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Leadership in the family business

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“As ironic as it may seem, in the same way that fear makes what one fears happen, a compelled intention makes what one wishes forcibly impossible” Víktor Frankl.

Frankl calls this Paradoxical Intent. Our good intentions actually become the cause of our failure. When a specific result is pursued so fervently that the relationships that are an integral part of the process are neglected, we are planting the seed of failure. We work against our own success.

There are concepts and behaviors that are that essential part of the Family Business Management process.

If you work taking these principles into account and adjusting to these behaviors, trying to turn them into habits, the success of the management occurs, almost naturally, as a consequence.

These concepts are:

Harmony + Profitability:

The success parameter of Family Businesses is to achieve, at the same time, “Profitability” and “Family Harmony”.

And this is the extra difficulty involved in leading a company of these characteristics.

In a non-family business, profitability is prioritized as the ultimate goal. Thus, by concentrating solely on the efficiency of the process, we can obtain it as a natural consequence.

Leading a PE adds an additional component: maintaining family harmony, and this requires a leadership style that must be continually attentive to all possible sources of conflict and act in anticipation of crises.

Shared vision

In RUs, the strategy will be strongly influenced by the philosophy, values ​​and goals of the owner family, we must study how to do so that they do not become an obstacle and their companies endure through successive generations.

It is obvious that if the family culture is not aligned with the needs of the company, the joint existence of both is not possible.

The absence of a common goal is one of the main sources of disagreements, since each member of the Family has their own company as a goal and, unlike non-family employees who submit to comply with what they are told, the A family member believes that he is defending a higher goal, that of his own conception of the future, and rebels against all decisions made by others.

Defining a vision and agreeing on it with all members of the Family is an essential element to reduce possible differences, and this also changes the focus of the source of power.

"We must do this like this, not because I say so, but because, if not, we will not achieve the objective we said we want to achieve."

The first act that must be executed when starting to lead an organization, especially if it is a family one, is to define a vision, this process must be developed in conjunction with all those who run the company, family or not. The leader must be continuously verifying that all members understood and share that vision and transmit it to all who join the organization.


Says John Davis “Formality is the best friend of the Family Business”.

The leader must ensure that the members of the company take care of the formality in all behaviors and processes that comprise the government of the company.

The meetings of the governing bodies (family council, shareholders' meeting and board of directors) must be respected, in order to maintain the necessary balance between the three sub-systems that make up the Family Business, Family, Property and Business system.

This respect must be maintained both with the form and with the content of the meetings, schedules, agendas and, above all, the treatment between the members of the meeting.

"Most SME entrepreneurs think that large companies carry out certain behavior because they are large, and the opposite is true, they are large for behaving that way."

Formality not only helps the maintenance of the organization, but also contributes to its growth and development.

Play Roles

The successful management of the family business consists of a constant game of Role Playing, or as we said in childhood, the game of “Give it…”.

The name of that game would be "Give him that we are now shareholders" and then "Give him that we are now managers" and finally "Give him that we are family"

It's about playing different characters at different times, and each of these characters has different interests.

The family member must prioritize the harmony of the group and the sentimental containment of all the members.

The shareholder must demand that the investment made in the organization generates profitability.

The manager is responsible for managing the company to obtain the profitability that the shareholder expects.

Playing each role is similar to Del Bono's proposal in "Six Thinking Hats", you have to put on the corresponding hat on each occasion.

Perhaps an example is a cartoon published by the Nexia Foundation (www.laempresafamiliar.com) in it, the director with a hat that had MANAGER written said to his son “-My son, you have not achieved the expected results and your work caused him to the company a considerable loss.

You are fired". The same director changes his hat for another that says FATHER and says "- My son, I knew that you have been fired from your job, what can I do for you?"

When you play a role, you should put aside the visions and feelings of the other roles.

There are always grays between the different roles when making the decision, and this is the correct thing to do, since the parameter of success is Profitability + Harmony, but in the analysis of situations and possible solutions these ambiguities should not exist.

If everyone understands this game and participates in it without cheating, coexistence and management become much less conflictive.

Pass the post

Some consultants argue that because employers don't even want to hear about it, there shouldn't be much talk about succession.

It has to be the opposite, the employer must, understanding that his retirement is unavoidable, lead the succession process from the beginning of his management.

When the children are still young, they should develop the bond with the company, prepare their successor or successors, define who is the fittest or who is most excited about the possibility of assuming that responsibility, how they prepare, what bond will generate with the employees, enthuse them with the Vision, so that they maintain it and pass it on to their own successors.

By managing to lead his own succession, the entrepreneur creates a legacy and transfers a dream and not simply a business.

A CEO of a non-family business stays in the position between 5 and 8 years on average, in the family business the average is 30 years, the first period may seem short, but, sure, the second is too long.

The company and the world evolve and the needs change and the capacities necessary to lead as well. At certain ages, these changes are very difficult, so stretching the succession term can be deadly for the company.

The employer must set a deadline and, upon arrival, withdraw.

If you understand the importance of this process, you can program it, understand it, and carry it out with much less hassle.

Each of the decisions and actions carried out by those who manage a Family Business must be governed by these concepts-principles

Profitability + Harmony

Shared vision


Play roles

Pass the post

The suggestion is: print these concepts-principles in large print on a sheet of paper and keep it visible, on the desk, on the wall or, if you feel like it, in the drawer you use the most.

And ask yourself every day: All my decisions today took into account the balance between efficient management and family harmony. Are we all sharing the same vision of the company? Is there someone who does not understand what we want? We were formal in the meetings and in the contact between us. Are we playing the role play correctly? We do not mix the interests of each one of them in the analysis of the situations? We took into account the first concept (profitability, harmony) when making the decision. Do I understand the need to prepare my estate? Am I doing what it takes to be prepared when that time comes?

The leadership of a Family Business has a much higher demand than that of other types of organizations, where many concepts and behaviors are defined by the same conception of it. In PE, the links, although on the one hand are binding on the other, conspire against the forms necessary for successful management. Interests come into play, most of the times, contrary to each other, efficiency and family harmony, formality and familiarity, feeling eternal and understanding the need for change.

Leadership in the family business