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Leadership and the last stretch at the end of the year

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"The year is ending and with it so are many of our dreams and illusions" It is time to review the trends to plan a closing that is in accordance with the Business Plan that we have made since the beginning of the year ".

Get ready to give the last stretch by displaying your leadership and that of your people, because there is no more time than you have today.

"The year is practically gone, what it has done so far, will be decisive in its annual results, but above all it will affect its beginning of the year due to the morale they generate"

The year ends for better or for worse in all cases. What we have done or not done will be decisive in our final results in relation to the Business Plan that we have proposed since the beginning of the year.

Curiously, the work of the PAN Government in our country is also ending and a new unknown opens up in relation to what will happen in the future. The situation in Europe is still worrying, and the elections of our northern neighbor do not stop attracting attention.

In sum, there is once again a CRISIS of values, weak economies and convulsion within each business due to all the uncertainty that is generated by the mass media in the population and in each mind of each business leader, managers, leaders of organizations. and associations and employees in general.

If you have productivity results that exceed the expectations of what was planned, Congratulations! You are in a position to start a year in a focused way and with the enthusiasm of your people.

If you go in Plan, but you will not have spectacular results, I invite you to give the last stretch through the deployment of your leadership and that of your people to advance as much as possible and locate your competitive position so that you can have a year 2013 without surprises.

If not, if your results are not desirable, I invite you to make a change in the management of your leadership and also to give the last stretch to start a year with a renewed attitude and with the firm intention of doing things better.. A change that allows you to visualize the possibility of facing a 2013 with better possibilities in your actions in the market and with your customers.

You probably focused more on controlling and managing your metrics, than unleashing the potential of your people. This is what has happened to many organizations and now they are upside down in the face of the environment.

However, there is always the possibility of starting over and doing things better. Here the question to ask yourself is:

Either you wait for the year to end to receive instructions on what to do for the next, or you start managing a different leadership style and end up aligned in the future.

Stay away from what is available, your organization needs to get closer to customers, and that requires learning to treat them differently.

There is no safer way out than to use the power of your people!

The environment is constantly changing but companies forget to change at the same speed that the market demands. You have to realize the need to use all the potential and capabilities that your people have, but in a way that is aligned with what your customers are asking for. I think this is where you have to put permanent focus.

During the year, many organizations are making significant efforts to achieve levels of productivity within their business that they have planned to achieve in their Business Plan. However, there is a very big difference in deploying a huge effort and matching what customers demand of you in terms of product, product quality and differentiated service.

As long as the entire Organization does not align itself with the demands of its clients, it will not hit the mark! As long as you do not stay close to your customers, listening to what they require, it will not be possible to increase your competitive position in the market and in this sense, you are putting your business at risk.

Today, listening to the customer, staying close to him, but above all, making sure that his requests are being satisfied is of vital importance. If what you want is not only to survive, but to remain in the market for many years, you have to abandon yourself to the idea of ​​having a company in continuous learning with you and knowing that the only sustainable competitive advantage in the future for your business is it is his people.

But these are not only times of Personal Management, this concept no longer applies at all in a world like the one we are living in. The time has come to unleash the potential of your people if you hope to achieve the highest level of results and run ahead of your competitors.

It is time to use the talents and skills of the people you hire.

It is paradoxical and even regrettable, that the level of demand that companies have today in their hiring processes has increased notably, but when it comes to putting these capabilities to the test they remain dead at all levels because they are not given the opportunity to be used.

This should be seriously thought about. We must learn to question our role as leaders, not only from the point of view of managing personnel, but also from unleashing the potential of our people to achieve the full satisfaction of our clients.

The size of your company's market share is directly proportional to the size of your people's enthusiasm for satisfying your people. That is why I insist that we are what we encourage!

The work of differentiation begins at the top, deciding to change our thinking model to guide it exclusively in actions that generate value for the organization.

These are times for leaders, I have no doubt, they are times for disruptive minds that want to abandon old practices for the generation of new customer-directed habits. These are times of change. Are you willing to do them to Reconvert your Company towards a Future Company?

The last stretch, it occurs before dying

If you are one of those who think about giving the last stretch, receive my recognition, because it means that you plan to fight until the last moment of your life to achieve your dreams. But be careful, the last stretch is the last, which means that you will no longer be there to see the result of your decisions. Paradoxical, no? But true. I invite you to change while you have life depending on yourself, I invite you to do different things while you have the time to do so.

Do not wait for your last breath, do it before, so that when the time comes to expire you will be proud of having achieved a higher level of results than those achieved before you took charge of your position. It is always time to change, but it requires decision and character, it is required to assume our personal leadership with courage, so that we can influence others and in this sense we can achieve the highest honor in our management as business leaders..

To restart implies, to abandon what we have done so far, to restart implies to change what is necessary to learn from those who are ahead of us, but a global change requires more than that, it requires making our clients, our employees and in general those who are part of our environment, receive an experience of contact with us, which you will never forget.

This is differentiation!

It is time to invest in your leaders so that they can ensure a better work with your people on the line, because it is the people of this level who produce the results of your business, never forget it.

The people who have the first contact with their clients are nothing more than the result of the performance of their leaders in front of them. It is at this level where we must ensure a high level of direction, training, motivation and give it all the possibilities to make decisions that affect customers in a differentiated way. It is here that the organization fulfills its dreams or takes them overboard. Give yourself the budget and time to invest in this line of the structure of your business. This is where you will find the competitive advantage you have been looking for!

We are at your service to help you if necessary, do not hesitate to contact our company. Greetings and I hope you have a closing of the year according to your plans.

"As long as you do not decide to use the creative power of your people, you will continue to give the same to customers and that is what will put a check on you and your Business."

"The size of your organization is equal to the size of the leaders it has"

Make sure you have people who influence and unleash the potential of others and not just know how to manage the workforce.

Final thoughts:

"We are what we think and what we encourage" If you want to be above your competitors, invite your people to help you make this difference in your results.

These are times of change that demand great leaders!

Leadership and the last stretch at the end of the year