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Leadership. panic in crisis situations and business change


“Without a doubt, we are going through difficult times in the world. It is time to put to the test not only our leadership capacity as strategic managers, but also the leadership capacity of the entire team around us "The great storms face everything within our reach".

“It is time to put our leadership skills to the test, against the environment. It is time for the great players, not for the middle table ”.

It is enough just to open any news to realize that the world in general is going through difficult times on all fronts. The economies are worse than ever in history, the institutional debacle is imminent, the lack of political credibility is red-hot, unemployment, the social structure, etc... And to top it all in our country there are elections with 4 candidates who do not seem to cover the minimum requirements to properly govern and guide the ship called Mexico.

Faced with this panorama of difficulty and complexity, the possibility of making decisions is presented to all of us. Critical decisions, reasoned correctly, evaluated not in the way we perceive the world, but really evaluating and measuring what has been achieved and looking at where we really want to go.

Faced with all this turbulence morass, many people feel discouraged to continue doing something else and even to visualize the best way to withdraw from the field where they are playing at the moment.

There are companies that are already making the decision to eliminate thousands of jobs, there are others that are withdrawing from the market, some more taking actions such as reducing working hours and renegotiating the payment of their labor liabilities in front of their collaborators.

However there are also others who are willing to get ahead of their competitors using their best asset in the company, the human resource.

Trusting in the talent you have is perhaps the best weapon against world chaos. Utilizing your talent is perhaps the single greatest sustainable competitive advantage for the future of your organization.

It is time to unleash the potential of your people and put it to the test!

Without limitations, assuming the risks that empowerment implies, but this is the way and only in this way that you will be able to differentiate yourself and gain an advantage over those who compete.

I am not saying this is easy, I am just saying that it is time to bring out the only good thing that remains of you and your people: Your LEADERSHIP.

Get ahead! Today you are obliged to do things before anyone else, but for this you have to empower before anyone else too, and this is a process that you have to start working on today.

Anticipating means being ahead of the times, that is, doing things before anyone else and this is also a process that has to do with your personal leadership. On the one hand, you must think before anyone else what you will do and you must act before anyone else, but to be able to do it again you must have the participation of all the members of your work team and this also involves anticipating work with your people.

You must direct them better than anyone else, you must prepare and train them as no one else does, you must support the initiatives of your people so that they produce the necessary innovation and finally, you must empower them before anyone else to make decisions that have to do with your business and your customers.

If you do not do so, you will be following fashion only and in this sense you will have become one more follower of trends and that is the big problem.

Most people think of following trends instead of creating them, it seems that they have a high fear of change and this is nothing more than a lack of leadership. Create it.

The current conditions do not allow timorous attitudes, but rather revolutionary ones towards oneself; the subject is simple or it changes before the others or it will suffer a chronic illness that will put it in a difficult situation to solve and in that case take it off the market.

True leaders think the impossible, because the possible no longer works for them, leaders make new conditions and trends before anyone else, they do not follow anyone, create and create, improve, change what is necessary at the right time and it never surprises them change but instead enter in front of it. Taking new positions with leadership and character is not easy, but it is easily given to those who go above others, it is part of their leadership status and their training in life.

They are drop-proof and that is why they overcome any pain or stumbling that comes their way in their development process. Nothing for them is as encouraging as leading the race, so in your case, think now what you want to see from your organization in the future.

If you are not prepared to lead correctly, do not worry, train yourself but do not take too long to do it and train your staff so that you can unleash your potential so that you can put it at the service of your clients, because they are the ones who do. quality and good service, it is they who are responsible for making the difference versus their competitors.

Nothing as important as time and whoever acts as quickly as possible in the face of changes will surely have the best chances, not only to emerge well from the current CRISIS, but also to be strengthened before it.

These are times of change, so do them before anyone else, do not be fooled by cautious advice, full of fear and passivity. Do what you have to do, including withdrawing from those who tell you to slow down in the face of the traditional methods imposed by fashion and the trend in the business world. Stop comparing yourself to others and let them be the ones who compare themselves to you by going before them.

"Change is not transformation, it is change"

Many people think that change is going slowly from one process to another and nothing is more false than this. Change is change; it's about breaking paradigms and experimenting with new ways of doing things. This is not a modification, it is something new to offer.

When your customers tell you the packaging isn't right, you don't change it, you change it. When you are asked to change your attitude, you are not asked to change it, but to change it, to be a new person.

That is what is expected to emerge after all this process of worldwide CRISIS and CONVULSION. You do not expect the current reality to be transformed, you want and need reality to be changed for a much better one, right?

In politics, you don't expect there to be less corrupt; but there are none, right?

Well, that is precisely what happens in organizations, customers do not want half improvements. If not absolute, they require better service, quality products, relationships of full trust and if you do not guarantee them, surely things will not be able to work as you want in the future.

I have always said that a Business Plan is not intended to be achieved. A Business Plan is a serious thing, and you must make sure at all costs. There's no more!

Start the change in yourself, do the work of immersing yourself in your fears and kill them, turn the CHAOS into a real opportunity and from there, you can do the work with your people. They expect the best from you in terms of direction, guidance, development and training, support and compensation for their work, but above all they need you to give them the opportunity to make decisions on the battlefront, in the place where they are day with. day.

It's not about working harder, don't try to commit them to working harder, commit them to ensuring results. Design a strategy with a high level of commitment, not a strategy to alleviate the storm, as this will not help you at all to consolidate your position in the market.

Prepare to grow through the turbulence by adopting superior leadership, and making sure no one Panic.

Make up your mind to do it before everyone else, and make a new reality possible from your LEADERSHIP!

"Stop following trends and become the trend to follow yourself" Break the paradigm in your mind that following the best is the best option. Stop copying and be the news!

"Either you do it or someone else does it, there is no more in the game and competition in the market." And time will be your best ally when you do what no one else does, when you least expect it to!

Final thoughts:

"Today's times demand strong changes through people with character and courage." The world continues to demand great leaders and is waiting for you to take courage and transform its reality through your leadership.

Leadership. panic in crisis situations and business change