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Leadership in times of globalization and technology

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In these times of great changes in technology, life in organizations undergoes changes that affect the results that are planned within each department and at the management level, therefore it is essential that leadership in organizations is an issue that should be very important In large and small companies, we can say it is the spirit that moves the entire company to achieve short-term and long-term objectives, without a leader in an organization it affects the results, it can even cause an organization to close due to lack of good leadership. Leadership in these times becomes more difficult because they are times of globalization, of different cultures and nationalities, this makes the leader of the 21st century a person who can guide people, motivate them,help them until they meet the objective, and why not in these times be a tutor of their employees.

The leader comes from the root word that is leader verb that indicates action (Madrigal Torres, 2007) we can say that leadership is the art of influencing people so that they help so that the objectives are achieved in an efficient way, it is easy Say it, but being a leader involves many skills that sometimes not all of us can have, but it can be acquired by having the desire to be a great leader, because without this work life becomes difficult because employees sometimes do not follow the leader They make the objectives are not achieved, they put obstacles, decisions are not obeyed this brings repercussions in the department, it also affects interdepartmental relations,it is necessary that leadership in an organization be a priority. One of the ways to have or acquire these skills is training where leadership knowledge can be acquired.

The leader in an organization is the person who influences people, who motivates them, helps them in their need, corrects them with teaching when necessary, let's not forget that everyone is different, it could be of culture, religion, country, Therefore, a leader knows his people, he knows how they are in their daily work, such as acting in situations and he is with them at all times as support, a leader has to be honest and fair in his decisions, his actions have to be as transparent.

Leadership is influencing people how to know about their family, if they have a need that we can do for them, if their work is not the right thing to sit down, talk with them, see how to help them improve it, motivate them to develop in the same organization or outside, I think that to be a leader is not easy, but it could be like being a father towards your children, sometimes there are good or bad situations, if as managers we behave like this we will have the best results, we will achieve many objectives in the company, therefore we will be an example of themselves so that the same ideology continues to improve in organizations, we know that there are leaders who behave very rude, super strict, under punishment, shouting this type of leadership does not work because we will only have fearful employees and they will only focus on fear,they will forget the organizational objectives.

A leader is a model being if people reflect harmony, taste for their work, a lot of motivation, a harmonious environment and attentive, the leader model is first class, but if they reflect the opposite it is a situation that must be analyzed and decisions made.

When you are a good leader, employees want to work together with you, but when it is not, on the contrary, being a leader has its rewards, one is that people appreciate you, help you, let's not forget that not everything is known, both leaders and employees each day is learned in daily operations, here the support of both parties will make the work friendly with positive results.

Some very common situations that I see that you happen in organizations is promoting an employee to supervision and they do not know or do not have these leadership skills, it results in a disorder and the other employees create resistance, the jobs or objectives are not carried out, this causes losses In planned results, one way to promote is to analyze the prospect's skills and evaluate their leadership.

Although we can affirm that many are born with leadership skills, many do not have it, but one thing we can assure that a social group without a good leader the results are not flattering.

Leaders must have the ability to communicate with everyone in an effective way, this means that communication must be fluid, clear and there are no obstacles that prevent information from reaching or not understanding the given message, because a message is not given well it is sometimes with bad repercussions to the group.

The leader must know how to organize the work as it should be done, which are the best ways to do it, organize his people, put them in strategic places for greater results.

The leader knows how to direct his people, he knows how to put them in the most appropriate place, he is also a motivating agent, greets, congratulates his people, helps to have a cordial atmosphere among his work team, the leader must have high self-esteem because as It is known is the model of the organization, if your team has failures we can say that the leadership is failing.

In organizations, the leader must fight to improve his team in protecting them, helping them develop their skills, instead of punishments, help them improve their mistakes, a positive action that is done for the good of the team impacts the lives of the employees, a certain actor He says that leaders should make positive deposits towards their employees, it is a way of influence that allows employees to fight by themselves to do their tasks with great responsibility.

Sometimes as a leader you will have to make corrective decisions towards your work team, this should always be done in private talking with the person, helping him to improve his work and let him know the repercussions that happen if he does not improve his work.

Another situation that happens and affects organizational results is the leader's overconfidence towards his work team, respect is lost, even team productivity, there must always be trust, but excess is not good, sometimes Employees confuse the type of leadership and assume that they can do what they please without following the objectives of the organization.

One of the common mistakes of leaders is to go to live with their employees at a party that they organize themselves, which happens sometimes, respect for the leader is lost, although not everyone thinks that way, but preferably it is considered better to avoid it, like everyone else. we know a little alcohol things are not the same.

The characteristics of a leader are several, we mention some according to (Madrigal Torres, 2007)

Flexible, do not take things too rigid, look for alternatives.

Patient, a gift that should not be lacking.

Creative, it is very important to be a leader.

Intuitive, it is needed to prevent situations.

Communicating, the message clear and concise.

Ambitious, that the objectives are really impressive.

Problem solver, apply analysis, and decision making.

Respectful, who respects his colleagues and employees.

Motivator, always look for strategies to motivate your employees.

Responsible, who is a model in their actions

Then we can say what to be.

Leader of the XXI century must know how to direct, persuade positively, harmonious, charismatic and guide his work team.


The leader in this 21st century has several challenges the type of employees is different, they think differently, sometimes their objectives are not the same as the company and it is necessary for the leader to guide them to gradually take the objectives of the organization, help them develop in the company, make them see the importance of their stay in the company, take care of them to remain in the organization, because when they leave they take a lot of knowledge and it costs the company, as leaders we have to learn every day how to be a leader, if we are weak, reinforce it, acquire knowledge of how to make the leader form in us every day for the good of oneself and the organization, companies in this century are looking for leaders so that their organizations undergo positive changes, remain in the market, continue to support to the country's economy.


  • Management skills Madrigal Torres 2007.
Leadership in times of globalization and technology