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Leadership within organizational behavior

Table of contents:

  1. The role of leading in organizations Formal and informal leaders Leadership styles and organizational effectiveness Contemporary positions on leadership Personal skills and management skills development


  • The strongest is never strong enough to always be the master, if he does not transform his strength into law and obedience into duty… Jean Jacques Rousseau Nothing is as stupid as winning; the real triumph is in convincing… Victor HugoEveryone believes that having talent is a matter of luck; nobody thinks that luck can be a matter of talent… Jacinto Benavente.

The role of leading in organizations

Start of Leadership

Leadership began with the search for universal personal characteristics that leaders might have to some degree greater than non-leaders

A second approach would try to explain leadership in terms of the behavior that

a person observes

Leader. Person who influences others in a certain direction

Leadership. Ability to influence a group and achieve the objectives set


Ability to influence a group to achieve goals


►The leader is the person capable of influencing others and possessing managerial authority


►It is the ability to make others follow you with the conviction that your ideas

will allow the advancement of the organization and its members

Leaders vs Managers

► Managers are appointed. Their ability to influence is based on the formal authority inherent in their positions

► Leaders can be appointed or emerge within the group and can influence others beyond actions dictated by formal authority

Formal and informal leaders

  • The need for leadership is not limited to managers but extends to workers at all levels of the organization Leadership exists in many places within the organization both formally and informally

Leadership forms l

  • It is the one exercised by those appointed to positions of authority, to carry out activities such as:

► Set the address

► Provide mission symbols

► Ensure tasks are performed

► Support the development of resources

► Model the importance of customers

Leadership informs l

On the other hand, people who become influential exercise informal leadership because they have special skills or resources that are valued or needed by others (Handy, 1997). Formal leader. It is a person who has been selected by an external body and who has recognized capacity within their sphere of competence

Informal leader. It is the individual who best interprets the needs or beliefs of the group

Leadership styles and organizational effectiveness

A good intention is clothed in power

The trustee of power is always unpopular

The greatest gift in life is natural talent

Leader style

The characteristics of leadership that a manager uses:

► Relationship-oriented: Cares about developing good relationships with employees

► Task-oriented: Ensures that employees do their job well

The roles of leaders mix technical, human and conceptual skills, which are applied in different degrees and at different organizational levels

Your behavior is important to the organization

Leadership styles

Leaders can manifest two or more leadership styles (House)

► Executive leadership

► Sustaining leadership

► Participatory leadership

► Achievement-oriented leadership

Leadership styles

(As authority is used)

► Autocratic leader

► Democratic or participatory leader

► Liberal or free rein leader

Autocratic leader

►Gives orders and awaits their fulfillment

►Is dogmatic and imposing ►Directs through the ability to restrict or grant rewards and punishments

Autocratic leader

► Says what to do

►Decision limited to new idea

►I don't work in a team

  • Limited time Groups without knowledge Do not know each other • The group wants spontaneity The group knows each other

Democratic or participatory leader

He consults with his subordinates the actions and decisions proposed and encourages their participation

This type of leader is believed to be in a range that varied from one who does not take action without the participation of his subordinates to one who makes decisions without consulting them.

Democratic leader

►Involve the group in planning

►Ask before speaking

►Promotes teamwork

  • There is time available The group has knowledge Motivated groups • Unmotivated groups

Liberal or free rein leader

► Uses his power a bit and gives his subordinates a great deal of independence or "free rein" in his operations

►Allows subordinates to set their own goals and the means to achieve them

► Believes that his role is to facilitate the operations of his followers by providing information and acting primarily as contact with the external environment

Liberal leader (Laissez-faire)

►Offers little direction

►Opina when asked

► Does not seem to be responsible

  • Great motivation and competence Team sense They already know the routine • Little knowledge of the group The group says what to do

Leadership Theories Leadership Traits Theory

This theory holds that leaders manifest certain attributes of the personality, called traits, that influence them to act as such.

He also argues that certain traits increase the likelihood of the leader being effective

Leadership theories Contingency theory

This theory comments on the need to adjust leadership styles to the situation

Recognize three key elements of any Leadership situation:

►The leader and his Style (Leader traits)

►The subordinates and how the leader interacts with them (Leader's Behavior) ►The leadership situation (Situational Contingencies)

Contingency Theory

Fred Fiedler's Contingency Model (1967)

A leader is effective depending on his characteristics and his situation and explains how a leader can be effective in a situation and how sometimes not

Contingency Theory

In summary, Fiedler argues that:

► Task-focused leaders are most effective in extreme situations of high or low control

► Relationship-focused leaders tend to be most effective in intermediate situations of moderate control

Modern Approaches to Leadership

Startup Structure

Degree to which the leader is likely to define and structure his role and those of his subordinates in the pursuit of goal achievement

► Assign specific tasks

► Emphasize meeting deadlines ► Expect workers to maintain their performance

Ohio State Studies

Modern Approaches to Leadership


Degree to which it is possible for a leader to have working relationships characterized by

► Mutual trust

► Respect for ideas

► Feelings of subordinates

Ohio State Studies

Modern Approaches to Leadership

Employee oriented

Leader who attaches great importance to interpersonal relationships

Production oriented

Leader who attaches great importance to work

U. of Michigan Studies

Female and male leadership

Do they lead differently?

The differences could be nuanced by the choice that men and women make when choosing a career, and deciding based on a set of ideal behaviors for a profession

However, women:

► They adopt more democratic leadership styles

► They stimulate more participation

► They share power

► They try to increase the self-esteem of their followers

And the men:

► They are more likely to have a controlling and directing style

► Prone to giving and receiving orders

  • The problem with this approach is to be able to determine the effect of the traditional role that men have played in society (culture), and this added to the organizational changes that are taking place (more horizontality)

Contemporary positions on leadership

► Theory of leadership attribution

► Charismatic leadership

► Transactional leadership

► Transformational leadership

Leadership Attribution Theory

► Leadership is an attribution that people make of other individuals

►Cause-effect relationship: The results are attributed to the leader, good or bad

►People characterize leaders as possessors of intelligence, personality, verbal ability, boldness, determination, understanding

Charismatic Leadership Theory

►It is an extension of the theory of attributes

► Followers attribute to the leader a superhuman ability

►Correlation leader-satisfaction and performance of his followers

Followers establish attributions of heroic or extraordinary abilities to the leader when they observe certain behaviors

Transactional vs. Transformational Leadership


Desire to Lead

Honesty and Integrity Self-confidence


Job knowledge



Strengths and weaknesses


Common characteristics found among people with leadership

► Ambition and energy

► Desire to lead

► Honesty and integrity

► Self-confidence

► Intelligence and

► Relevant knowledge about the job


There is no guarantee of success, it must be taken into account

► The needs of the followers

► Separate cause from effect

► Situational factors

The leadership effect can be substituted or neutralized when subordinates have:

► Experience

► "Professional" guidance, ► Training or

► Indifference towards rewards

Leadership skills

Successful leadership depends on appropriate behaviors, skills and actions, not personal characteristics

Behavior can be learned and changed, while personal characteristics are relatively fixed

Managing trust

People prefer to follow people they can count on (trust), even those who have different points of view, rather than dealing with people with whom they agree but change positions frequently

In today's organizations


Team work

Trust and

Sharing the information are replacing:

Rigid structures

Competitive individualism and

Control and secrecy


Organizational behavior

Chapter 14. Leadership

Angelo Kinicki-Robert Kreitner McGraw-Hill

Organizational behavior

Impact of emotions

Chapter 7. Leadership and Leadership Styles

Eduardo Soto

Thomson Learning.

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Leadership within organizational behavior