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Leadership to transform reality

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Leadership is the ability to communicate with a group of people, influence their emotions so that they let themselves be directed.

Executive Summary

Leadership is the function of a person who distinguishes himself from others, and is capable of making good decision-making for the benefit of the organization's work group, inspiring the members of that team to achieve a common goal. Leadership involves more than one person since without subordinates there would not be a leader, in companies interpersonal relationships are sought since the traditional way of commanding and following orders has been losing strength to give way to participatory and cooperative schemes, out of respect the person, inclusion in decision-making, flexibility in working hours, teamwork, stimulation of creativity, innovation, and many more aspects.



Over the course of time it has been possible to observe the changes that the way of managing a work team is having since a leader is much more than a boss. Subordinates may be led by their boss, but they may not share the same ideas as their boss and even those of the organization, despite this the instructions of a leader are carried out by the group, convinced that their execution is the best for them. they.

"Leaders turn their attention to the search for strategic methods or models that raise the much desired productivity, without which a company cannot survive." (Tèllez, 2008)

II. Background

There is a lot of talk about leadership, due to its importance in the history of organizations, they even wonder if the leader is born or made, but nevertheless it is not important, since leading people are considered in the company for being promoters and generator of added value “Some specialists see leadership as a visionary activity and with broad activities that are required to be a good leader. Leadership is a process that stands out in the leader over his followers, in order to achieve the common objectives of the organization through change ”(Lucci, 2008).The objective of the interaction of this definition has to do with many clarifications of the functions of an administrator and leader that on many occasions confusion occurs and that deserve to be clarified the measures taken by an administrator to influence his subordinates are always rewarding while that those of a leader are always with the tendency to guide or to be guided. With this point we can see that leadership is essential for a group of workers, even for the same organization and to be able to work together in order to achieve the goals agreed by it.even for the same organization and to be able to work together in order to achieve the goals agreed upon by it.even for the same organization and to be able to work together in order to achieve the goals agreed upon by it.

III. Development

Productivity and human development in organizations is interesting due to the characteristics of the people who motivate internal development for productive activities in the daily environment. We can refer to them as "mature" achievers, who possess exceptional characteristics such as: patience, criteria, good disposition, kindness, common sense, etc., aspects that are undoubtedly related to a leader, according to Maslow the characteristics of mature people are:

  • More efficient perception of reality and more comfortable relationships with them.Acceptance of oneself and nature.Spontaneity.Problem approach, knowing how to focus on the specific.Quality of separation, need to be alone at least for a while.Autonomy, independence culture and environment. Continuous novelty of expression; never stop being amazed.mystical experience; Oceanic sentiment. Feelings towards humanity of identification, sympathy and affection. Healthy interpersonal relationships, Democratic character structure. Discrimination between means and ends. Philosophical feeling of good humor. Creativity. Resistance to enculturation (not to be influenced without criteria). (Maslow, 2009)

We can appreciate that these points are essential for an ordinary person with broad criteria, most people meet these traits, they can be considered as productive people, but not by meeting these characteristics can they be considered productive. Creativity, autonomy, synergy, spontaneity, control among others are qualities that an employer or executive director wishes to have, but many of these characteristics are facilitators of working life and others can be uncomfortable for some managers. When the person is developing their potential, they will no longer be an unconditional follower, they will not remain indifferent to injustices, they will not be passive, to mediocrity, they will not settle for attacking orders; surely if they are not well founded I will question it,It would not be easy to have a work team done. On the other hand, it is not easy for the average collaborator to assume this attitude towards development, it implies taking responsibility for their actions and ceasing to justify their inefficiency by blaming others, for many people it is better to be directed than self-directed, despite organizations they are betting on these types of people to run and operate businesses.

When leaders are mentioned, people often think of celebrities in positions of power and other top managers, not all leaders are as famous or as powerful as company presidents, at all levels of an organization or in all areas We can find leaders in life, but much of what is known about leadership comes from researching and observing leaders such as politicians, religious, and even students. "Leadership is the relationship of influence between leaders and followers who strive to generate true change and results that reflect the goals you share." (Slocum, 2008).

Leadership takes many forms and can be used for a huge variety of purposes, companies use rewards to influence subordinates, the appropriate use of rewards represents a very effective way to direct the attention of employees and motivate them to do a good job, but you can also resort to correction, getting this done because they feel fear and are generally not considered good bosses, since fear is an emotion that inhibits performance. There is always a balance between being feared and being respected, but if the subordinate believes that their boss has more knowledge and technical skills than they do, then they will have less trouble accepting the leader's vision. Other means of influencing staff is charisma,the effectiveness to create a feeling of commitment and personal responsibility, stimulating them to aspire to perfection, but it is not only about convincing but also knowing how to do much more, striving to create a vision that reflects the concerns and aspirations, sharing the ends of each one moving towards a common goal.

The personal characteristics of leaders are the relatively stable attributes that make each person unique, among others are their physical, social and psychological traits. A person can change one of their personal characteristics, but they tend to produce too predictable behavior over time and in various situations. Personal characteristics also create images in the minds of others and some of them match the stereotype of the effective leader. Emotional intelligence has great attention to describe the characteristics of leaders.

Emotional intelligence is the set of skills that allow people to recognize and understand their feelings and emotions to guide the way they think and act. Not everyone can be a math genius, or reach the highest levels of emotional intelligence and this does not come from birth, it develops over many years as the person lives various experiences and matures, such as the development of the Emotional intelligence takes so long, it is not easy for adults to modify this aspect of their personal makeup.

Emotional intelligence has four elements, two refer to consciousness and the other two to action, the leader and the followers. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one's moods, emotions and impulses and also their effect on others; A leader must "know" herself, including the good, the bad and the ugly, it also includes knowing what are the motives and goals that move people and thus obtain from her work and from life in general what she wants to obtain. Leadership behaviors focus on explaining the differences between effective and ineffective leaders, almost all people can learn to be leaders, since it is possible to learn effective behaviors as long as they have the proper support and encouragement.

According to leadership contingency models, situational factors determine the best leadership style to employ. These models assume that leaders can vary in behavior from one situation to another, this establishes that the leadership style used must be adapted to the degree of preparation of the followers, leaders can choose one of four leadership styles which they involve various combinations of task-oriented behavior and relationship-oriented behavior. Task-oriented behaviors include using one-sided communication, setting obligations, and telling followers what to do, when, where, and how. Relationship-oriented behavior includes conducting two-way communication, listening to followers,encourage and involve them in decision-making as well as provide emotional support.

V. Conclusion

A successful leader will be anyone who is aware of these forces that are most important in relation to their behavior at any given time. He understands himself with precision, the individuals and the group with which he relates; the company and the broad social environment in which it operates.

The leader must remember that followers as individuals and as a group develop their own patterns of behavior and ways of operating, often the leader has to behave differently with each of his collaborators because they are at different levels of maturity.

He also estimates the ability of his subordinates to develop. But this sensitivity, or ability to understand, is not enough, so you will have to behave appropriately according to your perceptions. If direction is required, you must direct; if considerable freedom of participation is desirable, it must provide such freedom.


  • Lucci, R. (2008). Mexico DF: trillas.Maslow, A. (2009). The self-actualized man. Barcelona: Kairòs, SASlocum, HJ (2008). Administration a focused based on competencies. Mexico DF: CENGAGE learning.Téllez, JA (2008). Human development. Mexico: Trillas.
Leadership to transform reality