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The signs of a new educational identity based on strategic management

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The application of new trends in the emergence of careers with an administrative economic profile that replace the current ones that were not created and are not ready for the emergence of new prerogatives, is a matter of consideration in this new process of the emergence of new academic proposals for THE NATIONAL SYSTEM OF HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL EDUCATION. The upper figure shows a mural of the work of the plastic artist DAIM of German origin, the complexity of the strokes refers to new innovative designs for the world of graffiti and its current trends, however, the base structure of his work has always been so simple and based in the fundamental techniques of the three-dimensional style, exact and clean lines, something that in essence could resemble the current needs of educational design.

The development of strategic planning within the business literature and its proposals to generate transcendental functional advantages is not a mere coincidence, strategic planning or reflection, as some authors know it, contains the key elements to make a quantum leap for large companies., small organizations where it is developed and capitalized through an adequate projection, based on the approach of a structurally planned change towards a future of ambiguous nature, which is subject to changing and prevailing conditions at all times of the exercise, planning represents the dilemma between the present and the means to achieve the desired future.

Each author gives it specific connotations based on different aspects, however, it is only necessary to review a text influenced by the idea of ​​planning to understand that it has awakened dreams of a rapid and transcendental improvement in those who see in it a solution to their structural problems development (both internal and external), planning has also been able to configure a true and consistent reality starting from individual abstraction, which is only clear to those who dare to shape the future even knowing that change is perpetual, and always based on a creative process that capitalizes on projected dreams and hopes for growth.This has become an intuitive projection of competitive markets from an unconventional and transversal point of view between possible realities (driven by those determined to undertake only by the need to find a change, or else model reality into a rational project).

The definitions for planning are more than coarse and absolutely diverse, with an innumerable number of points of view and projective senses, but sometimes it is easier to give a lateral but focused answer in the form of a parable, which helps to idealize a more consistent context understanding that what an abstract and concrete definition is capable of transmitting in its interpretive development.

There are common and current activities that to some extent border on the everyday but that nevertheless can establish an ideal comparison to understand the complexity of the act itself of planning. For example, running long distances is a clear example of the symbolism of the challenge of physical resistance, in which it is always about imposing the spirit's own will on the means external to oneself in the race. So this brief argument can bring us closer to the comparative idea of ​​physical activity and competitive strategy, a tenuous but at the same time marked relationship between both concepts, race and strategy, will make us understand more clearly the fractional symbolism that is interwoven between a runner and his performance.,a long distance can symbolize a strategist and her long projection horizon, the equivalent of what a CEOThis will be done when executing a long-term strategic plan, it will also be part of the specific idea of ​​the corridor and its goal. At this moment the two realities so diametrically distant but in essence so similar (running and planning) are united by the affinity in the magnitude of the challenge; In the common race, the experienced athlete undertakes an unpredictable path with complex transitions as it will always be in each of the parts of the path, which unlike a controlled environment such as a track whose terrain is predictable, I will run cross-country much more rugged and poorly controlled.

The Ka runner determined the distance and the average time of travel, his particular Ka will intuitively formulated the vision of reaching the goal in a period of time that goes according to his available resources, it has become the dream of his life as Amateur athlete, undoubtedly the runner as well as the strategist, has also considered the factors of the environment in which he will have to move, since not being an environment with controlled forces (based on uncertainty) he is exposed to the threats of a changing route constantly reformulate your claims, this would cause an intermittent gap between what was planned and what was executed during your journey. Most likely, many factors delay the achievement of what the athlete and the strategist have proposed,In the environment of the runner there are elements such as traffic, steep roads and narrow spaces to cross, which will delay and constantly change the athlete's career, as well as the way they run their route, these obstacles may not even resemble the challenges of a highly competitive industrial environment, however, can match the same level of momentary complexity and challenge for the strategist as the roadblocks for the runner.they can match the same level of momentary complexity and challenge for the strategist as the roadblocks for the runner.they can match the same level of momentary complexity and challenge for the strategist as the roadblocks for the runner.

At the time of traveling the estimated distance, the athlete has already considered the way in which he will carry out his movement, he has also formulated a base strategy, which is constantly strengthened thanks to the diverse experiences acquired previously, this is the starting point For the beginning of his career, small objectives will help both the runner and the strategist to materialize what was thought, establishing conclusive achievements that in sum will give the projected result as action. For example, having a uniform breathing, a constant pace and an incremental speed on the slopes that will gradually decrease on the inclined planes, are part of the elementary assumptions that the runner has always considered,they have become the fundamental structural contents for the generic strategies acquired thanks to their experience during the years of experienced broker. But unlike, the strategist assumes basic initial structural positions, elementary to face the challenges of a highly changing competitive environment, these strategies are the result of his experience in the development field as well as the knowledge and learning of some convenient theoretical strategic methods to the case.These strategies are the result of their experience in the field of development as well as knowledge and learning of some convenient theoretical strategic methods for the case.These strategies are the result of their experience in the field of development as well as knowledge and learning of some convenient theoretical strategic methods for the case.

As they continue advancing in their objective, both the runner and the strategist have realized that in particular the plan and the considerations provided by the initial preliminary analysis of the environment have not had a significant effect in most cases and in each of the various points. of the road, which has led to a constant reformulation of functional strategic items, which in turn materialize in a perspective of transience much more focused on the contextualization of continuous change and not on the imperviousness of the environment. Depending on the type of obstacle encountered, then the runner and the strategist develop simple but objective actions so as not to increase their travel time or, where appropriate, reduce the effect of threats on the execution of their plans.Intuition becomes a great adaptability factor for these movements, as the race time improves and the negative effects on the strategy are reduced, the effectiveness of what is done is verified to improve the action of the strategy and that it is fulfilled the vision implanted from the beginning, always considering a singular creative aplomb in what has been done.

It must be said that a simple race has given the runner the breadth and role of a strategist and the strategist the physical tenacity and momentum of the runner, the execution of continuous and meticulous analyzes in really short times combined with physical dexterity in the face of challenges. and adversities encountered in its journey, have transformed a common and current activity into a game of mental dexterity that shares significant qualities with the development of Gerial Management, the runner is a strategic entity and likewise the CEO represents in himself a challenge beyond of the mental, which to some extent makes it somewhat physical and of the will.

The objective of the analogy is to try to clarify the essential components found in planning and to refute the current condition of the strategy in the development of competitive business models and structures, new points of view seek to improve the competitive options that could be identified and developed in a way systematic under a single line of impulse, this would increase the capacity to withstand the new changes produced by a current situation linked to the chaotic forces that shape highly competitive and divergent markets. In conclusion, it is not only necessary to be strategically fit for a competition race with endless dimensions, you should also be physically fit to bear the weight, fatigue and wear and tear of analyzes seem like simple strategic solutions.

The broker and strategy analogy as a functional way of understanding strategic competition.

Importance and contributions of strategy to management in the historical context of its creation

Define the strategy as the starting point that has given meaning to the

Strategic and General Management is a way of recognizing its importance based on the growth undertaken from the theories proposed in the schools of strategic administrative development, it is from Selznick and Alfred Chandler that a characteristic approach associated with the internal conditions of the organization is distinguished and external expectations of herself, which will forge the birth of a monitoring tool that par excellence is one of the most used today (SWOT analysis), it is this first approach that will mark the beginning and the appearance of the strategy as a creative process and somewhat dissociated from the neoclassical approaches of Taylor's scientific administration and the TAC's. The strategy will be projected in parallel to the development of the administration as a central theme for its own media about how to create an ideal future, but as it developed it also built new ideas; These new ideas would give a clearer meaning to some terms such as: strategic management and strategic planning, as well as the possibility of reaching a wide spectrum of coverage in the execution of corporate matters for the development of companies in the public and private sectors.

It is laughable to note that in years prior to the appearance of the first schools of thought that would form the definition of corporate strategy and Management, Henry Ford had already determined specific precedents, this is very clear when contextualizing his corporate growth trend based on a proper corporate management of their businesses, not only their ideas about a production model that minimizes costs and improves manufacturing operations based on interchangeable parts and standardization of the process would be the only way that Ford would get to position its products in the market, for Ford, the way the product was sold,The channels through which it was distributed and finally the arrangement of the organizational structure that could make the above possible also represented a milestone in its strategy to offer affordable, competitive and reliable products to the masses, as was the model T at the time..

However, Drucker would not be far behind him, he was the first to consider that the postwar industrial economy and its development should be revitalized from new perspectives of execution and social development, with processes evoked from the adequate management of business resources, this would be A solid and preponderant component in the order of the corporate conjunctural forces of the organizations that wanted to increase their capital, Drucker is the one who would significantly formulate part of the key concepts that would serve as the basis for the development of a current called positioning and some others that are will align the General Management, this would be carried out mainly from the competitive analysis in the industrial sectors,which would create the necessary premises for the model of the five forces to emerge from among the natural components evoked by free competition in business capitalism, of which Drucker spoke, this would become a reality of a wide spectrum for many industrial sectors of the years 70, this would be comparable to a great quantum leap in business competitive strategy with repercussions to this day.

For Drucker, Management is the result of the interaction processes between society and the company, it is the means by which the welfare of the social fabric can be obtained from a suitable scaffolding focused not only on the correct application of resources and economy by investment capital, but in the adequate conception of processes capable of generating an effective management of them in all aspects from an idea based on the concept of social enterprise as the nucleus for the economic development of a country. The advancement of the new discipline devised in the aspects formulated by Chandler and Selznick had also been the starting point for Drucker to develop in greater detail the ideas about the intimate relationship between structure and strategy, which Chandler had previously established,This fact created deep roots in Drucker and made it clear in his book effective management ("If the structure does not follow the strategy, the result is inefficiency") these ideas would not die with him since, later, many more will continue to resurrect them at different times.

One among them would take advantage of them more consistently, and would be strongly influenced by the idea of ​​free competition in strategic competitive sectors to develop transcendental advantages. Porter would postulate a theory through the creation of an approach based on structural theoretical positions that would represent the effective strategic management of the key components in the competitive development of a system or company (the value chain) and also a competitive analysis model in the pure style of Adam Smith's classical economic theory.

However, Management had not reached its fullness and development with all this, there would have to be many more new divergent ideas that complement the panorama, which made it increasingly easy to identify a wide domain of results under the development of reflective processes to management not only focused on resources but also on other aspects that would create scenarios of competition for the new knowledge societies. It would be time after the hand of Peter Senge that the idea about strategic management would be reformulated again, his definition of organizations based on learning as a direct repercussion of the synergy between their own elements, as a result of a systematic structure thought,which would place much more emphasis on the need to execute management processes based on the retrospective of the natural archetypes of the development environment, obviously this established new value propositions based on a systematic concept of interrelation between components, whose execution evoked a world much more optimal business for the constant changes of our days.

This concept would not be accidental, the idea of ​​an autopoietic conception, it had already been identified from social theory by Jurgen Habermas and Niklas Luhmann, this new point of view in strategic management would base its judgments on the learning and understanding needs that emerge from the key components of the organization, which are based on interconnected structures that are self-explanatory and are important to empower accelerated learning and the advantage over complexity in the problems of tomorrow's organizations.

The tools that would help to understand this new world that is gestating from the conception of Management Gerial are diverse and will cover different points of view, but their overwhelming importance would be demonstrated by their great contributions to the creation of competitive advantages at various levels of the business structure, and materialized thanks to its easy development and implementation, through the use of strategic key resources executed in the process of forecasting and evaluating the future with greater advantages.

The proof of this is that by 1990 two professors from the Harvard Business School would make an important and radical contribution to the set of tools that already existed, this new idea should manage and increase the strength of strategic development until the first lines of business. work in companies ¨ your idea of ​​making strategy the daily work of the entire organization ¨ It was linked to the success of a management process elaborated from performance ratios that not only involves the upper echelons of the company, but also made all the collaborators important pieces in the process of implementation and development of a potentially strategic framework. Promising for those who wish to occupy the CMI developed by Kaplan and Norton, as a tool for strengthening the strategy.

Management has always been an essential part of the cult of the figure of the strategist, today there are different ways of explaining this phenomenon, the figure of the strategist has left its mark on the development of the discipline of German management, the strategist is a significant piece In the framework of all the actions that are developed, the strategist is one who has been able to possess the necessary skills to model the creative forces of manifest destiny in the future of an organization, and his means of intervening is through planning., whose meaning is a projected future.

But the figure of the strategist alone could not justify his role in the formation of a consistent structure for the development of Gerial Management, it would be unrealistic to consider the good strategist without being able to relate him to key attributes that have been materialized by factors such as power, design, environment, structure, learning, culture, configuration, company and position, these forces give a clear approach to the way in which strategy has been able to redefine Management in recent years and, in addition to the essential figure of the business strategist, is For this reason, for Mintzberg these elements are the basis of his proposal about the twelve schools of strategic thought, which in turn would culminate in his book ¨the strategy safari¨,This book is a general overview of the particular development of Management in the last decades. The table in image one and two shows a compendium of the main ideas about them and is an excerpt from Mintzberg's book Safari Through Strategy.

The search among several strategic options represented by the animals that Mintzberg enunciates in his book is the beginning of the identification of the different models of thought.

Comparative table between the main strategic positions, according to the taxonomic classification issued from Mintzberg's book safari by strategy. (In the first part, the block of the first five approaches in the classification made by the book is presented, the table only collects some of the important aspects of the information for greater knowledge about it, this table can be consulted in the text of the book).

Second part of the classification of schools of strategic thinking according to MINTZBERG (Mintzberg, 2010).

The process for the creation of a discipline as complex as Management is extremely long, and full of important names which would go beyond the small description that is made here, that is why only a few gurus and their theories have been named. then they will be used to specify the central idea of ​​what this text proposes, this also reminds me that it is important to emphasize some issues that should not be forgotten, such as: the translation of the strategy through performance indicators, the strategic processes based on power, environmental conditions, the creation of markets based on new forms of segmentation and finally the role of learning as an engine of growth and strategic development,These are some of the contributions that strategic thinking has managed to elevate for its expansion and strengthening among the central business topics sheltered by historical administrative processes, its creation and strengthening is a solid base to generate optimal perspectives of the possible functions that it should fulfill today business management today, not only as a new idea of ​​the administration, but as a development milestone based on the adequate engineering process for corporate management, which is not only inclusive in industrialized competition environments, but also for incomparable excellence and quality.Its creation and strengthening is a solid base to generate optimal perspectives of the possible functions that business management should fulfill today, not only as a new idea of ​​the administration, but as a development milestone based on the adequate engineering process to corporate management, which is not only inclusive in industrialized means of competition, but also for services of incomparable excellence and quality.Its creation and strengthening is a solid base to generate optimal perspectives of the possible functions that business management should fulfill today, not only as a new idea of ​​the administration, but as a development milestone based on the adequate engineering process to corporate management, which is not only inclusive in industrialized means of competition, but also for services of incomparable excellence and quality.but also for services of incomparable excellence and quality.but also for services of incomparable excellence and quality.

The new professionals linked to the competence scheme in business management, a key point for the consolidation of a perspective not yet condensed.

The creation of new approaches in strategic management and business development for competitive areas reflects the strong conviction in the evolution of processes, whose purpose of providing improvements in the conditions of implementation for new perspectives far surpass previous versions of the same. The development of the

Management Gerial is the trigger for a transformation in the elementary archetypes of the structures that make up planning, strategic direction and productivity, its perspective would not only change but would change somewhat to the nature of the administration, resulting in a new perception that is It evokes even more in external business development processes than in internal organizational ones, without ceasing to dispense with the latter as a component that sometimes behaves as a key variable in competitive strategic design. This approach will affect the change of the different aspects of implementation in practice,as well as it will also be in a position to redefine the type of professionals who would be responsible for its direct execution in any suitable natural environment that can be enhanced by the management of business resources. Like any new concept or discipline that is born, it requires a specialization that ranges from its elementary structures to the resources that it will use to be able to develop in a specific field of action, and specifically for this type of circumstantial paradigms.

There is reason to be able to project an accurate and necessary judgment regarding the new identity and capacities required in professional aspects that are related to the transience of the business environment, which in turn should also be elementary for the new engineer in the business management, I will specifically point out those that are closely related to Gerial Management, due to the ideological affinity that the new competence profile represents even more with the thesis formulated by Peter Drucker during the first pages in his book Managing for results (Drucker, 2012), or effective management in which it clearly specifies that: Economic performance is the specific function of the commercial company, constituting its contribution and the reason for its existence.The work is aimed at economic performance with results. Work, to produce results, must be planned and performed with direction, method, and purpose.

The current focus of new careers for engineering in the country

The current conditions in which it is found today in the country's educational academic sector are a reflection of the pressing needs that highly structured industrial and service actors communicate through their activities, many of which are directly focused on factors of human capital, which they require and estimate as an element of incalculable added value in the operations of the company, which is also fundamental in the recent educational proposals that are rapidly capitalized in offers for the productive sectors of the country. In this vein and in order to supply a workforce with a high impact on the key aspects of companies,Engineering is one of the main engines of continuous movement in most of the high impact manufacturing companies in Mexico, as well as for the transnationals located in the national territory. Engineering represents a factor similar to the philosopher's stone (which transformed heavy metals into gold), since human resources are a common denominator and a key component in the transformation of products, from raw materials to after sales.from raw material to after sales.from raw material to after sales.

This is not due to a low level of automation in the country, but to the clear interference of each significant aspect of the human factors accrued from engineering careers contributes, its constant and continuous relationship with the industrial and administrative means accrue in a synergy necessary to maintain the flow and forces that shape the operation of the company.

Today the country is transforming by leaps and bounds on different paths that also exert their effect on the largest and most prestigious companies and industrial sectors, the current environment is determined by the competition of key strategic professional profiles for these repealed changes of new conditions in the manufacturing and services of these new environments.

The dissemination magazine manufactures strategic information for the industry in its number 226 of July 2014, clarifies a point of view that could be decisive to link the conditions in which the emergence of a new career as business management is found, as well as clarify the stigma with which it was born, since since it began it has been called business management engineering.

According to the manufacturing magazine, the country's productive sector is witnessing a total disconnection of academic programs with the needs of companies, this is a generalized position in companies and a permanent demand from academia. And one of the greatest challenges for the development of engineering in Mexico (Azua, 2014).

If we consider that the above is a proposed panorama for a list of engineering companies such as; aeronautics, electrical, electromechanical, electronics, computing and informatics, mines and metallurgy, industrial, mechanical, chemical and macarronic. The conglomerate does not even glimpse anything related to management and administration, this particular case leads to think that business management opportunities as a new career and engineering are being debated on a horizon such that it can offer development in the same magnitude, or questions in their role within said world that lead to consider as a sterile ground, this because most of the competition that the article recognizes are focused on specific adjectives of this list of careers,This highlights the authenticity of a new career that is compared with the pragmatic development that is identified as a clear concept that manages to channel the needs of management in the country's companies.

Now, to make this even clearer, we redound to the following ¨ the profile of the best paid engineer should be considered as an independent manager in organizations, with technological capabilities (knowledge, skills and abilities) that allow them to identify needs; evaluate and select appropriate technologies will design goods and services and their production systems; equip, build and start up those production systems, operate, maintain and control systems for the production of goods and services; operate and adapt the technologies it uses, and manage research projects ¨ the previous comment is made by Julio Cesar Morales,Engineering Director of the University of the Valley of Mexico and highlights the precise aspects and considerations that are amply reinforced by the graduate profile in the engineering career in business management, which reaffirms the condition of pressing opportunity that is implicit in creating a new type of professional in management engineering.

The country's universities are trying to achieve the educational positioning of a career that is still undefined but with a perfect direction to the fulfillment of graduating engineers in business management. Among those who have already opened it or are doing it for about 5 years now, this type of blurry panorama where sometimes the clarity of the path comes quickly to leave in the same way, emphasizes the practice of management as a proposal Proof of error, that is why many times new scenarios are generated to directly observe this development, sometimes with favorable results, others less favorable, this will surely make it difficult to forcefully agree on the alignment of the same,since usually and almost always the academics are debating each other should belong to the economic administrative area or honor the name of engineering in business management.

  • Azua, L. (2014). Findings of engineering companies in Mexico. Manufacturing strategic information for the industry, 32-50.Drucker, PF (2012). Effective management. Buenos Aires, Argentina: South America. Mintzberg, H. (2010). Strategy Safari: A Guided Tour through the Jungle of Strategic Management. Naucalpan de Juarez, Mexico: Granica.

CEO: Translation from English to Spanish chief executive of operations.

Analysis for monitoring the environment also known as SWOT or SWOT for its acronym in English.

TAC scientific management techniques.

The phrase taken from a part of Peter Drucker's book "effective management" makes a clear connection to the idea that Chandler establishes regarding the effect that structure has on the general strategy of any course of action.

The Balanced Scorecard jointly published by Kaplan and Norton with Harvard Business School continually provides the meaning of the balanced scorecard idea through the phrase that has been placed at the top of the text.

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The signs of a new educational identity based on strategic management