecessary items should be designed and taught during the preparation phase. This list allows you to record the unnecessary item, its location, quantity found, possible cause, and suggested action for removal. This list is completed by the operator, manager or supervisor during the time it has been decided to carry out the Seiri campaign.

Color cards.

These types of cards allow you to mark or "report" that there is something unnecessary in the workplace and that corrective action must be taken. In some companies they use green colors to indicate that there is a contamination problem, blue if the element is related to production materials, red if it is elements that do not belong

to work such as food containers, waste of safety materials such as torn gloves, unnecessary papers, etc. In Japan, the red card is frequently used to show or highlight the identified problem.

Common questions to ask to identify if an unnecessary item exists include the following:

  • Is this element necessary? If necessary, is it necessary in this quantity? If necessary, does it have to be located here?

Once the items have been marked, each card used is recorded in the list of unnecessary items. This list allows you to subsequently track all the identified items. If necessary, a meeting can be held where it is decided what to do with the identified elements, since at the time of the "campaign" it is not possible to define what to do with all the unnecessary elements detected.

Decisions are made for each element identified at the meeting. Some actions are simple, such as save to a site, delete if it is low cost and not useful, or move it to a warehouse. Other more complex decisions in which management intervenes must be consulted and require a wait and therefore, the material or equipment must remain in place, while the final decision is made, for example, eliminate a machine that is not currently used.

Criteria for assigning Color Cards.

  • The most common criteria is next month's production schedule. The necessary items are kept in the specified area. Items not required are disposed of or stored in a different place. Usefulness of the item to perform the intended work. If the item is not needed it should be discarded. How often the item is needed. If needed infrequently, it can be stored outside the work area Quantity of item needed to perform the job. If necessary in limited quantity the excess can be disposed of or stored outside the work area.

Card features

The cards used can be of different types:

  • A chip with a consecutive number. This tab can have a thread that facilitates its location on the unnecessary element. These cards are reusable, since they simply indicate the presence of a problem and in a format you can know for the corresponding number, the novelty or the problem. Cards of intense colors. These cards are made of phosphorescent colored paper for easy identification from a distance. The intense color serves as an aid as visual control mechanisms to inform that the "reported" problem is still present. These cards contain the following information: Name of the unnecessary element Why we think it is unnecessary Area of ​​origin of the unnecessary element Possible causes of its permanence on the site Suggested action plan for its elimination.

Example of a red card

On the next page you can see a red card format used for visual control

Action plan to remove unnecessary items.

During the campaign day or day, a large number of unnecessary elements were eliminated. However, various tools, materials, equipment, etc. remained. that could not be withdrawn due to technical problems or due to not having a clear decision on what to do with them.

For these materials a plan should be prepared to phase them out. At this point, the philosophy of the Deming Cycle (PHVA) can be applied to develop the actions to remove them. The plan must contain the following points:

  • Keep the item in the same place Move the item to a new location within the floor Store the item outside the workspace Delete the item

The plan should state the methods for disposing of the items: dispose of it, sell it, return it to the supplier, destroy or use it, etc.

Control and final report.

It is necessary to prepare a report where the progress of the planned actions, such as those that have been implemented and the benefits provided, is recorded and reported. The head of the area should prepare this document and post it on the information board on the progress of the 5S process.

What is seiton? Seiton - Sort

A place for everything and everything in its place

Once we have eliminated the unnecessary elements, we define the place where those that we need frequently should be located, identifying them to eliminate the search time and facilitate their return to the site once they are used (this is the case of the tool).

Seiton allows:

  • Have a suitable site for each item used in routine work to facilitate their access and return to the site Have identified sites to locate items that are used infrequently Have places to locate the material or items that will not be used In the case of machinery, facilitate the visual identification of the elements of the equipment, security systems, alarms, controls, directions of rotation, etc. Ensure that the equipment has visual protections to facilitate its autonomous inspection and control of cleaning Identify and mark all the auxiliary systems of the process such as pipes, compressed air, fuels Increase the knowledge of the equipment by the production operators.

Seiton benefits for the worker

  • Facilitates quick access to items required for work Improves information on the job site to avoid errors and potentially risky actions Cleaning and cleaning can be done more easily and safely The presentation and aesthetics of the plant are improves, communicates order, responsibility and commitment to work. Space is freed. The work environment is more pleasant. Safety is increased due to the demarcation of all the plant sites and the use of transparent protections, especially those of high risk.

Organizational benefits

  • The company can count on simple systems of visual control of materials and raw materials in process stock Elimination of losses due to errors Greater fulfillment of work orders The status of the equipment is improved and breakdowns are avoided It is preserved and used the knowledge that the company possesses. Improvement of the overall productivity of the plant.


The practice of the Seiton tries to locate the necessary elements in places where they can be easily found for their use and again to return them to the corresponding site.

The methodologies used in Seiton facilitate their coding, identification and marking of areas to facilitate their conservation in the same place over time and in perfect conditions.

From the point of view of the application of Seiton in equipment, this "S" is intended to improve the identification and marking of the machinery controls of the systems and critical elements for maintenance and their conservation in good condition.

The purpose of Seiton offices is to facilitate files and document searches, improve visual control of folders and eliminate loss of time accessing information. The order on a computer's hard drive can be improved by applying Seiton concepts to file handling.


Non-application of Seiton in the workplace leads to the following problems:

  • Increase in the number of unnecessary movements. The access time to an item for use is increased. The time of several people waiting for the items they are looking for to perform a job can be wasted. We do not know where the item is located and the person who knows its location is missing. This indicates that a good identification of the elements is lacking. Equipment without identifying its elements (direction of rotation or movement of components) can lead to poor assemblies, malfunctions and serious errors when operated. Lubrication time can be increased by not easily knowing the required oil level, type, quantity and site of application. All of this leads to wasted time. Clutter does not allow you to visually monitor stocks in process and office supplies.Errors in the handling of products. The machine is fed with defective materials not foreseen for the type of process. This leads to defects, lost time, personnel crises and a final effect of wasted time and money. Failure to identify unsafe locations or high-risk areas of equipment can lead to accidents and loss of morale at work.


Standardization means creating a consistent way of performing tasks and procedures. The standardization of machinery means that anyone can operate such machinery. Standardization of operations means that anyone can perform the operation.

Seiketsu or standardization aims…

  • Maintain the state of cleanliness achieved with the first three S Teach the operator to carry out standards with the support of management and adequate training The standards must contain the elements necessary to carry out the cleaning work, time spent, safety measures to be taken into account account and procedure to follow in case of identifying something abnormal. If possible, photographs should be used of how the equipment should be maintained and the areas of care. The use of the standards should be audited to verify compliance. The cleaning standards, lubrication and tightening are the basis of autonomous maintenance (Jishu Hozen).

Seiketsu benefits

  • The knowledge produced over years of work is saved The well-being of the personnel is improved by creating a habit of permanently keeping the job site impeccable Operators learn to know the equipment in depth Avoiding errors in cleaning that may lead to unnecessary accidents or occupational hazards Management is more committed to maintaining work areas by intervening in the approval and promotion of standards Staff is prepared to assume greater responsibilities in managing the job Intervention times are improve and increase the productivity of the plant.

How to implement standardized cleaning

Seiketsu is the stage of preserving what has been achieved by applying standards to the practice of the first three 'S'. This fourth S is strongly related to the creation of habits to keep the workplace in perfect condition.

To implant Seiketsu the following steps are required:

Step 1. Assign jobs and responsibilities.

To maintain the conditions of the first three`s, each operator must know exactly what his responsibilities are about what he has to do and when, where and how to do it. If people are not assigned clear tasks related to their workplaces, Seiri, Seiton and Seiso will have little meaning.

Instructions on the three`s should be given to each person on their responsibilities and actions to be carried out in relation to cleaning and autonomous maintenance work. The standards can be prepared by the operators, but this requires training and kaizen practice so that cleaning times and methods are progressively improved.

The aids used to assign responsibilities are:

  • Distribution diagram of the cleaning work prepared in Seiso Cleaning manual Visual management board where the progress of each implanted S is recorded Kaizen work program to eliminate areas of difficult access, sources of contamination and improvement of cleaning methods.

STEP 2. Integrate Seiri, Seiton and Seiso actions into routine jobs.

The autonomous maintenance cleaning standard facilitates the monitoring of the cleaning, lubrication and control of the adjustment and fixing elements. These standards provide all the information necessary to get the job done. Maintaining conditions should be a natural part of regular daily work.

If more information is required, reference can be made to the cleaning manual prepared for implanting Seiso. Visual control systems can help make 'links' to standards, let's see how they work. If a worker has to clean a complicated place on a machine, the existence of a rule to follow can be marked on the equipment with an adhesive. This standard will be located on the visual management board so that it is close to the operator in case of need. Avoid keeping these standards in manuals and in office cabinets. These kinds of rules and one-point lessons should be posted on the management board and in close proximity to the computer.

What is Shitsuke? Shitsuke - Discipline

Create habits based on the previous 4's

Shitsuke or Discipline means making a habit of using and using established and standardized cleaning methods in the workplace. We can obtain the benefits achieved with the first "S" for a long time if it is possible to create an environment of respect for the established norms and standards.

The four "S" above can be implemented without difficulty if Discipline is maintained in the workplace. Its application guarantees that security will be permanent, productivity is progressively improved and the quality of the products is excellent.

Shitsuke implies a development of a culture of self-control within the company. If the management of the company encourages each of the members to apply the Deming Cycle in each of their daily activities, it is very certain that the practice of Shitsuke would not have any difficulty. Shitsuke is the bridge between the 5S and the Kaizen or continuous improvement concept. The habits developed with the practice of the PDCA cycle constitute a good model to make discipline a fundamental value in the way of doing a job.

Shitsuke implies:

  • Respect for the rules and standards established to keep the workplace impeccable Perform personal control and respect for the rules that regulate the operation of an organization Promote the habit of self-control or reflect on the level of compliance with the rules Understand the importance of respect for others and for the rules in which the worker has surely participated directly or indirectly in their elaboration. Improve respect for their own being and for others.

Benefits of applying Shitsuke

  • A culture of sensitivity, respect and care for the company's resources is created Discipline is a way to change habits Established standards are followed and there is greater awareness and respect among people Morale at work increases. The client will feel more satisfied as the quality levels will be higher due to the fact that the established procedures and norms have been fully respected. The workplace will be a place where it is truly attractive every day.


The practice of Shitsuke aims to achieve the habit of respecting and correctly using previously developed procedures, standards and controls.

A worker disciplines himself to keep the 5S "alive", as the benefits and advantages are significant. A company and its managers stimulate their practice, since it brings important improvements in the productivity of operating systems and in management.

When it comes to the implementation of the 5S, discipline is important because without it, the implementation of the first four 5S quickly deteriorates. If the benefits of the implantation of the first four 5S have been shown, it should be natural to assume the implantation of the fifth or Shitsuke.

How to implant Shitsuke

Discipline is not visible and cannot be measured unlike classification, order, cleanliness and standardization. It exists in the mind and in the will of the people and only the behavior demonstrates the presence, however, conditions can be created that stimulate the practice of discipline.

Shared vision.

The theory of learning in organizations (Peter Senge) suggests that for the development of an organization it is essential that there is a convergence between the vision of an organization and that of its employees. Therefore, it is necessary that the management of the company consider the need to lead this convergence towards the achievement of common goals of prosperity of the people, clients and organization. Without this identity in objectives, it will be impossible to create the space for delivery and respect for standards and good work practices.


The 5S is not about ordering in a document by mandate «Implant the 5S» Time. It is necessary to educate and introduce through training to "learn by doing" each of the S's. It is not about building "posters" with phrases, slogans and funny cartoons as a means of sensitizing the worker. These internal marketing techniques will serve you promptly but they wear out quickly. In some company it was necessary to eliminate through Seiri actions, the "posters and advertisements" since they were unnecessary and had lost their purpose due to custom.

Dr. Kaoru Ishikawa stated that these processes of creating culture and good habits at work are preferably achieved by example. You cannot ask a maintenance mechanic to have his tool box tidy, if the boss has his work table neglected, untidy and with samples of screws, gaskets, parts and spare parts that he is pending to buy.

Time to apply the 5S.

The worker requires has to practice the 5S. It is frequent that the time is not assigned due to production pressures and actions are stopped. This type of behavior loses credibility and the workers believe that it is not a serious program and that the commitment of the management is lacking. You need to have management support for your efforts in terms of resources, time, support, and recognition of accomplishments.

The role of management

To create the conditions that promote or favor the Implementation of Shitsuke, the management has the following responsibilities:

  • Educate staff on the principles and techniques of 5S and autonomous maintenance Create a promoter or leader team for plant-wide implementation Allocate time for 5S practice and autonomous maintenance Provide resources for implementation of the 5S Motivate and participate directly in the promotion of their activities Evaluate the progress and evolution of implementation in each area of ​​the company Participate in semi-annual or annual progress audits Apply the 5S in their work Teach by example to avoid cynicism. Demonstrate your commitment and that of the company to the implementation of 5S.

The role of workers

  • Continue to learn more about 5S implementation Enthusiastically undertake 5S implementation Assist in disseminating knowledge using one-point lessons Design and adhere to workplace maintenance standards Perform established routine audits.Ask the head of the area for the support or resources needed to implement the 5S. Participate in the formulation of continuous improvement plans to eliminate problems and defects in the team and work areas. Actively participate in the promotion of the 5S.

GENBA evaluation

GENBA evaluation

General benefits of the 5S

The implementation of a 5S strategy is important in different areas, for example, it allows to eliminate waste and, on the other hand, it allows improving industrial safety conditions, thus benefiting the company and its employees. Some of the benefits generated by the 5S strategies are:

  • Higher levels of security that result in greater motivation of employees Reduction in losses and losses due to production with defects Higher quality Shorter response times Increases the useful life of equipment Generates organizational culture Approaches the company to the implementation of models of total quality and assurance of the quality

A company that applies the 5S:

  • It produces with fewer defects, It meets deadlines better, It is safer, It is more productive, It performs maintenance work better, It is more motivating for the worker, It increases its growth levels….

The 5S are a good start towards total quality and they do not harm anyone, it is up to each one to apply them and begin to see their benefits.

Paradigms that make it impossible to implement the 5S

In a company there have been and will be paradigms that make it impossible to fully develop the 5S. The 5S strategy requires a commitment from management to promote its activities, for example from supervisors and permanent support from job site managers. The support of the management with its permanent watchful eye on the performance of its collaborators, the encouragement and recognition is essential to perpetuate the improvement process. The importance that managers and supervisors give to the actions that operators must carry out will be key to creating a culture of order, discipline and personal progress.

However, there are common paradigms for the 5S not to be developed successfully in companies are:

Leadership paradigms

These are some of the evaluations of executives regarding the 5S program:

Paradigm 1. It is necessary to maintain teams without stopping.

Management, faced with the pressures to deliver the products that are manufactured in a timely manner and in sufficient quantities, does not easily accept that a job is more productive when it is kept impeccable, safe, orderly and clean. Cleaning is considered a time-consuming job, but the benefits of helping to eliminate breakdown causes such as dust, excess lubrication and sources of contamination are not appreciated.

Paradigm 2. Workers do not take care of the site.

In order to waste time, the management considers that cleaning and cleaning is an exclusive problem of the operational levels. If employees do not have the resources or goals are not set to improve methods, it will be difficult for the operator to take the initiative. Workers are sure to appreciate the benefits, as they are the ones who are directly affected by the lack of 5S.

Paradigm 3. There are numerous urgent requests to waste time cleaning

Order and cleanliness are often neglected when urgent work needs to be done. It is true that production priorities sometimes press so much that it is necessary for other activities to wait, however, the 5S activities should be seen as an investment to achieve all the orders of the future and not only the punctual ones required for the moment.

Paradigm 4. I think the order is right, let's not take so long...

Some people consider only the visible and aesthetic aspects of the equipment are sufficient. The 5S should be used to identify deep problems in the equipment, since it is the operator's contact with the machine that allows identifying breakdowns or problems that can turn into serious failures for the equipment. Cleaning should be considered as a first stage in the preventive maintenance inspection at the plant.

Paradigm 5. Hire an inexperienced worker to do the cleaning… It's cheaper!

The worker who does not know how to operate a piece of equipment and who is hired only to carry out the cleaning, prevents the knowledge about the condition of the equipment from being taken advantage of by the company and lost. The daily contact with the machinery helps to prevent problems, improve the information to the expert technicians of heavy maintenance and increases the knowledge of the operator on the behavior of the processes.

Paradigms of the operators

The application of the 5S has its barriers in certain thoughts of the operators:

Paradigm 1. I am paid to work not to clean.

Sometimes staff accept dirt as an unavoidable condition of their workstation. The worker does not realize the negative effect that a dirty job has on her own safety, the quality of her work and the productivity of the company.

Paradigm 2. I have been 10 years… Why should I clean?

The worker considers that he is a veteran and should not clean, that this is a task for people with less experience. On the contrary, experience should help you better understand the negative effect of dirt and contamination without control in the workplace. Production workers sometimes assume that their job is to get things done, not to organize and clean them. However, it is an attitude that has to change when workers begin to understand the importance of order and cleanliness to improve quality, productivity and safety.

Paradigm 3. We need more space to store everything we have.

This happens when when explaining the 5S to workers, their first reaction to the need to improve order is to ask for more space to store the items they have. The frequent comment is "……. Boss we need a new closet to store all this…."

It is possible that when carrying out the classification and ordering of the elements considered, the space in the current cabinets and most of the elements are unnecessary.

Paradigm 4. I don't see the need to apply the 5s

It can be very difficult to implement 5S in companies that are very efficient or very clean such as personal products factories or pharmacies. However, not everything has to do with removing dust or contamination. The 5S help to improve the visual control of the equipment, modify guards that do not reveal the internal mechanisms by plastic security guards that allow the observation of the operation of the equipment; or the application of the 5S in the care of our work tables and desks…

From 6th to 9th S.

Related to improving yourself

6. Shikari - Constancy

It is the ability of a person to stay firmly in a line of action. The will to achieve a goal. There is a Japanese word konyo that in Spanish translates something similar to the integrity or the state of mind necessary to continue in one direction until achieving the goals. Consistency in an activity, positive mind for the development of habits and struggle to achieve a goal. All of this is Shikari.

7. Shitsukoku - Commitment

It is to comply with the agreement. Conversation processes generate engagement. When the word is committed, every effort is made to comply. It is an ethic that is developed in the workplace from high personal morals. Some people manage to be disciplined and constant (5th S and 6th S). However, people may not be fully committed to the task. Shitsukoku means perseverance to achieve something, but that perseverance is born from the conviction and understanding that the end sought is necessary, useful and urgent for the person and for the whole society.

Related to the organization

8. Seishoo - Coordination

This S has to do with the ability to carry out work with method and taking into account the other people who make up the work team. Seeks to bring together efforts to achieve an established goal. It is about getting the musicians of an orchestra to achieve the best performance for the audience, where the main and secondary instruments perform in perfect synchronization according to an order established in the score. This must be the same job in a company. The teams must have methods of work, coordination and a plan so that nothing is left to chance or surprise as much as possible. The end results will be the best for each actor at work and for the company.

9. Seido - Synchronization

To keep pace with the musical performance, there must be a score. At work there must be a work plan, specific rules that indicate what each person must do. Procedures and standards will help harmonize work. Seido implies normalizing work.

Need to implement 9S

The comprehensive management model in the workplace used in Japanese companies considers the application of 9S. These are classified according to three specific purposes.

The original Japanese model considers the need to apply four additional "S" used to stimulate the individual in order to maintain good habits and the practical application of the 5S are a reality in the workplace.

Konyo or integrity must be a value that must inspire a worker to achieve the best of himself for his own benefit and for the society where he works.

We believe that Shikari and Shitsokoku are fundamental principles to reinforce good personal habits that an individual should practice in the workplace.

Seishoo and Seido are habits that are related to good team integration, camaraderie, camaraderie, and disciplined work.

These complementary 4's unfortunately do not apply in companies and this leads to the failure or poor implementation of the initial 5's closely related to tangible resources. The final 5's are related to aspects of the spirit of the individual, whatever the interpretation of spirituality that the person has.


The 5S principle can be used to break with the old existing procedures and implement a new culture in order to include the maintenance of order, cleanliness and hygiene and safety as an essential factor in the production, quality and production process. general objectives of the organization.

This is why the application of the 5 S's strategy is of the utmost importance, it is not a fashion but a new management model or an implementation process that improves our organization.

Research resources

  • http: //www.rincondelvago.comhttp: //www.google.comhttp: //mx.yahoo.comhttp: //www.monografias.com


As a summary of the 5S methodology and its implementation, we suggest the following series of videos, in which the general concept is presented and its basic components are examined, Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu and Shitsuke, in a practical and simple way. (3 videos, 20 minutes)

Download the original file

The 5s, theoretical and implementation manual