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Transformational leadership


Objective: To develop the needs and capacities of people who wish to perfect and consolidate their leadership process.

TRANSFORMATIONAL:… Introducing the topic…


Let's “poke around” in ourselves:? How many times do we not take a good look at what we want to do, or do we not work with imagination, creativity and drive, or are we slow, sometimes mediocre and even incompetent (many times due to laziness and laziness…)?

… Introducing the topic…

We are in a world that is marching fast!

We must begin to take seriously our responsibility as political and social leaders:

politics is too serious to be left only to traditional politicians!

… Introducing the topic…

We have to put aside the Creole culture of the “most alive”, “of blaming the other”, of the lazy, of the useless, of the irresponsible, of the “plugged in” and of compadrazgo.

They are false values, that do not help the true progress of people (and of ourselves)!

sometimes high, sometimes low…

Both in the personal sphere and in politics, the individual is a being whose internal dynamics (and its resulting behavior) are explained on the basis of constant states of equilibrium and "lows" of equilibrium, which occur alternately.

The "low" states are caused by deficiencies (needs, desires, expectations, etc.)

Sometimes this "pushes" the subject to overcome them, but many times it "stagnates" him.

The true emotional balance is the result of the satisfaction of our expectations and desires with the corresponding inner and spiritual harmony.

The dialectic of behavior

This kind of "behavioral dialectic" remains in the individual throughout life. Therefore, the motivation to achieve must also be inexhaustible!


In certain circumstances and conditions, people have an intimate desire to do things well and to achieve "standards" of excellence.

This leads them to achieve the satisfaction of having achieved success!

Any success achieved "feeds back" the motivation to achieve.

The political, professional and personal environment can provide incentives and barriers to motivation: in us it is knowing how to act against it!

There are two types of achievement motivation:

APPETITIVE ~ tendency to achieve success.

AVOIDANCE ~ tendency to avoid failure.


The "valence" or attractiveness of the object that acts as an incentive.

The "subjective probability", that is to say that by a particular action, we obtain at the same time a also particular result.

The "proximity or remoteness" with which the achievement is perceived. The closer the achievement is perceived, the greater motivational force it generates.

The concept of achievement motivation is often confused with mere material and external stimulation (material rewards), but what we are talking about here is getting the inner satisfaction of doing things well (in a comprehensive way).

Each person ~ based on their own personality, experience and values ​​~ presents a qualitatively different achievement motivation.

This does not imply that some are good and others are bad, simply that they are different.

The motivation to achieve, requires from the Heads or Leaders of the teams, an effort of reflection greater than that of mere intuition or clinical eye:! The starting point has to be the personalized knowledge of all the members of the group, starting with them themselves!




Psychomotivational research has shown that increasing extrinsic (material) motivations in work groups only serves to temporarily increase performance.

Only by raising the level of intrinsic motivations can performance truly "skyrocket"!

Participatory management methods, managerial horizontality, listening, giving opportunities, distributing achievements and victories, and knowing how to delegate are part of these intrinsic motivations.


The world is changing: now we work in networks of all kinds, in multidisciplinary teams, where each one contributes their multiple capacities and experiences when solving problems and difficulties.


Communication barriers tend to exist in work teams:

break those barriers!

Be more careful about points of agreement than differences, and try to minimize your natural selfishness and desire for leadership.


Taboos, stereotypes and old ways of acting, conspire against the new forms of leadership:

Open your eyes and your heart, prepare to renew yourself completely, become a leader prepared for the new times!


Develop the needs and capacities of people who wish to perfect and consolidate their leadership process.

Role of Group Heads or Leaders

Consider individually the leadership formation process of each person. Stimulate them with new and creative ideas.

Give them visions of the future that are stimulating.

Role of Group Heads or Leaders

Be yourself a role model or example:

  • Dig deeper into your leadership process every day. Don't rest on your laurels. Eradicate “subgroups”

Leaders are born, “made” and tested in different circumstances or situations.

But leadership is a process that needs to be nurtured, fed back, and (positively) transformed every day.

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Transformational leadership