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Strategies and indicators in achieving business objectives

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Keeping a Customer is cheaper than attracting a New Customer. Focusing Marketing strategies on attracting new customers often results in a waste of resources because it does not produce the results in expected numbers. On the other hand, existing customers are neglected causing loss and disloyalty to them.

By this I do not mean that the acquisition of new Clients is not important, of course it is important, but the strategies must be integrated in a way that preserves and maintains current ones and attracts new clients, because we remember that maintaining the loyalty of current clients it is what allows companies to survive in times of crisis.

Trusting that the quality of the Products and Services Portfolio will maintain customer loyalty is a serious mistake, the behavior of the markets has evolved and buyers have more knowledge and better tools that allow them to carry out an effective investigation and intelligence of the markets and Suppliers.

Today's Buyers expect in every transaction something more than the acquisition of a good or product, they expect service, consideration, esteem, respect, and empathy. They expect to be understood and cared for.

Differentiation Strategies are not enough to keep Clients if they are not accompanied by effective Maintenance Strategies and Programs aimed at strengthening and preserving relationships that lead to maintaining Clients' loyalty and preference.

The Strategies must be aligned with the Business Objectives and these in turn with the Mission and Vision of the company. Any divorce between them will generate a stagnation in the economic growth of the company, which will be reflected in the efficiency, effectiveness and productivity of the Processes, in the Quality of the Products and Services, in the corporate image, in the sales and profitability of the company.

How do we identify if there is alignment between the company's Strategies, Objectives, Mission and Vision?

The Management Indicators or KPI for its acronym in English allow to measure the general performance of the company and individual of each organization and process. They allow to measure, monitor, and control the achievement of the goals and their contribution to the achievement of the Goals upstream in the value chain.

In order to align the aforementioned elements, the management indicators must be defined in a cascade from the directive and senior management levels to the downstream levels of the Value Chain and of the sub-processes and organizations. The performance of the downstream indicators must have a direct positive or negative impact on the achievement of the defined Objectives. If this is the case, there is alignment between them, otherwise they must be redefined.

The strategic initiatives and projects allow to focus the efforts and resources of the company towards the achievement of the goals and objectives. It also allows to know if the company is moving in the directional arc towards the achievement of the formulated Vision.

Let's illustrate with an example, if a strategic objective is to increase the Portfolio of new customers by 20%, any effort aimed at increasing sales volume is important, but does not necessarily contribute to the defined objective because the increase in sales volume is It could have resulted from an increase in the purchase volumes of the current customer portfolio.

Let's look at another example, if a strategic objective is to improve the quality and efficiency of products and services, then initiatives and projects aimed at improving the efficiency of processes through better technologies that allow improving the efficiency of processes by producing more with the same quantity of inputs, without a doubt that it would be contributing directly to the defined objective. Indicators such as the reduction of the number of defects, the number of rejections and returns, would be indicators at the process level that must be measured, monitored and controlled to directly contribute to the achievement of the proposed objective, because to the extent that a reduction of defects is achieved, rejections and claims to that extent contributes to improving quality.

If one of the defined Objectives is to improve the geographical expansion of products and services, then downstream in the value chain indicators must be defined that allow measuring the contribution to the achievement of the objective. In addition to helping to guide and focus efforts and resources through the design of initiatives and projects that contribute to their achievement. Initiatives and projects such as expansion of distribution channels, strategic alliances with local suppliers in the geographic areas where it is desired to reach would contribute to the achievement of this objective.

Alignment implies interdependence between the KPIs or Management Indicators in such a way that the movement of one has a direct positive or negative impact on the achievement of its corresponding upstream indicator.

From the illustrated examples we can deduce that the strategies of attracting new clients with the strategy of maintaining the satisfaction of the current portfolio of clients complement each other, are not opposed, nor are they exclusive.

At the end of the day, surviving in today's demanding markets requires increasing skill, creativity and innovation in your strategies to keep current customers and attract new customers. Technologies to measure, monitor, control indicators, and generate timely and accurate information to support the decision-making process play an important role in this difficult path. But as a preliminary step it is required that there be alignment between the Strategy, Structure, Processes, Technology, Objectives, Mission and Vision of the company.

Strategies and indicators in achieving business objectives