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Leadership for business competitiveness


Analyze the importance of the paradigm shift in order to achieve competitiveness, especially with regard to the leadership style to direct organizations, as well as the urgency that those who are responsible for companies manage them with transformational leadership.

It seems paradoxical, but the main cause that most national and foreign companies have very serious problems and do not achieve success, is the absence of leadership at all levels and structures.

For this reason, we consider that leadership is of vital importance to transform our institutions and companies into competitive organizations.

Authentic leadership is not achieved just by saying "I want to change." It is a whole process that will have to go through because it is the cornerstone of competitiveness. Who are leaders? Let's look at some definitions that will help us understand the relevance of this skill.

Leaders are those who make new things happen and give direction to the group; those who have sensitivity to see problems are challenges that provide the opportunity to achieve success; who know how to share their visions and their expectations with others; who are trustworthy and support and understand their collaborators; those who have time to think and know how to concentrate on what is essential; who aspire to be the best. Leader is the one who goes ahead, the first, the one who guides others.

We are used to thinking of leadership as a task reserved for a select group of people who, from their birth, bring what could be called leadership skills. Leadership, however, is not exactly an innate quality, but a way of carrying out personal performance and that can be acquired little by little.

"Success is not achieved by changing what surrounds us, but by starting with changing ourselves." Change for change does not make sense; we must make changes to transform organizations into world-class companies. This often implies overcoming schemes, finding new ways of doing the different activities and processes with the main purpose of achieving a substantial improvement that necessarily leads the company to compete.

When making changes to achieve improvement, it must be borne in mind that it is not necessary to transform everything; Pareto's law, known as "Law 80-20", must be applied to dedicate the energies to change what mainly prevents the system from being transformed. The three main systems that make up the system of a company and that are susceptible to being improved are:

1. The technological system. Whose mission consists of carrying out mainly the activities of producing and selling. For this system, excellent tools have been developed to make the processes in the production area more efficient, such as quality control, just in time, materials requirements planning model, statistical control for processes; and in the area of ​​sales, television sales, computer sales, supplier development, and so on.

2. The administrative system. Its mission is to ensure that all staff areas work with the best level of quality. This requires the use of tools such as strategic planning, tactical planning, information technology, reengineering of administrative processes.

3. The human system. Whose mission is to develop and maintain human resources with a great commitment to your organization. This is achieved through good career planning for human resources, evaluation centers to train and train human resources, as well as systems to evaluate learning.

These three systems must be developed in a harmonious way in order to transform companies into competitive organizations. However, you must be very careful, because you can have the best production and sale technologies. In short, leadership will rely on marketing primarily to break paradigms and obtain changes that actually transform companies.

Leadership for business competitiveness