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Organizations that learn

Table of contents:


In order to understand the globalized world and be able to operate in it, the new business schools have to change the paradigms of what they taught in relation to the next millennium:

  • Traditional schools - New educational vision Training of managers - Training for entrepreneurs Develop specialists - Develop generalists Use established methods of Teaching - Use experimental methods of Teaching Teach - Teach and learn Full time teachers - Teachers who are professionals in business.

To develop a learning organization, the entire company must be a learning center, where staff really leave their job descriptions and learn to see the company game from its entirety and from its point of action. Like football matches, each play can be successful or fail, but from each one you must learn to improve or change and innovate.

We naturally have a learning team distributed throughout our body, as the entire organism is a sensor designed to learn and when properly managed, it is capable of raising mental potential in an extraordinary way. If this energy is used to solve the challenges that the company faces every day, from its position and at the time it is required, the synergy of collective talent makes it dynamic and reaches high levels of competitiveness.

The role of the employer or director in this organization is one that fosters a learning philosophy that encourages staff to professional growth:

  • Honest communication Maintaining agreements Fostering and supporting work challenges for staff Taking responsibility for creating a supportive and generous learning environment Throwing away what doesn't work Recognizing achievements

A positive attitude and a supportive environment unleash the innate strength of staff and create effectiveness, security, confidence, creativity, and greater chances of success in business. Managing a win-win philosophy creates greater team strength and greater security in customer satisfaction.

Using all resources.

Check your work environment:

Leave your business and once you are out, put on your visitor's hat, and with fresh eyes, start a tour of the premises, taking a list of all the areas to analyze.

From the reception to the bathrooms, work areas, offices, dining room, to parking lots and gardens.

See if it inspires confidence, if it has adequate lighting, the colors of the walls are cheerful or comfortable, the decoration, the messages on the walls, the security measures, if there is a sound system, pleasant music, the equipment and tools, the facilities, etc., give an unspoken message of liking for work or mistrust and pressure. Incredibly, all of this speaks to the expectations that people have of their work. It is worth inventing the day of the beautification of the work area and together, arrange and rearrange the place, to create a renewing work environment.

Place plants, many plants in the places where they do not get in the way and beautify, give each one of them up for adoption to the staff, to take care of and water them.

Put up art pictures, display company or staff trophies, photos and catalogs of your products or services, show interest and positive energy.

Establish work gymnastics, allow them to have short breaks for 5 min mental aerobics. To revitalize your thinking capacity and activate circulation in your body.

Redesign of boards and meetings.

In order to give special interest to meetings and meetings, a code of conduct must be established between everyone that facilitates the best results.

Rotate the person in charge of coordinating the meeting, so that he prepares the agenda, acts as a moderator and manages the times.

The assembly of the room in a circle facilitates teamwork and breaks hierarchies.

Make sure that places are rotated and people live from one meeting to another with different people, this stimulates the development of inter-departmental relationships.

Ambience the meeting room with baroque or melodic instrumental music at the beginning and at the end to condition moods.

Have drinks or services ready and accessible.

Use humor in a healthy way, allow drawings and cartoons in writings, messages and stationery, overheads or in computer presentations, within reasonable guidelines. This stimulates creativity and breaks with the rigidity and impersonality of the reports.

Working together on problems and projects, on a democratic level, scheduling activities or responsibilities, so that the achievements are celebrated by all.

Make sure that the teams are made up of different people, varying the groups is a good strategy to break with the islands of power.

The design of objectives, goals, work programs, etc… They are extraordinary if you work in a group and distribute responsibilities. Everyone participates, contributes and responsibilities are distributed.

This atmosphere of collaboration and good relationships produces extraordinary results and lowers the level of stress to which they are normally subjected.


The emotional environment of the company is related to the language and the form of communication, since it clearly reveals what the collective unconscious of the organization is like, what leadership style operates and the way in which interpersonal relationships are managed.

The language that promotes learning and the application of knowledge has characteristics that are worth highlighting, since words as such contain energy and messages that can produce positive or negative moods:

The main problem in a work area is fear. If the terminology of communication includes terms of threats, distrust or insecurity, neurophysiologically the brain conditions the person to remain immobilized and stressed, which severely limits their ability to work much more their ability to learn.

Nothing better than creating a climate of trust and security, based on a language of respect and authenticity, of mental cleanliness, where the commitment of people is taken as a fact.

Informational transparency, where everyone is aware of what is happening, the why and how, as this is a basic factor for involvement and commitment to the results of the company.

All means of communication, from stationery, telephones, loud voices, verbal and personal communication, messages in the company, motivational posters, slogans, etc… They must be reviewed and oriented to a propositional language, where everyone feels like a partner of the destination of the company.

Avoid the use of nicknames, words that minimize people or that attack them, no matter the position, gender, or age.

Create motivational phrases according to the times and the needs of the staff. Seek that they are developers, inject courage and good will, have the Pygmalion effect in their content.

Create positive habits in the ways of greeting, starting the day or passing messages.

We must all learn to listen actively, that is, making the other feel that they have been heard. This opens the doors of understanding and acceptance.

Getting used to knowing how to apologize when it is necessary to do so, this dignifies the person affected and the person who apologizes.

The language is shaping the personality. It is therefore so important to learn to use it well and to form the corporate language that of a sense of interpersonal identification and with the company.

Rethinking the Training Plan.

Training is not really an investment if it is not seen as such, it has to produce profitability. Therefore, it must be objectified and consciously planned by the heads of the organization, although it is also important to listen to customers to give them the focus and content according to their needs.

To educate is to create a reality for the future, therefore, we must adequately induce the enabling vision.

Action plan:

  1. Carry out a board of directors, where the plans of the company, its strengths and weaknesses are analyzed and compared with what it should be. A list of desirable skill needs of staff is established, by levels and priorities of urgency and importance. Isolated or sporadic training produces poor results, it is better to make a career plan with a guideline planned from the beginning, although along the way you have to adapt or change the seminars according to new needs. These needs are thoroughly studied and a training plan is developed. Remember that the best instructors are in the company, you have to take advantage of them because they are very valuable, but you have to train them so that they have the ability to teach pleasantly and productively, with accelerated learning techniques.Knowledge or skills that cannot be imparted by company experts or innovative or updating seminars should be requested from external trainers, seeking to be the best, as nothing is more expensive than the wasted time of the staff that meets and does not learn. Allow and support the experimentation of knowledge. Design an evaluation system where productivity parameters or results of innovations and changes can be measured in a fair and flexible way. Remember that only what is measured improves. Motivate groups to invent, innovate or adapt what exists to new needs, to new ideas. The world of multiplicity of globalization makes it important to build in the minds of the staff new structures of creativity and application of knowledge.Measure achievements and give recognition, celebrate your achievements and advancements, stimulate creativity.

Awakening in staff the will to learn and be creative, to visualize the future, accept and understand globalization, rather than as a threat as an opportunity, it is by learning to see systemically the changes in the market and the environment how we can have a Learning Organization.

Organizations that learn