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Leadership management of power and authority

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Let's start by defining what leadership is.

In order to define leadership, I would like to make a difference that from the values ​​has to be fundamental: the difference between Power and Authority, because in order to speak of leadership as a value we have to place it in the strict human dimension; in the inner experience of man.

Leadership has normally been understood as an exercise of power, that is, as that ability to force, coerce or compel someone so that he, even if he does not want to, do your will due to your will or your strength.

These types of situations abound. This is given by decree. Someone one declares him leader, one declares him with power through a decree, and voila, the guy was left with the power to. Realize that it is a "capacity to force", I insist on that word: capacity. And that can be given to you in some way: through an order, a decree, through a glance.

Authority is the art, look at the difference, that was a capacity, this is an art; it is the art of getting people to do what you want because of your personal influence. What a different thing. You know that art is learned, art one develops skills or learns a technique. Somehow art is learned. And that getting people to do what you want, that's personal influence.

Look, authority has to do with Being, power has to do with doing.

In authority, the other decides or does what you want in quotation marks to do for your Being, not for what you can do. With all due respect, what is the mess in our country, what is the mess in our society. That we have many people who base their Leadership, quotes, on power. People who learned that by force they force another.

There are typical professors who base their academic leadership on power. They are types that are considered a yard.

Then you have to fear him. Pity. You are basing your influence on others on what you can do.

How instructive when one meets teachers who inspire one to follow him, who inspire one to want to listen to him, desire to learn, how exciting when one meets teachers who with their life, who with their presence generate one, they provoke one, they incite one to seek knowledge, to seek life. Look at the difference with the boss.

That usually scrubs you off the doctorates you have.

When one has to resort so much to their titles, serious; How nice when one meets people who are studious, who are academic, who have degrees, who have read, but who have assumed them in their lives and who can really influence the other for their life, for their being.

So let's define leadership. Leadership is also an art, it is the art of influencing people to work with enthusiasm, a Greek word that means "with God on the inside."

It has to do with the will to live; with passion, strength, emotion in achieving the common good. Fundamental for us to understand each other: Three key concepts: Power, Authority, Leadership. It is necessary that we have clear concepts and that this is transferred to our lives, otherwise it does not make more sense.

Well, so power is defined as a capacity, authority is defined as an art; there are clear differences there; authority has to do with who you are as a person, with your character and with the influence that you have been forging on people.

Respect comes from authority and not from power, from power comes fear.

It scares me that we are building a society of fear.

It scares me that the only instrument we have to live together is force.

With all due respect for the political speeches I hear, I live in fear that they will make us believe that the only feeling we can experience for a leader is fear. That is very serious.

We have to learn to live in authority, because authority gives respect and what respect is, is nothing more than the acceptance of the differences that exist in being and doing.

In other words, I respect you when I respect the role that you represent for the community in which I live.

I respect you when I am clear that you have differences in front of me, that you do not live in the same way as I live, that you do not love in the same way as I love, that you do not think in the same way as I think but nevertheless, you are not inferior to me.


If leadership is an art and is an art of influence, its main characteristic as a value is in relationships, that is, human relationships are the fundamental object of the exercise of leadership.

No one is a leader hidden under the bed. No one is a leader in the research cubicle. We are leaders in the exercise of relating to others, of meeting with others, of speaking with others, of living with others. After all, man is that: a being who lives with and for others.

Consequently, the role of a leader is to carry out assigned tasks by fostering human relationships.

It is through human relationships that we could generate leadership processes.

It is not going to happen to us as in our country, where statistics are often good but human beings are bad.

Statistics are raw, all data is raw, they need an intelligence that interprets them, they need an intelligence that analyzes them, they need an intelligence that makes them human; they as such are raw data, that is, data not reflected in any way.

The role of the leader is to carry out the assigned tasks by fostering human relationships. But for this you have to find a balance. It's not about becoming a cocktail guy, a cocktail leader. There has to be a balance between the importance of human relationships and the fundamentals of accomplishing the task.

Be careful with balance, right? Because if they do not become public relations, they become people who talk a lot but do very little.

This country is full of those kinds of people, you hear? Watch out.

You have to have a balance between the importance of human relationships and the fundamentals of accomplishing the task.

A good leader must build functional, efficient and effective relationships. That is, they are relationships that are at the service of a specific objective. How to achieve that? That is, how to be a leader?


A true leader must cultivate in himself the following behaviors that are a matter of choice and learning.

You can choose or not, you can learn them or not.

It scares me that people believe that the leader is born.

It is clear that there are talents, gifts that come with being, but I also believe that there are learning processes, that there are processes of choice that one has to take into account.

First characteristic of a leader: A leader listens.

Every listening process is a process of capturing the other, it is a process of understanding the other.

You have to differentiate between understanding and understanding.

Understanding is the academic exercise and has to do with a process of describing and explaining the object.

Understanding is the integral capture of the object.

Let's give an example: an amorologist, that is, a student of love, understands love insofar as he can describe it, insofar as he can show us how processes occur, where are the physical-chemical reactions of the brain, etc. A lover understands love.

Well, for me the listening process is always a process of understanding, it is a process of capturing the other.

So much so that today they talk about active listening, today they talk a lot about capturing the other not only of what he tells you through syntax and through grammar but also of what he tells you through that dimension of language that allows you to differentiate between an insult and a greeting.

Second characteristic: Respect.

Respect is the ability to understand that the other is a unique and unrepeatable being.

Respect is understanding that we are not made in series, that we are not the product of a machine.

Respect is understanding that human beings have different and distinct structures of thought, structures of feeling and communication structures.

That is why we need to learn to initiate dialogue processes.

The only way to live respect is dialogue.

It is knowing the epistemology of the other, the aesthetics of the other, it is knowing their ethics, their morals.

We need to learn to understand that we are different, that we do not have the same characteristics, that we do not feel the same, that we do not think the same.

It is to recognize the uniqueness of beings.

Listen, a good leader is able to respect the processes, the biorhythms, is able to understand that everyone has different biorhythms, different processes.

It scares me that in this country they love us the same. Homogenization processes scare me.

I wonder sometimes with all due respect if education often does not become precisely that, in a process of homogenization. The current rebellion of young people is to be all the same.

Be careful with respect, be careful, you must also look for ways to enable processes of autonomy, processes of freedom. Watch out.

A leader has to train in the management of respect.

Third characteristic: Generate trusted processes.

Trust is the certainty that you have, the existential certainty that the other person is not going to deliberately harm you.

A leader has to promote that experience in other people. That is why trust is very complicated.

That is why building trust is one of the most interesting topics in our life.

We need to learn that.

To generate trust in the other, that the other is safe.

That I could be wrong, but that I consciously, deliberately, I am not going to want to destroy it, or I am not going to want to damage it. Those are characteristics of the leadership process that we must live.

Fourth Characteristic: Ability to teach.

A good leader has to want to be a teacher, he has to want to teach, he has to know how to teach.

How many professors does one have at the university who know so much, but so much… that one does not understand anything.

In the end, teaching is nothing more than promoting processes of negotiation of meaning, of significance. But you have to have the capacity for that, to promote that.

Fifth Characteristic: Being a Facilitator.

I differentiate people between facilitator and facilitator.

There are people who make everything difficult. You take a solution and find three problems.

Sixth characteristic: A good leader must specialize in bringing out the best in others.

There are people who have the opposite value, who know how to get the worst out of you.

A good leader helps to open spaces so that the other can express the best that he has inside.


That is a leader.

Look at the tasks you have if you want to be a leader.

I hope I am speaking in front of young people who are interested in being leaders.

And that is why I show this vision from my spiritual dimension, from my perspective of life values.

Listen, respect, trust, ability to teach, facilitator and take advantage of the best in others.

But for all this, at least three changes are needed: an epistemological change, that is, of the structure of thought. And I want to raise it with a slogan: we do not see the world as it is, we see it as we are. If we do not make this change, we will continue to prevail over others.

We are going to continue saying "the truth is this, and only this, period." I think that's why you have to reread poets.

Antonio Machado said that the truth was neither yours nor mine, it was ours.

I believe that we have to rediscover this again and to exercise healthy leadership we have to start from there, to understand that we do not see the world as it is but we see it as we are.

The second change that needs to be made is an ethical paradigm shift.

The ethical paradigm of our days is "everything is fine."

Not everything is right, not everything is valid, not everything is relevant.

That is one of the most serious ethical pitfalls we have.

I am impressed by the number of corrupt people who govern us. Now we admire the cheater, the live one, that is the one we admire, that is the one we love.

Nowadays the stagehand is called audacious.

Everything can be allowed but not everything is convenient.

There are things in which you have to say no.

There is the greatest damage that drug trafficking has brought us: to make us believe that one could go to bed poor and get up rich.

There are many young people who believe that success falls from the sky.

People get where they go by working, studying, striving, fighting, that is the path to success.

People are on a magical journey and that magical environment has influenced our ethics, which is the serious thing.

And then people believe that a thing can be bad today and good tomorrow.

One thing is for the public and another thing is for the private.

Third change: We need a paradigm that goes from power to service.

That we are able to move in that paradigm.

That we are able to go in a different way.

I am going to end with a phrase that is not spiritual, it is literary, I want you not to forget it:

"God sometimes blesses by taking and other times curses by giving."

Leadership management of power and authority