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Leadership. differentiation and decision to change midway


When we go halfway and turn back to see the ground we've covered, we don't always want to keep moving forward.

It is necessary to stop turning to analyze the mistakes made on the way to focus again on perfectly realizing the dream that we have conceived in our mind. You will gain a good position in front of your customers, if you make your company the highest perceived value against your competitors. This is what people do!

At times like the ones we are experiencing, many organizations are pausing to reflect on whether their strategic plans for the beginning of the year are fulfilling their mission.

In addition to the political and economic conditions in the world in general, and in our country in particular, the decision-making processes in companies have been stopped by the uncertainty generated by the global economy, which makes the operation of the companies much slower. organizations.

Undoubtedly, these moments of change show the lack of leadership in those who lead the destiny of each company. They are in a panic because of the little information about the future that they have in their hands and that keeps them vulnerable to the environment.

These are not moments of stopping to think if what has been done is correct or not, they are moments of advancing in the initial project, with some modifications if you want, but without stopping the pace of the business, since the speed it has acquired during the first 6 months of the year, is directly responsible for its internal alignment processes.

Do not expect to be running at more kilometers per hour than the physical condition that you have acquired over time gives you, as this can cause many adjustment problems, pressure towards people and consequently low productivity in relation to the Plan of Business that has been raised initially.

If you haven't trained, do it now to get into a better rhythm.

The markets will not wait for your thoughts, they are in need of the changes right now and you should have prepared for it well in advance. If you didn't, do it now to finish your exercise with decorum, there is still time.

How to do it? Your people are the only way out, believe it. These are times to reconsider if the work with your people is adequate, it is not possible to continue pretending that long and hard work (excessive hours) results in the commitment of people. The commitment is acquired with

Leadership not otherwise. Only those who are able to ignite people's hearts and promote their development, has a greater chance of becoming the highest perceived value than their competitors with their customers… and this is the central idea.

"Productivity vs long hours". Stop things !. Better to create a compromise strategy than one that is geared towards correcting the mistakes you've made all along.

If you want to win the game, you must make compromise strategies, rather than do several more to correct the wrong done along the way. It is not about continuing to do things wrong, it is about doing things differently so that you can get different results than what you have achieved so far.

But having people's commitment to you is not that simple, as it requires a deployment of your leadership at the highest level, and surely that is what you have forgotten to do since the game began. Failure to do so has surely detracted from credibility, has caused dissatisfaction and low morale in the people around him and worse still, people have received more pressure for results and less free time as a response from them.

Stop confusing commitment with excessive hours, that has never worked. Commitment is measured as the result of empowering others to give all their capacities and abilities to a purpose (business vision), to give their heart to achieve what has been envisioned, but this requires leadership consistent with the principles of the development and with the fact of staying close to the people, their people.

Having committed people forces us to abandon the old belief that people should be closely supervised, the false paradigm of believing that they contribute little mentally to the processes and that is why they require close supervision. These practices are what force today's organizations to unlearn old managerial styles and behaviors.

People commit to change when you change, when forms change, and they are given the freedom to use their full potential once they have been empowered through a development process.

World-Class Organizations continue to meet their Triple Balance, while you reeling in a sea of ​​indecision regarding how you should lead your people. Change that now! and let others also take control of what they have to do as part of their responsibility.

Overworking is nothing more than a synonym for "not knowing what to do" in difficult circumstances, it is a reflection of the inability of leaders to connect with the best resource at their disposal, the Human Resource.

By working excessively, you not only block yourself mentally, but allow others to block together with you, eliminating any possibility to innovate, seek new ways and solutions to your problems but above all take action to do different things, those things that they can surely give you the competitive difference in the market where you participate.

So unleash your people, dedicate yourself now to unleashing their hidden potential, and deploy your new leadership throughout the organization. Advance without fear, inspire, reassure others that everyone is needed on your ship and everyone's contributions count towards achieving your wishes. The time has come to DIFFERENTIATE yourself by doing what you haven't done!

"Take the weight off yourself"

The great decisions for change begin within us and taking off the weight of the past is the best way to start doing what was not done before. If you want to act differently and achieve your results, let go of all ideas of the past and start working on yourself.

The renovation requires an absolute change and an absolute change is not to make up the result, it is not to make up a new way of acting. It is to do it consistently and congruently, only then can you regain the credibility of your collaborators, only then can you regain the trust of those who make you great. Understand once and for all that the results you obtain are the results that each of your collaborators give you, which for your fortune or misfortune are the size of your leadership.

Create a new strategy with them, train with them to improve your leadership, no matter how painful the process of recognizing that you have done wrong in the past may be. This will put you at the best of your ability to act again with greater intensity and will give you the necessary speed to implement the change process.

Gain the trust of your people by staying close to them, improving your level of interaction with them to provide the necessary guidance on an ongoing basis and to maintain sufficient clarity on new strategies to be implemented going forward.

An open door regime, open the level of listening and thereby act in anticipation of any of your competitors. Anticipation occurs when you decide to do so, when you are aware that no one can go before you and for this you need to exceed the creative level of all your people after having been trained and developed for it.

Empowered people produce much more than those who are afraid to make decisions and who are obliged to consult everything. These are times of freedom, they are times to think differently, to do different things, so abandon the archaic way of working as "before"

The processes, policies and procedures that are not operable eliminate them, that simple, but lose the fear to do it.

The potential of your business is in the hands of the potential you release in your people. Decide to live differently, doing different things already, there is still time to achieve that dream you thought at the beginning of the year.

Final thoughts:

"Nothing like abandoning false beliefs, because it is the only thing that can guarantee a new way of life in the future."

If this scares you, then dedicate yourself to something else, your thing is not leadership, much less change as a life purpose!

“Companies change when their leaders change along with their people” and the results of the change are directly proportional to the improvement shown in their leadership management, neither more nor less.

"Change occurs when all of its people change"

It is not possible to think of generating a change from just one person, the Participation of all is necessarily required!

Leadership. differentiation and decision to change midway