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Strategic leadership

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The link between man and function is a space that allows to intervene and transform the task into a challenge to be executed by choice. There the organization receives a boost that constitutes its difference, a unique and unrepeatable offer to weave its vision from each position into a common purpose together with its people.

Strategic leadership

the best play is in the hands of the people

It happens a lot that from completing the task so much, from doing their part well each one, from applying the process with due diligence, from having everything so clear, the reflex of solving the same thing is strengthened, and thus a certain mastery in repeating is obtained, and the price is that the interest in the novelty is numb, is postponed. On the other hand, who bothers to get the same thing right over and over and over again, filling the performance coffers with a sustained curve of efficient standards? With those kinds of results in the short term, it is logical to welcome the monotony and long life to the process. At the same time, it has been learned that nothing lasts, and with it that uncertainty sustains a voracious vigil to consolidate itself in permanent change. This dualism between lasting and changing, somehow seeks to invoke the value of balance,to live with risk, to include the question, to be alert, to promote each idea.

Game changes are no longer to be expected from leaders. It's up to them to set the rules. But the novelty in the way of playing the game, the master move, today it would be appropriate to expect it from the plain, direct from who operates, from the one who moves the papers, from the one who does the task, from a new origin that little by little has been invading the scene until, perhaps very soon, it knows how to become a rule of the game. There is an opportunity waiting hidden in the corner of each eye, just a little behind the focus on the task, that which constitutes the vigil of the classic boss. It is an opportunity that is camouflaged right in the link between people and the task, in a fold of that context, it is encapsulated in a way that lulls alertness, impulse, desire.

In this context, in the labyrinth of the process, the surprise has been lost. This pleasant surprise that invades the organization when it manages to bring to fruition all the flow released by its people. By allowing yourself the flow of possibility that each one is.

That looming power, that timid flow that aspires to a torrent, demands a channel that is worth systematizing with a purpose, that of avoiding the broken bag, that of taking advantage of the idea, that of dreaming about people, that of transforming it into a challenge. homework.

Possibility manifests and is released with desire. With the pure pleasure of creating, contributing, beating, driving it. It is time to lift the censorship of each ear. To imagine a contribution in each lip, in each position, in each vein.

The time to invoke Strategic Leadership is born. A task that has somehow fallen into the hands of the leader as an interesting offer. The task of generating the space for the possibility to flourish, of creating the appropriate context, of being committed to its being born and growing. To find his own meaning in the framework that his task demands of him.

Managing the possibility is to play in favor of it, that it appears, that it is validated, questioned, debated, enriched, depersonalized, appropriated, nurtured, channeled, and originates actions aimed at its realization.

The power to name her freely to give her a breath of life is a human attitude, pouring her out in the middle of a table integrated with people focused on nurturing her with each question, letting her grow autonomously in a shared game that fosters common appropriation, overcoming the individual prominence of its authorship.

It is born with a dependent fragility, without its own heartbeat, only the constant impulse sustains it and, at the slightest carelessness, its deregistration occurs, and it will be as if it never existed.

The possibility that I create, the possibility that I am, the possibility that I sponsor and share, the possibility that I offer, that possibility that I support, is the same and different, while it nurtures it defines its form and matures its independence, develops its attraction, breathes its convening power and suddenly it is released, it takes its own course, it constitutes an offer and with joy it receives the hope of personal fulfillment from others who by serving find its meaning, project their identity, unfold their life, together they constitute a concert that implodes until achieving its essence is followed by reverence, praise, admiration for having happened from such an uncertain origin.

Possibility lives its own cycle to which we have been called several times.

The generative capacity of the people does not need to be summoned, by granting them a certain space it is possible to liberate them, with only that is enough. Allow it to appear without protocols, unexpectedly, at the right moment when it is stimulated, and design mechanisms to take advantage of that contribution.

Space is during. Unlike the processes created to deliberately invoke a state, a whirlwind of ideas, a special setting to encourage a creative approach to a subject, there is the option of allowing and capitalizing on the appearance of the new gaze at every moment.

Without discussing or replacing the contribution generated by deliberately coordinated events for that cause, experience teaches us that the possibility requires complementary spaces to achieve a maturing base that allows its effectiveness.

Usually the forums established to dream an ideal open with a defined theme or at least with a specific scope framework. In this context the same voices are generally heard. For different reasons, mostly the people who participate and propose end up being the same. As the group speaking factor is known to be self-contained, and if the proposal to contribute something new is added, the presence of officials with different hierarchies and the expectation of achieving something productive from all this, the participants face the less to a double challenge, that of looking good and that of contributing something.

It is common currency in the work meetings the desire to participate of the people, the spontaneous appearance of opportunities, of different alternatives, the contribution of ideas for the improvement of processes, initiatives to achieve differentiation in the market, and in the same way in All areas of the organization can see that interest appear when those responsible for exercising direct action, those who live in the trenches and make things happen, have the opportunity to speak.

These contributions that happen randomly or those caused in brainstorming meetings, with some honorable exceptions, seem to fall into a common bag, that of desire, which most of the time turns into oblivion.

Only by exception is this filter exceeded, and in few cases does any relevant impact appear.

Harnessed or not, the uncontrollable restlessness of the people to play to create, to bring something new, integrates the generative capacity of the organization and is waiting for its opportunity to be summoned and although it does not declare it, it awaits its space to happen.

This organizational capacity available in each position is a potential characteristic in any organization that is seldom encouraged, and when it happens, it generally comes on schedule, in a way that is limited to a topic and in a strict fashion.

We are on our way to unleash that strength, to build with people, to discover that strategic capacity scattered in each position, in each look, in each idea, and link the desire of the people with the task. As a whisper, consistently, the hour is installed in which the leader takes the glove and accepts the strategic challenge that this opportunity constitutes for the organization.

Strategic leadership