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Managerial leadership applied in admissions of the valle del grijalva university


The objective of this research protocol is to improve the type of leadership applied in the admissions department of Universidad Valle del Grijalva and therefore obtain a better work environment for all collaborators in the area.

In addition to improving the environment, other benefits will be obtained if managerial leadership is applied, such benefits may be, goals met which would lead to salary increases, possible promotions, extra bonuses etc.

The reason why it was decided to implement Managerial Leadership in the admissions department was because some important problems were observed due to lack of good leadership.

To know these problems we used certain types of research, methods and some techniques, which led us to know the specific problems of the admissions department.



Today's organizations have a changing and dynamic character that is dysfunctional to their purposes and objectives. These changes have a negative impact on the productivity of the members of the organization. Generating alterations in their lifestyle and consequently institutional disorders.

So, analyzing how the lack of Managerial Leadership affects directly not only the organization but also personally to each of the collaborators. It has been proposed to know the problems, which can be seen with the naked eye.

Where is the problem of the admissions area in the department or in its collaborators?

How could the environment be improved?

How could Managerial Leadership be applied in the admissions department?

How would the admissions department benefit?

In this way, it was possible to realize that an important problem is the lack of organization, inequality, the lack of motivation in each of the collaborators.

It is intended to solve these problems by working closely with each of the members of the organization, in order to improve their productivity.


This research work is aimed at the leaders present at the Universidad Valle de Grijalva, where this will serve to analyze the characteristics and activities presented by the Managerial Leadership in the admissions area of ​​the UVG of the object of the study, which is located Dr. Belisario Domínguez No. 1755 Fracc. Bougainvillea Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas. This research work will be carried out in a period of time from May 7, 2013.


The purpose for which it was decided to work on this Management Leadership project was because observing and analyzing the types of problems that were reflected in the UVG admissions department, it was understood that they have the need to improve the existing leadership in such department.

It is for this reason that it is intended to improve leadership, if a better Managerial Leadership is applied, benefits of great importance for the organization would be obtained, such as the fulfillment of goals, campaign after campaign and therefore a less stressful work environment for employees. collaborators.


Analyze the type of leadership exercised in the admissions department by the leader of the organization, during this second campaign.


  1. Determine the achievements obtained for the benefit of the admissions department during the second campaign of 2013 Identify the progress made regarding the work environment and employee satisfaction Identify the points to follow regarding the application of leadership for the next campaign 03- 2013. Make the necessary proposals to improve what has already been done.


CONCEPT OF HYPOTHESIS: Hypothesis is understood as the justification proposal for a certain phenomenon, element or process that takes place in any area of ​​existence (that is, both natural and social). The hypothesis is one of the most important parts of the process of scientific analysis and study since it is through it that the theory begins to take shape, even if the hypothesis is refuted and annulled. The hypothesis is what allows the human being to start the thought process through which a certain type of knowledge will be obtained.


Hypotheses are the link between theory and observation. Its importance in that they give direction to the investigation to suggest the steps and procedures that should be taken in the search for knowledge.

When the research hypothesis has been well developed, and the relationship or link between two or more variables is clearly observed, it is feasible that the researcher can:

  • Prepare the objective, or set of objectives that you want to achieve in the development of the research Select the type of feasible research design with the problem posed Select the method, instruments and research techniques in accordance with the problem to be solved.Select the resources, both human and material, that will be used to carry out the proposed investigation to a successful conclusion.


Conceptual hypothesis. It is the hypothesis that is formulated as a result of the theoretical explanations applicable to our problem. It helps us explain the phenomenon we are investigating from a theoretical point of view.

It is the guiding hypothesis of the investigation, it tries to approach the problem as a basis for the search for data. You cannot cover more than what is proposed in the research objectives or disagree with them.

We can state it as a causal or determining relationship from the statement of the problem, from which the variables arise.

Work hypothesis. It is one that serves the researcher as the basis of his research, that is, it tries to give a tentative explanation to the phenomenon that is being investigated. This is the hypothesis that the researcher will try to accept as a result of his research, rejecting the null hypothesis.

The working hypothesis is said to be operational by presenting the conceptual or general hypothesis quantitatively (in measurable terms).

Alternative hypothesis. When answering a problem, it is very convenient to propose other hypotheses in which independent variables appear different from the first ones we formulate. Therefore, in order not to waste time in useless searches, it is necessary to find different alternative hypotheses in response to the same problem and choose among them which ones and in what order we are going to treat their verification.










Independent variable. Dependent variables. cause. Effect.

According to the hypothesis raised, it is managed that the implementation of Managerial Leadership in said area would bring as benefits a greater communication from the leader to the subordinate, which would lead to the fulfillment of the goal, which is the objective for which we work together.

All of this would result in a greater benefit to the area in general.



Aliat Universidades is consolidated as the most accessible and wide-ranging university network in the Mexican Republic. Aliat is made up of ten educational institutions grouped in 50 campuses located in 18 states of the country and in the Federal District; where more than 50 thousand students are prepared under the experience and constant training of more than three thousand teachers.

It has a competitive educational offer that includes Baccalaureate and Bachelor's degrees in the areas of Economic-Administrative Sciences, Social Sciences, Engineering, Information Technology, Communication, Health Sciences and Construction. It also offers TOP Bachelors, (Your Professional Opportunity) for people who work; as well as cutting-edge postgraduate courses, as well as languages ​​and continuing education.

With more than five years of educational experience in Mexico, Aliat Universidades has established itself as one of the most accessible and far-reaching university networks in the Mexican Republic. It is made up of nine educational institutions grouped in 50 campuses located in 18 states of the country and in the Federal District; where more than 50 thousand students are prepared under the experience and constant training of more than three thousand teachers. Today there are more than 50 thousand graduates of the Aliat institutions who already contribute to the development of our country.

With the incorporation of cutting-edge technological systems, Aliat Universidades works on the constant homologation of academic and administrative processes that have achieved that the institutions that make it up can offer quality educational services that respond to the preparation needs of broad sectors of Mexican society.

With its own student-centered and constantly evolving educational model, Aliat guarantees a series of important benefits to its entire student community on any of its 50 campuses.


Here we deal with transformational leadership, an understanding that has been achieved through a proposal to strengthen leadership in managers, in order to improve their performance.

A transformational leadership, according to Bass, suggests a process of evolution, transformation and sense of change that is proposed to individuals who go beyond the normal, from which higher levels of achievement and performance are expected, not as a succession of transactions or agreements; subjects who exceed their own expectations for the good of the institution itself.

The challenge of answering the question of "How to diagnose and implement transformational leadership?" Gives meaning to the research from which this article is generated under the argument of transformational leadership that, according to Bass (1985) and Leithwood (1994), sustains as the essence of the transformation the interest in second order change and the phenomena of intellectual stimulation, charisma, individualized consideration; inspiration as the emotional component and psychological tolerance.


Currently, it is necessary to strengthen the leadership of the manager as a determining component for the development and transformation of educational centers. This urgency leads to a constant search for those approaches that manage to give a positive response to the felt needs of the organizations.

Under this emergency, research focused on the school director and his leadership, adds to the transformation process assumed by the Mexican public school in the face of the demands that a new society demands: Comprehensive Reform of Basic Education 2009, the 2011 Study Plan Said assumption of generating different forms, involves the admission of recent paradigms such as the transformational model, (Bass, 1985), and the shared one, related to the School Strategic Educational Management Model (2011).

According to Bass (1985), a paradigm shift is suggested in which leadership is seen as a transformation process aimed at individuals who move beyond what is normal, from whom higher performance and maturity levels are expected, not as a result of a series of transactions or arrangements.

Thus, leadership contributes to the educational community becoming voluntarily involved in achieving the objectives set by all, to transform the culture of the organization, teaching performance, the improvement plan, among others.

"In the search for educational quality, today it is intended that in all schools through an exercise in which directive leadership and the committed involvement of the entire educational community are demonstrated, the culture of the organization is transformed, (Secretary of Government of the State, 2010, p. 11) How to diagnose and implement transformational leadership? From this interest, to implement a new type of leadership requires a positive attitude that allows generating modifications, thanks to which the school community understands and shares the purpose of improvement to achieve the desired school. However, it is not easy to solve the challenge of implementing transformational leaderships, because as Leithwood (2006) points out, today we live with transactional policies and this is the dilemma.How to face them to overcome leadership based on control and supervision?

If the inability to cope with the conditions of the postmodern situation, characterized by continuous changes and uncertainties, is added to the above, it is realized that more flexible, adaptable and creative organizations are needed, where the role of the new leadership transforming as a driver that must respond to these needs and demands of their own contexts is essential.

Hence, the transformational leadership proposed by Bass (1985) is based on charisma, individualized consideration, intellectual stimulation, psychological tolerance and inspiration as the main distinctive transformation behaviors of transactional leaders. Management style that at the present time can be enriched with the new trends of shared leadership (Murillo 2005, 2006) and sustained Leadership (Hargreaves, 2008), among other recent approaches.



Promote educational services that allow the student a relevant professional training, an integral development with a humanistic vision based on a solid personal ethic and a leadership with commitment to the service of others, which fosters a culture of effort in national development.


Consolidate as the leading system of low-cost private universities in the country that promotes the training of competent professionals, characterized by rapid labor insertion, sensitivity to the needs of society, a transformation of the environment, love of the country and the ethical sense; as well as by the integral development of the members of your organization, all this supported by the high quality educational services offered at the upper and upper secondary education levels.


Truth: It corresponds to the coherence between thought and the objects of reality. The truth is only possible in the honest search for the real.

Freedom: It leads to an exercise of human self-determination to channel thought and behavior according to the dictates of reason and the will of being.

Service: The service leads to leaving oneself, donating to others and as a consequence it promotes an enrichment of the person, values ​​and social development.

Transcendence: Foster a proactive attitude in students that leads them to a permanent effort to achieve more in all areas of their company.


The user will strengthen the use of useful and remotely available resources during their academic experience, promoting interest in knowledge management and research production, thereby serving the intellectual community in general.


With more than 20 years of experience, the Valle del Grijalva University (UVG) is consolidated as the university institution with the longest tradition in the south of the Mexican Republic. It currently has the Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Cintalapa, Comitán, Pichucalco and Tapachula campuses, in the state of Chiapas. Coatzacoalcos campus, in the state of Veracruz, Campeche campus, in the state capital, Villahermosa campus in Tabasco and Mérida campus in Yucatán.

UVG belongs to Aliat Universidades, which with more than five years of educational experience in Mexico has established itself as one of the most accessible and far-reaching university networks in the Mexican Republic. It is made up of nine educational institutions grouped in 50 campuses located in 18 states of the country and in the Federal District; where more than 50 thousand students are prepared under the experience and constant training of almost three thousand teachers. Today there are more than 50 thousand graduates of the Aliat institutions who already contribute to the development of our country.



The Council for the Accreditation of Higher Education, AC

Founded on October 24, 2000, it is the only instance validated by the Secretary of Public Education to confer official recognition to the accrediting bodies of the academic programs taught at this educational level in Mexico.

The accrediting bodies recognized by COPAES are empowered to carry out the evaluation processes leading to the accreditation of undergraduate and university-level technical or associate professional programs, in defined areas of knowledge, in public and private institutions of all the country.

The recognition of accrediting bodies, as well as the accreditation of academic programs, is valid for five years, on a renewable basis.


The Council of Accreditation in the Teaching of Accounting and Administration, AC

It is the body in charge of carrying out the accreditation of the academic programs of the higher education institutions of accounting and administration, bringing together a series of mechanisms and forms, through which the verification that the institution meets certain standards of academic quality is obtained. to teach higher studies in accounting and administration.



In order to certify the quality of the engineering study programs, on July 6, 1994, the "Accreditation Council for Engineering Education, AC" was formally constituted. (CACEI). This council was constituted as a civil association whose highest governing body is constituted by its Assembly of Associates, in which the schools, associations, as well as the productive sector participate through the corresponding chambers. The CACEI is the first instance of this kind that is constituted in our country and performs a function of great importance, since it promotes the elevation of the quality in the teaching of engineering and provides a service of great value to the educational institutions themselves, to students and applicants to study this profession, and employers,informing in a clear and timely manner about what they can expect from the more than 1,200 programs in this area that our higher education system currently offers. On the other hand, the accreditation of academic programs at a higher level that freely request it will have an impact on the elevation of educational quality.



Body that evaluates and grants accreditation to academic programs at the Bachelor, Higher Technical University and Upper Middle level, in Informatics and computing within the 32 states of the Mexican Republic.



Agreement and acceptance of the quality assessment mechanisms in the educational service.




The Values ​​Center is a centralized body of the Aliat Universidades system that was created in 2011 and has the objective of fostering institutional values ​​and promoting the comprehensive training of all its members under a humanistic approach.

Its plans and programs are worked on at each university campus and at all the educational levels it handles. It also supports educational institutions, civil society and government organizations.


The Values ​​Center seeks to achieve its objective through an action plan that considers the following strategic elements:

1.-Comprehensive development of the student. Promotes human and institutional values ​​among students completing their comprehensive training.

2.-Teacher training: Offers quality training and updating for teachers in their mission as promoters of values.

3.-Orientation for parents: It gives orientation to the parents of our high school students.

4.-Diffusion of the values ​​in the educational community: Promote the institutional values ​​of Aliat Universidades in each of the schools that make up the system, fostering the sense of belonging to the Institution.

5.-Social action: Participate in the social development of local communities, especially the less favored sectors of the population.


The Values ​​Center is based mainly on the Educational Model of Aliat Universidades, its values ​​and virtues whose philosophy seeks the integral formation of its students under a humanistic approach. It is based on an anthropology, in which man is seen as an integral being, that is, a bio-psycho-social being open to transcendence.

Audiences with whom you work.

  • Students Teachers Parents Members of the educational community Local community


Promote the institutional values ​​of Aliat Universidades and the comprehensive humanistic training of all members of the educational communities of the system, as well as the development of the people of the local community.


Tuxtla campus


What can be observed in the organization chart of the Valle del Grijalva university is that the admissions department is one of the most important areas within the university, its members are:

  • Director Administrative promoter Scholar

These are the main members of the admissions area, they are in charge of carrying out all the process that is needed in the admissions area, from looking for the contact to follow-up and converting that contact into a university enrollee.


Admissions is one of the most important departments within the structure of the university, since it is the area in charge of making known the educational offer that the institution has, promoting it in various institutions such as secondary schools, high schools, etc. companies and government agencies.

It is also responsible for signing agreements with various institutions that benefit people who wish to be part of the UVG institution, this benefit is a grant of a certain percentage.

But the most important function that the admissions department performs is to register people interested in continuing to prepare at a higher level, and in this way it opens groups of different degrees, masters and doctorates.


  • The main objective of the admissions department of Universidad Valle del Grijalva is to enroll people, to increase its institutional population. To meet certain goals assigned by the corporate aliat universities, these goals are related to meeting a certain number of enrollees for each campaign of the year.

2.9.2 METHODS.

The methods used by the admissions department of Universidad Valle del Grijalva to carry out its objectives are to organize its collaborators by assigning them different tasks, for example: the director is in charge of signing agreements with other institutions, the promoter is in charge After looking for contact cards from different schools, telemarketing is in charge of following up on these contact cards so that they reach the admissions department and finally the intern is in charge of meeting the client's needs in order to obtain an enrollment.

They do a small inquiry about the client, to know what their needs are and thus be able to meet these needs, as long as it is within the scope of the department.

Another method very often used by the admissions department is to give small discounts to attract potential college applicants.


The main strategies of the admissions department are to offer them certain benefits such as:

  • Best cost / benefit ratio Online student mobility Programs designed for easy job access, based on competencies High academic standards State-of-the-art facilities National job pool Use of educational technology

It also offers some others such as:

Nine titration options.

  • Automatic qualification Professional examination General knowledge examination Postgraduate studies Work experience report Social service report Special degree course Textbook or didactic prototype Report of program abroad.

These are some of the attractions that the university has, which becomes a strategic benefit for the use of the admissions department.



In the present research work, various types of methods were used, among which are:

  • Analytical method Deductive method Experimental method Observation method

Next we will analyze the concept of each of them.

Analytical Method: It is that method of investigation that consists of the dismemberment of a whole, breaking it down into its parts or elements to observe the causes, nature and effects. Analysis is the observation and examination of a particular fact. It is necessary to know the nature of the phenomenon and object being studied to understand its essence. This method allows us to know more about the object of study, with which it is possible to: explain, make analogies, better understand its behavior and establish new theories.

Why was this method used?

This method was applied because each of the problems that arise in the work environment of the organization must be analyzed.

Deductive method: it is a scientific method that considers that the conclusion is implicit within the premises. This means that the conclusions are a necessary consequence of the premises: when the premises are true and deductive reasoning is valid, there is no way that the conclusion is not true .

Why was this method used?

Because it would apply to each of the elements, observing their discomfort or problem in order to solve each one of them.

Experimental method: It consists of checking, measuring the variations or effects suffered by a situation when a new cause is introduced, leaving the other causes in the same study. In other words, this method consists of making a change in the value of one variable (independent variable) and observing its effect on another variable (dependent variable). This is done under rigorously controlled conditions, in order to describe how or why a particular situation or event occurs.

Characteristic: its main characterization is the manipulation of one or more of the independent variables by the researcher, to study the effects of these variations on the dependent variables, this method is worked through very precise hypotheses to discover causal relationships, and this itself, in turn, differs from other types of research, since its study objective and its treatment completely depend on the researcher.

Why was this method used?

In this method, each element of the organization is observed or interviewed. To know the problem, raise a working hypothesis, a design would be developed for the solution to the problems, later the results would be analyzed, obtaining conclusions and preparing a written report.

Observation method: in this class of methods the phenomena are observed in a systemic and detailed way to be able to analyze it.

Why was this method used?

This method was used to observe the facts or things that generate problems, so it will be possible to know what the problems are and give them a solution. Well, you could make direct and indirect observations.


  • Applied and documentary research Field research.

Applied and documentary research.

Applied research seeks to know to do, to act, to build or modify. Documentary research "is that which is carried out through the consultation of documents" (books, magazines, newspapers, memoirs or yearbooks, records, codices, constitutions, etc.)

Why was this method used?

This method is used in the project because it will serve as consultations or to search for references on Managerial Leadership and apply its bases around the information sought.

Field research.

It is the one that takes place in the place and time in which the phenomena, object of the study, occur.

Why was this method used?

This method was used because it is essential because all the investigated methods are put into practice, and each problem that arises in the admissions department is also closely observed to later provide a solution.


The research technique used are the following:

The Survey

The survey is a technique designed to obtain data from several people whose impersonal opinions interest the researcher. For this, unlike the interview, a list of written questions is used that are given to the subjects, so that they can also answer them in writing. That list is called a questionnaire.

It is impersonal because the questionnaire does not bear the name or other identification of the person who answers it, since that data is not of interest.

It is a technique that can be applied to broader sectors of the universe, much more economically than through interviews. Several authors call questionnaire to the technique itself. The same or others, unite in the same concept the interview and the questionnaire, calling it a survey, because in both cases it is about obtaining data from people who have some relationship with the problem that is the subject of research.

Why was this method used?

Because based on the results of the survey, it will be determined which problems are presented in the admissions department, by obtaining this information, as a result, a solution can be given to each of the problems.


1.- Do you like the work you currently do?

If not

1.- Do you like the work you currently do?
Q % Q % Q %
9 100 0 - 9 100

Processing: the results obtained show that 100% of the employees in the admissions area like the work they do in that area.

2.- How do you consider your work environment?

Good regular bad

2.- How do you consider your work environment?
Q % Q % Q % Q %
6 67 one eleven two 22 9 100

Processing: According to the results obtained, it shows that out of 100% of the employees in the admissions area, 11% consider the work environment good, 22% consider it bad and 67% consider the environment regular.

3.- How do you consider the leadership that is exercised in your department?

Bad Good Excellent

3.- How do you consider the leadership that is exercised in your department?
Q % Q % Q % Q %
one eleven 7 78 one eleven 9 100

Processing: according to the results obtained, out of 100%, 11% consider that the leadership exercised in their department is good, another 11% consider that the leadership exercised is bad and 78% of the employees consider that leadership is bad, giving a total of 100% of the collaborators.

4.- Would you like managerial leadership to be applied in your department of work?

If not

4.- Would you like managerial leadership to be applied in your department of work?
Q % Q % Q %






4.- Would you like managerial leadership to be applied in your

work Department?



Processing: according to the results obtained, 100% of the employees in the admissions area would like to see managerial leadership applied in the admissions area.

5.- Do you think that managerial leadership would improve the work environment?

If not

5.- Do you think that managerial leadership would improve the work environment?
Q % Q % Q %
9 100 0 - 9 100

Processing: According to the results obtained, 100% of the employees consider that the application of managerial leadership would improve the climate of the admissions department.


  1. How do you consider the work climate in the admissions area?

A: regular.

It is in the process of change adapting to the regulations that govern the institution.

Processing: At the time of answering this question, the subject was doubtful and unclear.

  1. What are the main problems in the admissions area?

A: Lack of communication, misinterpretation of things.

Processing: When answering this question, you feel confident and hesitate to give the answer.

  1. What do you think is the problem, the department or its collaborators?

A: Both.

Processing: When answering this question you noticed insecurity in the answer.

  1. What strategies do you develop to incentivize admissions staff?

A: It does not implement any strategy at the moment.

Processing: I answer the question with great certainty and clarity.

  1. Do you consider the opinions or contributions of your employees to be involved in the fulfillment of the project?

A: Yes.

Processing: By answering this question, you are sure of your answer.

  1. What level of performance do you think the admissions department staff has?

A: 75% performance.

Processing: I hesitate to give the answer between 70, 75, and 80%.

  1. How would you improve your work environment?

A: proposing strategies, staff training and motivational activities .

Processing: When responding, he was confident and clarified that the training was not only for administrative staff, it was also for scholarship holders in this area.

  1. What kind of leadership would you practice with your employees?

R: a leadership that allows listening and that makes its collaborators participate in the goals and achievements.

Processing: In answering this question, you are confident and enthusiastic.

  1. Do you use any evaluation method for your employees?

R: statistical evaluation, according to the number of sales they have.

Processing: By answering this question, you felt confident and expressed the way you would like to rate your collaborators by:

  • Encouragement. Performance with peers.

This indicates that you would like the way of evaluating to be different.


Current situation Proposals Justification
Lack of communication.

Tense work environment.

Lack of training.

Lack of review.

• Employee training.

• Incentives for greater motivation.

With the training, it will benefit all the workers in the admissions area since it is very important that all those workers have a little knowledge about the company and how important the role of each of them is.

In addition, it would improve the work area.

Professor: Carmen Moreno Tóala

Professor of the subject of Research Methodology.

School: Valle del Grijalva university, campus: Tuxtla, circuit:

Aliat universities

Data sheet.

Research line: Managerial leadership.

Topic: Management Leadership focused on the Admissions area.


María del Carmen Ordaz Gutiérrez.

Study context: Management in the admissions department.

Time: The line of research in its initial stage was in the second week of February to reach the fourth week of April… respectively, the research approach continues to develop.


In the city of Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas at the Grijalva Valley University, in the admissions area; The leadership research focused on management was carried out, where the following results were found.

First.- The initial phase was the proposal of the project where it was chosen and the selected topic and then going on to address related topics

Second.- As a consequence of the choice of topic in this case, Management leadership focused on the admissions area to develop the information through the corresponding research lines

Third.- Another fundamental stage is the presentation of the research since by establishing the information through the guidelines and protocols as well as the indicated methodologies, the research can become a good source of informative consultation

Fourth.- In this phase it becomes crucial for all kinds of research carried out since at this stage the consistency of the information is necessary to establish a true source with respect to the information that can be debated when exposing the viability and quality which can become in the presentation of a project to be carried out.

Fifth.- Development of the project in its stage is essential to perfect the research methodologies and that both the topics and the information already presented can be improved, in case the information is not complete in this way the project will be more comprehensive.

Six.- In the analysis of the information, it is taken and broken down for a better understanding of the topic addressed and it is studied thoroughly in order to understand the various aspects that the research came to cover and implement.

Seventh.- Final presentation here the conclusions of the topics are reached as well as the veracity of the information is verified since it resides in the improvement of the research methods.


Having applied the Managerial Leadership in the admissions area was very beneficial for the collaborators of said department, since it notably improved the work environment, since it stopped being tense and became more pleasant and bearable.

As another fundamental benefit of having applied Managerial Leadership in this area, greater communication was achieved by the leader to the collaborator, thus handling the same information and leaving behind misunderstandings, resulting in better teamwork that leads to compliance with the objectives of said department.

From this research project we were able to put into practice all the topics seen in class in a theoretical way. It allowed us to deepen our knowledge of managerial leadership.

This project allowed us to better understand what an investigation really is and the steps that comprise it.

It also helped us to have a better knowledge and learn to better handle some types of research such as techniques, methods, etc. On the other hand, carrying out work of this type will be useful in the future when carrying out an investigation since we are more clear about what it implies and the complications that may arise.

It is because of everything that we understand the importance that having carried out this research project leaves us, as it gives us the bases to apply it in the future because due to the profile that we are leading in the academic area it will be very useful.


  • Information booklets about uvg aliat.History magazine of Aliat Universities.Uvg admissions department field research.Definition of deductive method - What it is, Meaning and Concept http://definicion.de/deductive-metodo/#ixzz2RuTU5wLBttp://www.tiposde.org / natural-science / 676-types-of-methods / # ixzz2RuVcClBwhttp: //www.aliatuniversidades.com.mx/index.php? option = com_content & view = arti cle & id = 1 & Itemid = 54ttp: //www.uvg.edu.mx / portal / meet us / welcome.php
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Managerial leadership applied in admissions of the valle del grijalva university