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Moral leadership and its repercussions for society

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Currently the world has witnessed numerous and surprising changes that have changed the nature of society in an extraordinary way, which has made people find themselves in a constant state of anxiety and confusion that had not occurred in other times, leading to to the destruction of the structures of civilization.

Today there is a growing and alarming situation of poverty, increasing numbers of violence and lack of hope everywhere.

Human beings are forgetting their moral principles and values, there is no discipline, no conscience, the sense of decency has been lost in many aspects and shame is no longer a known issue for most people, with this it has been lost.

This time is characterized by two parallel processes that direct the destiny that humanity has, these processes are called disintegration and integration.

It should be noted that it is not money, or organizational capacity, or knowledge that is urgently needed to bring about a change in the world, but rather the necessary moral leadership.

Moral leadership must be a leadership that is aware of the current dynamics of disintegration and integration that characterize society.In addition, it must have a clear vision of the society it wants to create and of the different strategies that could help achieve them. and with these to actively fight to achieve a better society.

Moral leadership

Currently the world has witnessed numerous and surprising changes that have changed the nature of society in an extraordinary way, which has made people find themselves in a constant state of anxiety and confusion that had not occurred in other times, leading to to the destruction of the structures of civilization.

The current era is going through a change in the environment and the disparity of society and this has arisen from the application of industrialization models and irresponsible and badly planned economic growth.

Today, despite great scientific and technological discoveries, there are cases of children dying of preventable diseases, in addition there is a growing and alarming situation of poverty, increasing numbers of violence and lack of hope everywhere..

Obviously the biggest problem that exists is that people are in disunity and this influences all attitudes in all aspects of life.

It is incredible that human beings are forgetting their moral principles and values, there is no discipline or conscience, the sense of decency has been lost in many aspects and shame is no longer a known topic for most people, with this it has been completely lost values, solidarity and loyalty and corruption has come to seize power unleashed in today's society.

All these aspects have made disunity, corruption and a lack of morals in general the center of the global crisis that we are going through in these times.

Characteristics of the current situation

This time is characterized by two parallel processes that direct the destiny that humanity has, these processes are called disintegration and integration.

These processes, contrary to what could be supposed, are integrated in a complementary way.

Disintegration: this process arises from the insufficiency of social structures and obsolete systems of thought to respond to the processes of constant and rapid change, coupled with the global crisis that the population has experienced during the previous century.

Integration: this process arose from actions that express a new awareness of the need to be more united in the complete areas of life, it is a consciousness that is in tune with the spirit of the time.

These twin processes release forces that can be both destructive and constructive and as these accelerate and reach greater impacts, profound changes are originated in the ordered life of humanity, in this way a hope for the future arises as well as a fear of what they may imply.

Consequences of the disintegration process

Some of the problems that arise from the disintegration process that is being experienced are:

  • Prejudice Oppression of minorities Extremes between wealth and poverty Destruction of the environment Disease and high death rates Feelings of hopelessness

Contributions of the integration process

However, there are also integration processes that seek to contribute to humanity such as:

  • United Nations and its different agencies, collaborations at the international level in response to the needs of the world community. Establishment of economic alliances in different regions of the world.

Importance of moral leadership

As it has already been mentioned in this article, there are organizations that are in charge of solving problems of different kinds that represent an oppression for global peoples and with this it has been discovered that the scientific, technological and political means are not proactive enough by themselves. alone.

It should be noted that it is not money, or organizational capacity, or knowledge that is urgently needed to bring about a change in the world, but rather the necessary moral leadership.

Moral leadership must be a leadership that is aware of the current dynamics of disintegration and integration that characterize society.In addition, it must have a clear vision of the society it wants to create and of the different strategies that could help achieve them. and with these, actively fight to achieve a better society, have a tireless commitment to fight for an individual transformation through the development and exemplification of life based on ethical and moral principles that is characterized by aspects such as righteousness and goodness and to fight for collective transformations through actions that encourage unity and justice. (Anello & Hernandez, 1996)


The leader is considered as the leader or head of a family, company, organization or nation, is that person who has qualities of personality and capacity that favor the guidance and control of other individuals. The word leadership designates innovative entities that are those that for a time are at the forefront in some area. (Flores et al, 2011)

On the other hand, leadership "is the interpersonal influence exerted in a situation, directed through the process of human communication to the achievement of one or several specific objectives." (Chiavenato, 2003)

Leadership styles

When talking about leadership, it is convenient to talk about the functioning that can exist in a group, in this way it is understood that there cannot be a leadership in isolation.

The two essential aspects of the groups whatever their turn to achieve an adequate operation are:

  1. Preserve and strengthen the unity of the group Carry out the activities for which the group was designed.

Traditional leaders can be classified into 5 main categories which are:

  • Authoritarian Paternalistic Know-It-All Democratic Manipulator

Authoritarian leader: is characterized by command, expects to be obeyed immediately and accurately without question, avoids dialogue and never allows an explanation of his orders to be asked.

This leader usually causes his employees to develop feelings of resentment which they express covertly, authoritarian leadership does not promote group unity and contrary to what one might believe is an effective way for tasks to be carried out and goals are achieved.

Paternalistic leader : this paternalistic leader wishes the good of the members of his group, but in a certain way he feels superior to them, for this reason he behaves with a father with his children, takes care of them, protects them, removes obstacles from their path and He does things for them, at the same time asks for their opinion and gives the appearance of a democratic leader, however in the end only he makes the decisions.

Know-it-all leader: this type of leadership arises when there is an obvious difference between the knowledge of the leader and that of the members of the group, the leader can boast of their knowledge, studies and previous experiences.

This tends to create feelings of inferiority in the members of the group and they are not encouraged to give their points of view.

Manipulative leader: This type of leader uses democratic procedures as a screen to cover his true motives and personal interests.

This kind of leader is very common in politics, it creates disappointment and mistrust in people and the result often becomes cynical and suspicious of any organization.

Democratic leader: has 2 main characteristics

  • It is representative It is participatory

Being representative means that the leader is chosen by the members of the group and the group represents their interests.

Being participatory means that the leader promotes the participation of all the members of the group, taking care of their unity and the fulfillment of group tasks to achieve this, the leader needs to have characteristics such as:

  1. Do not consider yourself a leader, but rather as the group coordinator, do not flaunt your position but rather look for the opportunity to congratulate group members Wait to give your own opinion until others have given their opinion Periodically do a summary of the opinions given, highlighting the different alternatives that may have arisen. Try to involve everyone in the work to be done, giving everyone the opportunity to acquire new knowledge, experiences and skills. (Anello & Hernandez, 2003)


The current world situation has a very gray outlook, the loss of values ​​and good customs is increasingly evident in society and this causes many negative changes within it, people have less and less values ​​and for this reason the Corruption reigns in many parts of the world.

It is necessary to create new types of societies where all the good aspects of society are retaken but for this it is essential that there are new leaders who promote good customs and the resurgence of lost values ​​and that through example achieve that many people change attitudes and current situations, this represents a great challenge because today's society is in a disoriented phase and claiming it is a challenge.

Moral leadership is committed to a more tolerant society where values ​​are paramount and constitute the basis of society, achieving this proposes an uncertain path but it is well worth fighting together for a better future for future generations.

Bibliographic references

Flores et al, (2011). Leadership. Tlahuelilpan High School.

Anello, & Hernandez. (2003). Moral Leadership. Higher Institute of Rural Education.

Anello, E., & Hernandez, J. (1996). Moral leadership. Santa Cruz, Bolivia.

Chiavenato, I. (2003). Introduction to the general theory of administration. Mexico: Mc Graw Hill.

Thesis proposal

Moral leadership and the situation in Mexico, an analysis of the organizational culture in Mexican companies

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Moral leadership and its repercussions for society