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Leadership in organizations and its importance

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Leadership in organizations


The function of this document is to make an assessment of the importance of organizational leadership in these times, where day by day we face constant changes in our environment and where if we are not at the forefront we simply do not succeed. We need to employ leaders capable of directing organizations towards successful competencies where we can observe that they have an economic and social development with which they would somehow contribute to improving the economy and well-being of our country. It is necessary to develop ethical and humanistic leadership in organizations, with principles and values ​​that allow companies to have managerial effectiveness and with which they can reach organizational objectives through collaborators.


Leadership is a topic that has been studied a lot in recent times, but as we will see later, it is not an organizational style that many companies have adopted, since it is not easy to find a true leader capable of moving an entire organization forward. Nowadays it is no longer rare to see how many companies fail shortly after starting, how the economy of our country instead of increasing, the opposite occurs, or how instead of being better people every day we find more index of young delinquents. What does Mexico need to get out of the great hole where it finds itself full of crime, corruption and violence? The answer is not simple at all, is it? What we need gentlemen,They are leaders capable of creating a change in the family and social nucleus that can be reflected in the development of our economy, here is the importance that has led me to talk about this issue, but specifically about leaders in organizations. In this essay the reader will be induced to know the importance of leadership in organizations to be able to face the constant changes in society, and how without the lack of these, the organization can simply fail. Being a leader is not just anything like leading an organization, in order to be and do this, specific characteristics and skills are needed that within this writing we can find.In this essay the reader will be induced to know the importance of leadership in organizations to be able to face the constant changes in society, and how without the lack of these, the organization can simply fail. Being a leader is not just anything like leading an organization, in order to be and do this, specific characteristics and skills are needed that within this writing we can find.In this essay the reader will be induced to know the importance of leadership in organizations to be able to face the constant changes in society, and how without the lack of these, the organization can simply fail. Being a leader is not just anything like leading an organization, in order to be and do this, specific characteristics and skills are needed that within this writing we can find.In order to be and do this, specific characteristics and skills are needed that we will be able to find within this writing.In order to be and do this, specific characteristics and skills are needed that we will be able to find within this writing.

II. Background

The first empirical research on leadership was published in 1904, the main impulses in this field occurred during the First World War, “… the main interest was to identify the characteristics of leadership and the way in which men rise to managerial positions. After this time, the phenomenon of industrialization occurred which, together with the development of large bureaucratic organizations in business and government activities, caused the need for new leadership. "(Fiedler 1995, pp.11-12)

Since then, people have studied the concept of leadership focused on the characteristics, skills, attitudes, etc., inherent to the leader and his contribution to the development of the organization. However, we cannot start talking about this topic without knowing that it is leadership in the administration. One of our favorite authors defines leadership as: "… interpersonal process in which managers try to influence their employees to achieve predetermined work goals." (Hosftadt 2013, pp. 277)

So it is clear to be able to see that a leader is one who can influence people to achieve the proposed goals together and therefore without the fulfillment of these the company or organization would collapse.

III. Development

The Mexican economy is made up of 95% of SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) according to INEGI data, generating 72% of employment and 52% of the country's gross domestic product (GDP). However, in recent years we have seen a continuous deterioration in companies where high production costs, slow marketing processes but above all the lack of creativity of human talent to create and adopt strategies that allow the organization to have efficiency and effectiveness in its production to generate profitability and solvency that allow it to face the technological, social and economic changes of the changing world.

What do these companies need to be able to position themselves in the market and not have a tax death? Perhaps the most obvious answer would be to have all the technological and economic resources, however we can see that the growth of a company and its permanence in the market are generated through sales that are reflected in the good or service, but so the question now would be how to generate the maximum amount of sales? Do leaders influence this process?

"Organizations depend, in order to grow and endure, on the leadership of their leaders, and this is true for those that are for-profit and those that are not." (Gómez 2008, pp. 26). It is clear that without a good leader the workers of an organization will not be able to carry out the sales objectives, and without the fulfillment of these the organization will simply fail.

But the task of a leader in the organization is not easy at all, making a whole group of people integrate and work as a team leads to having good communication, empathy, will and commitment with collaborators, which leads us to question ourselves: What is leadership? What are the styles of it? What is a good leader like? Is every boss a leader? There are so many theories, definitions, and perspectives on this topic that it would take a long time to study it thoroughly. But let's start from the beginning, another definition of leadership defines the concept as:

"The process by which one member of the group (its leader) influences the other members toward the achievement of specific group goals" (G. 1994, pp. 4).

So it is clear to be able to see which leader is not everyone who runs an organization, but the one who can influence people to achieve the common goal together. What is the difference? Let's see, a boss (I say boss because he is the one in charge of the organization) is that person who only orders hoping that the members of the organization fulfill their duties and objectives, without getting directly involved with them, while a leader is that person who motivates, listens, attends and understands the members of the organization, knowing that without human talent the proposed objectives simply cannot be achieved.

A very successful differentiation is the one made by Roman and Ferrández in their book Liderazgo y Coaching in which they tell us that:

  1. The boss manages his coachees. The leader trains them, the boss depends on the authority. The leader of goodwill The boss inspires fear. The leader, enthusiasm. The boss says "I". The leader says “we.” The boss fixes the blame for failure. The leader fixes the failure. The boss says "go." The leader says "let's go." (M. 2008, pp. 89)

This is the difference between what it is to be a boss and what it is to be a leader, so it is important to have leaders capable of moving the organization forward and not bosses who do not make any changes.

The uncertainties of a world that is constantly changing become evident, technological and economic progress forces us to generate changes, to seek alternatives and strategies that if we remain seated will never happen. Organizations that have not been able to adapt to change have disappeared or are about to do so, the lack of unity in them causes insecurity and slows down the effort. What do organizations need? Leaders are needed. However, being a leader and leading an organization is not easy, first of all because being a leader is not something you are born with but you are formed day by day, and leading an organization is not the same as leading a few people.

Making an entire organization integrated and meeting objectives requires leaders who can influence people so that they can be able to feel part of the organization and meet their designated goals. It is like being part of a family, you always want the best for everyone so you always strive to be good with yourself in order to be well with others, thus generating harmony and effectiveness within it.

Chávez in his book Manage Today says that leadership is a “…. process of interaction between people in which one of them leads, through their personal influence and power, the energies, potentialities and activities of a group, to achieve a common goal in order to transform both the company and the people who collaborate in her". (Chávez 2006, pp. 20)

We can know a true leader when somehow his collaborators always perform with superior performance, a leader is not great because of his power but because of his ability to influence others. It is essential that organizations adopt leadership as an organizational style to face the different difficulties that arise every day. Success in an organization is only achieved if all employees work together with the leader to achieve the company's goal, so success is actually a failure if it cannot be passed on to others.

IV. conclusion

Leadership in organizations is of utmost importance for all those organizations that seek to adapt to the constant change that the globalized world has. We can't just sit around watching companies fail, and not do something about it. Mexico needs leaders and to be at the forefront to be able to compete against the other economies of the world because, as Rodríguez and Ramírez mention in their book the Psychology of the Mexican at Work, Mexico despite having the 29 essential natural resources for the development and wealth of The countries declared by UNESCO is a poor country, while other countries such as Japan, Singapore and Taiwan each have only 3 rich countries.

In conclusion, leadership is important as it is vital for the survival of any organization. It is important, as it is the ability of a boss to guide and direct. An organization can have adequate planning, control etc. and not surviving the lack of an appropriate leader, even such an organization may lack planning and control, but having a good leader can succeed.

V. References

  • Chávez, Martínez Gustavo. «Administer Today». Mexico: Gasca-Sicco, 2006. Fiedler, Fred Edward. "Leadership and Effective Administration". Mexico: Trillas, 1995.G., Yuki. "Leadership in organizations". 1994. Gomez, María Guadalupe Noriega. «» Importance of leadership in Organizations ».» Mexico, December 2008. Hosftadt, Carlos & Gómez, Jóse. Professional Competencies and Skills for University Students. Madrid: Díaz de Santos, 2013.M., Roman JD and Ferrandez. "Leadership and Coaching". Books on the Net, 2008.
Leadership in organizations and its importance