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Leadership and how to implement it

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A leader is an essential person in a company who must possess the necessary characteristics to be able to implement his leadership as well as decision-making at the time of implementing the steps that will be carried out to achieve his objectives taking into account the responsibilities you receive.



When we speak of leadership we must bear in mind that this is contextual. Being a leader is exposing yourself to choosing a course by simply setting the pace with which you want to continue, imposing rules and abiding by the threats that may arise both in the attitude of a subordinate and the consequences that exist when making certain decisions that may be wrong, always having a second option or a solution point to it.


Peter Druker, (1964) “Leader is to be a strategist, a globalizer of goals, ideas and programs; a generator of programmed activities and processes ”.

Cartwright and Zander, (1971) present leadership as the ability to have personal and social power, the ability to turn an intention into a result and maintain it with, through and for people.

French, (1971) “Leader is to be a teacher, a trainer of people; an inspirer of men and women who will generate their own visions and motivations towards the goals and values ​​of their own human teams ”.

Warren Bennis, (1985) "Leader is being a visionary, a prophet, an artist of the future who makes visions come true."

John P. Kotter, (1988) “leadership is the process of moving a group or groups towards some direction, through non-coercive means”.

John W. Gardner, (1990) "leader is one who conceives and expresses goals that elevate people above their conflicts and integrates them in the search for transcendent goals worthy of their best efforts."

Blanchard, (1991) "Leader is to serve."

During the last century there have been great entrepreneurs who have managed to transform the world thanks to their inventiveness, genius and vision, we can mention Steve Jobs in the United States, the founding genius of Apple considered as a person with whom it was difficult to work and with a rigid vision of teamwork, as well as characters with great leadership such as Lorenzo Servitje of the Bimbo company, one of the most respected business icons in Mexico, Lorenzo Zambrano of Cemex, Mr. Matsushita of Panasonic in Japan, among many plus.


Over time, the country has required new instruments to achieve its objectives, in this essay we emphasize what is a fundamental part of a leader who can be competent and efficient when managing an idea or with the simple fact of addressing his subordinates. Leadership is created through the environment that surrounds us plus the power of a leader, having the ability to adapt to unexpected changes, as well as plan their clear and precise strategies to achieve the achievement of their objectives and goals that are imposed.One of the fundamental tasks of a leader is to know how to recognize the behaviors of a successful person since this will define the quality of the human personnel that will be working in our environment, being sure that only positive responses will be received to everything that is required in your workplace.

Gibson Ivancevich, Donnelley (2001) defines leadership as “An interaction between members of a group. Leaders are agents of change, people whose actions affect other people more than these other people's own actions. Leadership occurs when a member of a group modifies the motivation or competencies of others in the group ”.

When an organization makes its selection of its leaders, many times, traits similar to those of its own leadership are taken into account to choose people, which is reflected in self-selection. In general, the figure of a leader is recognized for being the one who is at the head, who on his shoulders is given the responsibility of carrying out all kinds of projects, distinguishing himself by being an enterprising person, with initiative and ability to know how to transmit your thoughts to others.

We can mention that a leader is one who will direct other subordinates by applying their personal, intellectual, psychological and emotional power, doing it constantly so as not to lose their leadership and the necessary knowledge that must be had about our staff that influences the achievement of objectives having them in a point of balance both work and emotional.

For this reason, before deciding to be a leader, it is first necessary to carry out a self-analysis where he himself will be able to realize his strengths and weaknesses and work on it, in such a way that he will be able to gain experience when selecting personnel by implementing the same process and with more ease and confidence when making their decisions, since their recognition will be a reflection of the confidence they present, of the viability of their ideas, complementing it with listening to their environment, taking into account the way to implement a motivation to subordinates making them commit to achieving the same objectives that the company requires.

Leaders rely on the people in their charge to ensure productivity and quality, since it is they who make and achieve goals and provide services. The power of leadership is always present everywhere and from here arises the new recurring theme of leadership: “empowerment”, which we could translate into “passing the decision-making power down”, giving instructions to subordinates.

There are many types of leadership, in order to carry out a specific one you must study the area in which it will be presented as well as its goals and objectives to which it wants to achieve, in order to achieve an understanding of the type of leader that will be used in said regime that can always favor our company or business, employing the purposes and steps necessary to achieve it.

Leadership is of great importance for a company since through this the ideas that will be used and the correct way to manage it to achieve its objectives will be determined since the degree of its efficiency and productivity will depend on it.

The most relevant types of leadership for the proper functioning of a company can be defined as:

Democratic: This leader motivates and stimulates his command only when it is necessary, he works together with his collaborators giving them the opportunity to use their own ideas, reason them and implement them if they are required, demonstrating to subordinates that they are an essential part for the achievement of a company's goals.

Authoritarian: This leader only focuses on the stated objective without interacting for the most part with his subordinates, he is based only on the work and does not give importance to the requirements that may be needed by those in his charge.

Laissez faire or letting go: This leader can be defined as the most irresponsible since he directly avoids decision-making, shows absenteeism in his field and does not give importance to the requirements of subordinates, emphasizing that he only appears at a very necessary moment.

As well as the previous definitions we can find many more, but we must ask ourselves perhaps if it is worth being a leader, in a general opinion of course it is, since in that way we demonstrate scaling our personal improvement, assuming new and greater responsibilities having Keep in mind that in the process we will have errors but always try to get out of these with the best positive attitude in order to facilitate the search for concrete solutions always with a prior analysis to realize the advantages and / or disadvantages that this may generate at the time of its implementation.

Anyone who wants to be a leader should always bear in mind that sooner or later they can be judged for that reason they should throw their fears aside or simply learn to overcome them which can serve as indicators of what we should do and not what that we must avoid, facing the new obstacles that will arise, taking your best alternative for your solution point, counting on the characteristics and capabilities to take the opportunities that always arise, giving them a fixed point of vision of why they need to take them and for what purpose to do it.

To lead is to be willing to take responsibility for the entire environment in which you are, being willing to go to the end, having confidence in yourself and in the people who will be with you, supporting you on your journey until you reach what has been objected to. supporting them in their beginning or training but without this influencing allowing someone to stop their mission


To have an excellent example of leadership has costs that we must overcome, always being where we want to be without waiting for opportunities to come to our hands, we have to go out in search of them, risking the criticism that the world prepares for us, but if we are the most positive possible, we will always put aside all those who do not serve us and we will only take what in our process helps us to achieve the objective towards which we have gone, we will always have obstacles but if a great effort is shown, everything is achieved, the only thing that one day a person who always had the dream of being an exemplary leader may regret not having tried out of fear of failure. A leader will always be a person as an example to follow who must have self-confidence as well as in his followers,having the ability to make the best decisions previously studied of all their alternatives, which will emphasize and find a way to approach their subordinates to know what needs are required for achievement in their work environment, always taking the initiative in the support of the progress of others, being not a person who projects fear but an example to follow who knows when and how to correct their mistakes or weaknesses, ensuring the collective well-being always being positive as well as a more important point, working together to your team keeping your word in a cordial manner.who will emphasize and find a way to approach his subordinates to know what needs are required for achievement in their work environment, always taking the initiative in supporting the progress of others, being not a person who projects fear but a An example to follow who knows when and how to correct their mistakes or weaknesses, ensuring the collective well-being, always being positive as well as a most important point, working together with his team, enforcing the fulfillment of his word in a cordial way.who will emphasize and find a way to approach his subordinates to know what needs are required for achievement in their work environment, always taking the initiative in supporting the progress of others, being not a person who projects fear but a An example to follow who knows when and how to correct their mistakes or weaknesses, ensuring the collective well-being, always being positive as well as a most important point, working together with his team, enforcing the fulfillment of his word in a cordial way.ensuring the collective welfare being always positive as well as a most important point, working together with your team enforcing the fulfillment of your word in a cordial way.ensuring the collective welfare being always positive as well as a most important point, working together with your team enforcing the fulfillment of your word in a cordial way.


Leadership and how to implement it