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Comprehensive leadership in management as a key to business success. test


"There is no better way to win and receive than by giving" (Wesler, 2004)

What do companies have as a priority? Achieve success, and what is success for an organization? Sales? Customers? Capital? Positioning?

Although a company constantly seeks success and each and every one of the aforementioned parts, many of these end up failing shortly after starting their opening, but does it take a miracle to achieve it? How are these companies failing that cannot survive the market? Are they more concerned about what they are going to receive than the service they are giving?

Let's start by explaining the idea that all change and improvement begins with us, to have a basis to work with, we must ask ourselves, Who am I? And what would be the answer to such a question? I am a woman, daughter, wife, sister, housewife, designer, student, etc. But delimiting being goes beyond listing each and every one of the roles we play in life. To be able to define what we are; what we say, think and do must be in harmony. We are used to defining ourselves as all the things we have achieved, what we have learned, events that have happened and a compendium of feelings that we have had.

Without prolonging this, we are and everyone else is, like us, a multitude of each one of us and of themselves. We are what we are and not what we do. We are ourselves and the circumstances and vice versa. We are everything and, everything is us. To improve some of what we are, change must come from within, and this can not only be seen as being, but also as an organization, city or country. As individuals we end up forming a network that generates an integrated whole.

The individual success of each one of us or of a company is not something that happens overnight or by magic, it is generated with effort, this success will never be assured and that is why it must be constantly improved. Business success only has a place in ourselves, it begins with us, with our companies and organizations or activities. And it is achieved by doing what is necessary in each passing moment, acting in an integral way with others and always being alert to the benefits or problems that may be happening. But, who is the person who is in charge of being aware of all these processes and generating the business union?

This is where we can see the role of the manager, and it can be mentioned that companies need a manager with leadership, someone who can integrate the company and turn it into a whole. We can define a manager as one who has a legitimate power to reward and sanction, and that all his capacity for influence resides in the authority of his position, on the other hand a leader, is one who does not need to be postulated, it arises naturally from a group and is able to influence others, making their actions go beyond the established norms. But should a manager be a leader, and vice versa?

While a manager would have an advantage in having the ability to influence, it can be said that a manager should be a leader, but on the other hand, a leader does not always have the ability to perform administrative functions. In order to manage the company in a comprehensive way, a leader is required who can order and carry out the administrative process to the letter, leadership capacity is undoubtedly essential when carrying out this type of action and requires a person who build confidence that all processes will run smoothly.

But trust in a leader is difficult to obtain, the leader requires knowledge about the company in order to generate his decision-making, this knowledge comes mostly from the employees and they do not mention them unless they have an acceptable level of trust in the manager, the effectiveness of managers and leaders ultimately depends on their ability to gain the trust of all members of the company.

How to strengthen the company?

We can say that the company, beyond the inputs, instruments and knowledge that it may request in order to function correctly, it needs to have a manager with leadership and know its customers.

We need to know who our clients are, what they require, what we can provide them, and if all this generates any real profit, and continue asking ourselves questions not only about the client but about the company in general, until we reach to the core of who we really are as an organization, to be able to make correct use of the basic steps of development of the company and obtain the success, that Wesler mentions, and that I quote below:

  • Identify our comparative advantages: what are our strengths and weaknesses? What opportunities does the environment offer us? In what way can I take advantage of them, or will they affect me? The point is to improve the strengths in order to weaken each and every one of our weaknesses. Marketing of our comparative advantages: here we can see all potential customers, whether they are interested or in a position to acquire, and that our services are profitable for both. At this point we must always stay updated, improving and constantly changing, always informed of everything new in the market that may or may not affect us and not leave aside the image and dynamics that we already have because we are in continuous improvement.All this due to the fact that the client is in constant change and will require us to evolve with him and stay at the forefront of his requirements. Continuously improve and achieve the best possible quality: at this point we cover all those processes that we help to keep the company updated, from training, databases, inventories, to advice, all those services directly or indirectly related to the continuous improvement of the company. Do all of the above with the knowledge of "not doing to others what you don't want them to do you ”: here you can find consumer defense, customer service, people's ombudsmen, laws and regulations,and all those services that are required to carry out a transparent and respectful management between the market and the companies.Perform all the previous steps with total and complete delivery and unimaginable and sustained commitment: It is necessary that all business achievements are shared so that it can exist an exchange of experiences and new knowledge are acquired, as well as leading a healthy and creative competition between companies and forming, together with other organizations, a community of continuous learning that society can recognize for its contributions.as well as leading a healthy and creative competition between companies and forming together with other organizations a community of continuous learning that society can recognize for its contributions.as well as leading a healthy and creative competition between companies and forming together with other organizations a community of continuous learning that society can recognize for its contributions.

Success is based on the integration of companies with the environment, and their way of becoming a whole. You must work and create always thinking of the client and how to satisfy him, in that he will continue to be a client as long as our actions say more than our words and they are kept happy, there is no better competitive weapon than to put the customer service than sales, because the service you render will be your cover letter to all potential customers that may come from your current customers.

The customer is so important that they should always be the priority and they should never lose their mind to the competition, in the end we end up weakening ourselves from the anguish of being better than them and we will generate great strength for them by leaving them waiting for our attack.

The role of management is very important when it comes to seeking business success, that is why the faculties that define a leader and a manager must always be taken into account to find the most suitable person, who can meet both specifications, a A manager with leadership will be in charge of closely monitoring customer satisfaction and carrying out the administrative process effectively, without neglecting the integration of the company and the unification with the environment for an ideal operation within the organization.


  • Robbins, SP, & Decenzo, DA (2002). Management Fundamentals: essential concepts and applications. Mexico DF: Pearson. Wesler, B. (2004). Integral Intelligence in Life and in Business: the realization of SMEs and micro-entrepreneurs: harmonized thinking and emotional intelligence. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Elaleph.
Comprehensive leadership in management as a key to business success. test