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Authentic leadership


The ability to lead a group of people is perhaps one of the most sought after when trying to hire a person. Whether it's to build a building, win a basketball game, or run a business. The LEADER's role is always crucial.

In the case of a company, the management has two fundamental needs. FIRST; have a "MISSION" according to current competitiveness and a "VISION" consistent with the evolution of its environment. AND SECOND; organize and direct people towards the goals that emanate from their mission and vision. Estephen R. Covey distinguishes the Manager from the Leader in the management of a company. The administrator organizes the resources so that the objectives of the same are achieved. The Leader inspires and drags; he is the man who embodies the mission and envisions the future. The Leader is the man everyone follows because he inspires confidence, enthusiasm and respect.

There is abundant bibliography and extensive research that tries to answer the question: ONE LEADER; IS IT BORN OR IS IT MADE?

The answer is not obvious, but perhaps the analysis of the profile of a TRUE LEADERSHIP that I do below and share with you will help to solve it.

  • A leader is one who pays attention to the eyes of a child. Because they know how to see the world without bitterness. When the leader wants to know if the person next to him is trustworthy; try to see it as a child does. A leader is the one who is able to understand the miracle of life, he is the one who fights to the end for something he believes in. And he never forgets gratitude. The leader doesn't need anyone to remind him of the help of others. He remembers alone and shares the reward with them. The leader knows that he is free to choose what he wants. Their decisions are made with courage, detachment and sometimes a certain dose of madness. The leader accepts their positions and enjoys them intensely. he knows that it is not necessary to renounce the enthusiasm of conquests; they are part of his life and make all those who participate in them happy.The leader never loses sight of lasting things and the bonds created solidly over time. The leader knows how to distinguish what is temporary from what is definitive. And you know that as you go, enthusiasm and training are not enough; To win, experience is also required. The leader opens his heart to the universe and asks God for inspiration. You know that your energy must be renewed. That new ideas need space. That the body and the soul need new challenges. The leader never cheats, but knows how to distract his adversary. You are not ashamed to temporarily withdraw from a negotiation if you perceive that your enemy is stronger; the important thing is not the isolated battle, but the end of the war. He always returns to the negotiation, but does so without stubbornness; but because you notice a favorable change.The leader is not fooled by appearances; And he remains silent when they try to impress him. The leader takes every opportunity to teach himself. The leader who preserves his friends is never overpowered by the storms of existence. He has the strength to overcome difficulties and continue in his purpose of achieving common benefit. The leader understands that repeated experiences have a purpose; teach him what he does not want to learn. The leader keeps the sparkle in his eyes; He knows he is capable. You do not need to go around the world counting your qualities and virtues. He recognizes his flaws and qualities. However, every moment someone appears wanting to prove that they are better than him. For the leader there is no "better" or "worse"; Each one has the gifts necessary for their individual path. The leader never stops dreaming.He knows that the future has become the present and that all dreams will have a chance to manifest. The leader knows that no matter how difficult his goal, there is always a way to overcome obstacles; Analyzing different alternatives The leader gets involved and commits to himself and others The leader leads by example. Suggests, does not give orders. It convinces, it does not impose ideas. Respect the ideas of others and provide the opportunity for growth and development. Give your best and expect the best from others. Try to show others with generosity; of how much they are capable. An authentic Leader has already felt fear in various situations. He has already betrayed and lied in the past. He has already traveled a path that did not belong to him. He already suffered for unimportant things. You already thought you were not a leader. He has already failed in his spiritual obligations.He has already failed as expected by his followers. You already said yes when you wanted to say no. He already hurt someone he loved.

That is why he is a Leader; because he's been through all of this and he didn't give up hope of being better than he was. He knows that everything deserves respect, even what is small and subtle. KNOW THAT ACCUMULATING LOVE MEANS LUCK. And that accumulating Hate means calamity.

“Man is the only being who has the ability to choose; therein lies his talent. In the power of their decisions ”.

Authentic leadership