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Leadership for high performance teams


Building teams is a process that implies the commitment of those who have the responsibility of leading people and resources towards the achievement of the objectives proposed by the organization.

There are many obstacles that must be overcome before building a culture of high performance in work teams.

Those who begin to participate in a work team bring their own management styles that sometimes differ from those expected by the organization, which means that the leaders assigned or recognized by the teams must develop a work model that allows accompanying in this process to the team members.

The leaders become, in the first phases of the consolidation of the team, a point of reference for the members, they are the model to follow and they hope that they are the ones who organize, direct and accompany each of the activities that are carried out.

In this way, the leader assumes the responsibility of how to strengthen the performance of the people, either through training actions or with coaching and accompaniment processes that allow identifying the competencies of each of the members and enhancing them according to the expectations of the organization.

In organizations that are beginning to strengthen management teams, senior management is required to establish a commitment to assist and support the activities carried out by the team, such as:

  • Accompany the planning processes of activities and objectives Meet with the group to monitor the tasks Evaluate the results obtained Develop improvement plans with the team and individuals Listen to each of the team's concerns Motivate and encourage the members of the team team Congratulate a job well done Offer solutions to difficulties

When teams are in their early stages, they are like a child learning to walk, they must be guided, guided, corrected, encouraged and accompanied.

If the groups are adrift, it will be difficult for them to deliver the expected results even if they have all the necessary resources to do the task at hand.

The leader is a mandatory point of reference for the team and therefore if we want them to one day walk alone, make the right decisions, be good negotiators, act assertively, lead projects and become adult executives within the organization.

The leader must be present when they are required and offer spaces to grow as individuals and as a team.

I invite those who have people in charge to be teachers, and in that sense not only teach others what they know, but also learn to:

  • Understand what happens to the team when it is not working Recognize the factors that hinder its growth Identify the people who can promote change processes Support people and the team in their effort to do things better Support the processes that they are lived in teams.

Because each of these verbs are an invitation to put aside the pride that occasionally accompanies bosses and leaders, and prevents them from being effective in their work.

Leadership for high performance teams