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Best management practices


Today there are many theories about the best management practices to run companies, however sometimes the way is lost by wanting to implement a rigid line based specifically on a managerial trend.

The application of best practices finds its success in the combination of them according to the needs of the company, it can be exemplified as a cooking recipe where the base ingredient must be knowledge.

Consequently, doubts arise in the process: Where is the knowledge? Who has the knowledge? How to preserve the knowledge? and How to spread knowledge? Now the reader will ask what knowledge? The answer is: Knowledge of basic business processes, knowledge of business computer systems, technical knowledge to solve operational problems, in short, knowledge of the company.

Starting from the fundamental premise that management understands and locates the company's processes, the changes that are being generated and the knowledge contained in them, there are other mandatory questions that management must list and answer:

1.- Does the staff know the company's processes?

2.- Are they willing to adapt to changes and learn new areas of competence?

3.- How to form a work team that knows the company, its processes and also that they can merge their skills for the success of the objectives?

The answers to these questions will be found by incorporating concepts from modern management theories such as: knowledge management, strategic change management, human talent management, strategic planning, among others. The objective is to merge the areas of competence and structure a matrix that allows transferring the knowledge generated in the company, using a combination of the tools offered by the best management practices.

Knowledge must be comprehensive, we must know the company, its processes, its products, its services, its competitors, the products and services of its competitors, the economic and commercial environment of the company in which we work and of its closest competitors, But we must also enrich ourselves with knowledge that gives us professional and personal growth, for example: reading the press, books of personal, technical and financial interest, generally reading and even being interested in learning about Management.

Management is for everyone, when we allow our mind to dabble in management issues, it helps us to open our horizons and perform better in our work environment, it helps us to understand the decisions of the bosses, the mistakes, the successes, it helps us to communicate with more appropriate tools, which allows our voice to be heard, also allows us to cook a management recipe that improves us as people and opens up professional and work opportunities.

Just by reading and being interested, we can combine the best practices and implement them in a work environment, an example of this is presented in the following table (extracted from a thesis work by the author of this article), which was designed to achieve training of a multidisciplinary team working for a specific project, for a specific area and for a specific objective.

Knowledge is the basis of everything, it leads us to success or failure. Knowledge is the most valuable asset in companies and takes on greater value when we transfer it, when we delegate, when we ask for support, when we teach it. Management is sharing knowledge and the way to keep it within the company is by forming multidisciplinary work teams, with human talent that presents similar professional profiles, but each one authentically different as a person, motivating learning, participation and being part of the change processes. Every change brings a benefit and opens doors that we never thought could present us with a new work, personal and life opportunity.

Let's learn about management, cultivate knowledge, share knowledge and participate in changes. We can all apply our own recipe with the best practices, but it is essential to know them.

Best management practices