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Leadership in organizational change


“The problem for many companies and people is that they spend a lot of time talking about how they will achieve their goals. Stop being afraid and talking about it so much and get to work. If you want to get where you want, take action!

Stop! As long as you don't act, you won't get anywhere. Your thoughts and plans will be meaningless and you actually expose your leadership to ridicule.

In the context of global economic chaos and complexity, entire organizations are experiencing an irreversible and complex disease called Paraplegia. That is, for some reason or another they have decided to be too cautious to the point of infecting their entire workforce with this disease and as a consequence they continue to stop the very progress of their business and their people.

Many Entrepreneurs and Erudite Businessmen have fallen by the wayside by inaction. They are able to discuss for months the best way to do things, and even to envision success for their organization, but when it comes to doing so they fall by the wayside. What happens?

Leaders must make decisions that allow them to move forward together with those they represent and together with their team of company colleagues, even if they decide not to be the hindrance that stops their business.

As long as you do not have confidence in yourself and your leaders, they will not get down to work, nor will they be interested in putting their full potential at the service of their Clients. You have become the piece that stunts growth, believe it or not!

So stop showing off your talents as a great thinker and appeal to your character to get down to work, and even more so when the standards to be achieved in your Strategic Plan have already been defined. If you have already made your business plan, what follows is to operate it, not to be fiddling with it throughout the year to pretend that you are on the lookout not to overlook anything.

Decide to give confidence in those who have the ability to operate it efficiently. If along the way, your leaders show you that they are finding additional opportunities not contemplated in the Business Plan, give them the freedom to use their creative capacity (Founded Innovation) so that they can print speed to the Initial Plan and as a consequence have the security of arriving before your competitors to the finish line.

Because if you don't put them to the test, how will you realize your ability to lead big projects? So what do you look for in them? Throw them into the river if you want to watch them swim, only then will you be able to realize who is the best to beat the current that is coming over the entire company.

Our Strategic Plan at Southwest is simple: get things done! Herb Keller CEO Executive.

If you do not decide because you are afraid of failure or of being seen to fail, let me tell you that these are precisely the route to success and even if you do not want to believe it, they are part of the growth story in Business. So learn to reward "excellent failures and to punish mediocre successes."

Failure leaves the best teaching and prepares us to achieve a better position in the future of our business. If you don't dare, think twice, because with your attitude you are training all your collaborators to fear in the face of adversity and that will never get you out of the pot. Realize that the courage and trust you instill in your people will be the trigger to generate the innovation and differentiation needed and to avoid a catastrophe of capital proportions in the future.

So align the level of responsibility of each position and person with the organizational vision and take action immediately afterwards. The market asks for changes, your clients ask for differentiated service, in other words, they are waiting for you to take action!

Take charge of getting the entire Organization moving, get off your desk and dedicate yourself to paving the way for those who walk you daily. Walk down the aisles and reward all people who are making success stories for your business, let them work and focus on exceeding the planned goal, let them learn, inspire enthusiasm, generate a clear idea that in your organization Planning is Key, but the action is much better evaluated.

Success is measured by what you do, not by what you think, and that in the end is what a financial statement or the best sales report reflects in your business, is that clear?

I don't want to argue if your clarity of thought is superior or not, I just want to emphasize that thought without action is like having a wonderful, excellent girlfriend whom we dare not ask for marriage. Without results love dies, without results your Company too.

In addition, going to the line or the hallway, will allow you to print more energy for your purposes, since the closeness with the members of your team is vital to communicate that it is you who supports your work and your talent and is proud of your achievements. You are in charge of ensuring that successes are repeated over and over again in each department and your presence should make it clear to others that you are interested in your Team and are proud of each of its members. This will be what in the end will generate results, convince yourself of it!

The job of a leader is exactly to turn all the people around him into someone they have not even imagined. It has a connection with doing excellence every day, but with people, it has to do with going beyond what others do not do, it has to do with inspiring to reach the highest level even dreamed of by those around them. But this work starts on its own. You cannot go hawking in the corridors without having done your homework well with yourself because otherwise the mountain will be upon you. Dare to do with you what you want others to do with you. Simple as that!

A good part of leading is helping others to dare!

Helping others cross the river involves first encouraging them to do so. This inspirational work is really your job!

Your job as a leader is not simply to achieve your goals, but to become a producer of excellent actors. If you don't focus on making your people great, no matter how hard you try, you will only achieve a few successes and nothing more! If that suits you, then welcome to the Club for Mediocrity.

But if you focus on Excellence and forget about Success a bit, then we are talking about the same thing.

Achieving success is reaching a certain place, practicing excellence is a way of life! It is the reason for our existence, it is what we live for, it is the only thing that will fill our soul with satisfaction, there is no more!

If you are not looking for Excellence in what you do, in your people, with your children… then what are you looking for?

If others dare to cross the river, it is because you have managed to inspire them, it is because you have taken away their fear of facing the current that is coming over them, it is because you have taught them (by example, of course) the thousand and a way to cross it despite the complexity that this implies.

It has made them experts, it has made them winners, it has empowered them to achieve their greatest purposes and now they have no more limits on their mind. It has made them into people who have made a habit of exceeding expectations in their work and life.

There are not really so many tricks in life, it is a matter of daring to “take the big leap” and you as a leader have the obligation to give it before others to set an example for them, that is, if you want your people to take risks again To cross the river, first take a risk for them and until then they will follow you.

Life is a matter of thinking well. Yes. But to act well, it is too. It is a highly congruent theme, neither more nor less.

Do you want to change the Culture of the Organization? Change your first! Do you want to differentiate yourself from your competitors? Start by differentiating yourself from others, even when you have to hurt your Ego a little.

Do you want to cross the river and get to the other side to celebrate the process that you have lived in order to achieve this success? Dare to do it! my advice, change, change, change and change again!… I am at your service.

“My recommendation is that you seek Excellence every day. it is their reason for being, it is their main driving force… Forget success a little and practice doing it.

If you want to do great things and achieve the greatest of your successes, do not give it so many laps… Just do it!… stop thinking so much…

Action and action!

Forget about practicing as a Guru, and get down to business.

What your company needs is not to have a Board of Directors that thinks for others, what your company needs is to turn its vision into reality and this has to do with action.

Leadership in organizational change