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Productive and supply chains integrate agribusiness fruver

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One of the situations that affect business society is not applying for good what says “unity is strength”. When there is disunity, the results are dire, predatory and more in the fruit and vegetable business (FRUVER's), due to their perishability, a natural characteristic that should warn us as limiting, but also suggests acting quickly.

The administrators and the FRUVER's agribusiness union in general, not very organized in Colombia and with minimal representation, by uniting with more evident strength, have a greater opportunity to prosper and constitute a sector that influences food policies, prices, production, marketing and research, to effectively assist the social problems of unemployment and health, through the generation of a paid occupation with fair wages and contribute to the well-being of consumers by delivering healthy natural plant products.

It is important to highlight within the union, the role of the marketing companies as articulators of the countryside with urban centers, which largely solves the insecure commercialization of agricultural products. The quality requirements also influence so that producers, suppliers and marketers assume the responsibility of granting the vending companies healthy products, and they supply the consumer with the required quality and safety.

In the supplier-marketer-client relationship, each one maintains and does their work individually because there is no feeling of alliance, then, if the idea is to generate wealth to perpetuate the business, reciprocity is conducive to all the actors of production, supply, transformation. and sale. To achieve these claims, a tool is required that links them together and that makes them understand the importance of being united in a single purpose, with individual responsibility to do a job, not adequate, but at a level of excellence in favor of the communities involved in the fruit and vegetable business.

Tools for the integration of FRUVER's businesses

The tools to consolidate, strengthen and perpetuate the FRUVER business are the production and supply chains, mechanisms used to speculate and not used to take full advantage of the purposes for which these links were created. As the efforts have not been enough, it is worth recovering them given the presumption of favorability and benefits created around the use of the concept of chains and moving from theory to practice, and thus achieve significant economic and social effects, because suppliers, producers and marketers would be perfectly united.

Productive chain

The production chain links companies with producers, linking at the same time and successively a package of planned operations to produce goods and services, incorporating (inputs) inputs (seeds, fertilizers, materials, equipment…), transformation processes (substitution of materials) and final product (output) or non-material equivalent called service.

Illustration 1 models the general concept of the production chain, which is connected to the specific production chain of the fruit and vegetable business. The main links are the providers of agricultural inputs, on the one hand, and others whose input is fruits and vegetables, for which the producer develops a preselected product on the farm and then transport and distribute to marketers, collection centers and small businesses city ​​dwellers.

Illustration 1. Relationship of the general production chain and Fruver

The following process is carried out at the marketer, where the transformation and preparation of the final product is carried out, to send to a first agent such as department stores or direct sales to intermediaries who make the products available to the conclusive consumer, who It can be the everyday buyer who purchases directly from the gondola or the one who uses the product to prepare food, such as restaurants.

Here is a short video in which the concept of the production chain is presented in a simple way:

Supply chain

Although the general and specific perception of the production chain has been illustrated and correlated, it is necessary to incorporate the supply chain, which allows the flow and route of the product or service from the supply of inputs to the company to the final consumer. This chain is based on conducting intermediate businesses with a “win-win” philosophy that must extend from primary production to the final buyer.

The intention "you win, I win", a true way of negotiating, is a generator of wealth in solidarity when the first link, the intermediate and the end are concerned about lavishing inputs, clean products with a fair value to the next link, which will receive quality, safety and this, with equal care, delivers a final product. The consequence is savings due to being linked and mutual trust between the national and international market players.

Assuming pragmatically that the production chain is to produce, add value, create goods, services, it is commendable to understand that the supply chain is oriented to provide means, but in an altruistic philosophical context it is to help, prevent, provide what is required in a timely manner for survival comprehensive business. This chain intuits the need to stay articulated and prop up in the mind of each representative of the link, that the purposes that originate the intrinsic meaning of the chain are to strengthen the union of the links and that they have the appropriate and fair gains.

The following video explains the concepts of Supply Chain or Supply and its Administration:

Promote the productive chains of the FRUVER's sector

In order to strengthen union solidarity and contribute significantly to the country's food security, it is necessary to articulate the chains. This requires that the currently constituted organizations encourage and consolidate them in the short term and become closer to those who make up the chains, and become attractive and recognized by producers and marketers. Then and to gain loyalty, they will agree to offer direct technical assistance services, training programs to transfer knowledge in crop management, quality, management of farms and marketers, collection centers and points of sale in department stores, stores and others. dealers.

Increasing productivity in any economic activity requires strengthening the know-how to produce (technical content) and know-how to supply (social content), it is also urgent to build and renew concepts of associativity to train those who access the general chain and can assume responsibly and with technical and humanistic capacity, the task that corresponds to those involved such as people and companies.


  • Beyond agribusiness approaches, it is proposed to move from an individualistic culture to forming linked companies belonging to the fruit and vegetable sector that are truly united, close and interested in reducing, for example, the minimum use of pollutants and closing the lags of the Green Revolution, promoter in the past of the excessive consumption of agrochemicals dedicated to increasing production, but with a reductionist result in environmental matters. It is also important that current organizations, related to the producers of fruits, vegetables, vegetables, cereals and the like, open their doors to all suppliers, producers and marketers to incorporate them into the corresponding chain and begin to provide the correct services based on the chain concept.Summoning a movement that promotes a true union of FRUVER's businessmen, in conjunction with the agricultural industry, is vital to strengthen the linked members, improve production, consolidate nationally, and gradually expand to international markets, taking advantage of the situation of being in the tropical zone These musings show the opportunity to establish customer-oriented companies located in consumer markets, so that their satisfaction and dissatisfaction states can be resolved, and take such demonstrations as useful indicators for the company and it can know the factors of success or failure, apply the appropriate corrections and not falling into the routine of just solving problems, when the foresight is to identify the factors that make companies winners.the joint commitment of the companies to preserve social responsibility to defend, protect and preserve the sustainable business environment, without avoiding the social responsibility to protect the environment, because it would be indirectly ensuring the disappearance of the business by neglecting customers and having consumed up to depleting the resources of your own environment.
Productive and supply chains integrate agribusiness fruver