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Leadership and its current approaches

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We could say that one person can make a difference! it is living proof that an effective leader can rebuild organization and justice. He is almost unanimously seen in such terms as open-minded, impartial, and considerate. In a closed society, in which the authorities are the guardians and the prisoners are the guards, every organization is exposed to changes, whether continuous or discontinuous. In organizations subject to rapid changes, you must be proactive, anticipate events. Which requires an environment of continuous learning and improvement in leadership approaches.There are other approaches that contribute to the establishment of typologies (it is the study or classification into different existing types that is carried out in any discipline) or characteristics of leadership: According to the activity they carry out, the preparation they have, the tendency to defend the truth or spreading falsehood, the goal they pursue. The following can be mentioned: political leader, professor or teacher, priests, writers, father of a family, among others; people who shape public opinion through art, literature, thought, and social media.father of a family, among others; people who shape public opinion through art, literature, thought, and social media.father of a family, among others; people who shape public opinion through art, literature, thought, and social media.

According to this, for someone to be a good leader they have to be effective and ethical, qualities that will generate the respect and trust of the followers.

But not everything can be support and example, a behavior that motivates the leader to commit to the goals and objectives that he raises is required of the leader, creating a true personal bond leader - followers. This aspect was successfully addressed by a team led by D. Goleman in 2002, approaching leadership from the perspective of “emotional intelligence”.

Leadership is a very important factor. It is one of the topics that, in the business field, is widely discussed and studied. Numerous books, articles and experts continually cover aspects of leadership, especially those related to the nature and behavior (the way of behaving, behaving, behaving) of good leaders, and with the structure and characteristics of the organizations in which they work and develop.


That rare quality of guiding human groups towards objectives that signify a change in common conditions and satisfactions has been, from time immemorial, inaccessible to attempts to study and describe it precisely. There are 221 interpretations of what we understand by “leadership” in a research somewhere that, with the purpose of seeking a common definition, (the word leadership defines an influence that is exerted on people and that allows them to be encouraged to work in a enthusiastic for a common goal) without clarifying anything.

The matter is interesting, it has a mystery, we mentioned it before: leadership is like beauty, difficult to define but easy to appreciate if you see it.

In some companies, they have allowed us to meet leaders from different areas of activity, experiencing situations of change. I have had the opportunity to see in action those who are unconditionally followed and others who - resisted at first - are finally accepted because they have something that convinces; we have also met some who failed as leaders and guides.

I have come to the conclusion that any mortal can be a leader if he sets his mind to it, but I have also concluded that there are different levels of leadership, occupying the cusp those who have "something more" than the rest (it is one thing to be first violin of the orchestra and another being the virtuoso who gives the concert).

There is also a reality that we obviously overlook: There are no leaders without followers. Forgetting it, we embark on complicated academic theories looking at leadership 'from the outside', when the logical thing is to approach it 'from within' unraveling the reasons that drive the followers.

From our point of view, the fundamental task of the leader is to awaken the positive feelings of his subordinates and this occurs when the leader produces resonance, that is, the positive emotional climate essential to mobilize the best of the human being. At its root, then, the fundamental task of leadership is emotional. ”It is the only thing that gives meaning to everything we do.

There should be no other reason to gather the group's efforts (The Objective gives us the Direction where we will focus our effort). It must be clearly defined.

Its fulfillment is the most important responsibility a leader must assume.

Everything that the leader thinks, says or does, only makes sense if it helps to fulfill the Objective.

It exists before the leader and the group he leads take the first step.

Generally the leader does not decide the Objective, it is imposed by a superior entity: The boss, the common good of the family, of society, of the country. Once established, the leader must always ensure compliance.


Its target is those people who, without occupying the top ranks in the different organizations, are responsible for leading others. Called “Ordinary Local Leadership Characters”. The Principles are built from new concepts:

Leadership is not an abstract and innate ability, but a skill or expertise that can be learned. Leadership cannot be taught, only learned.

The Leadership Principles should not be reserved for a few, but they are required to be available to anyone who leads others in their social environment: in the family, in their daily activities, etc.

True leadership occurs in warfare, group artistic expression and / or team sport: It occurs where the leader cannot do things for others, but only guide and guide them.

One of the strongest motivations of the human being is the search for power. This search is related to the desire and / or need to control or transform the environment and the circumstances that surround them. Many people are captivated by power, especially those who have been deprived of it. People, organizations and nations fight for power, because they are attracted by prestige, wealth, status, (Position, social and economic scale to which a person belongs) domain, (it is the set of existence of herself, that is,, the values ​​for which the function is defined) control and recognition that seem to derive from it. Throughout human history, achieving power has come to mean success. The accumulation and exercise of power has become synonymous with leadership.

On the other hand, power exercised without leadership turns into coercion, manipulation and authoritarianism; but the power placed at the service of leadership is transformative. Power without leadership as a vehicle for expression lacks real and lasting influence; he achieves adherence, but out of fear, without conviction and commitment. We can argue, as W. Bennis puts it: "Leadership is the right use of power." Sir Gordon Brunton in turn defines leadership as "the intelligent and sensible use of power."

The exercise of power that generates leadership is not the one that comes from the investiture of the position, but from modeling, the development of assertive communication skills, the ability to resolve conflicts and negotiation, and the approach (studies the pragmatic consequences that has interpersonal communication, conceiving communication as an open structure of interactions that occur in a particular context).

And action aimed at achieving organizational goals, without losing sight of people's needs. This exercise develops personal power. Personal power is not a matter of position or hierarchy, and neither is leadership. In this sense, John Adair comments: “His position does not give him the right to command; he only imposes on him the duty to live in such a way that others can receive his orders without feeling humiliated ”. The power exercised from the legal investiture, from the organizational hierarchy, from the position, but lacking the personal and professional competencies for leadership, inevitably degenerates into abusive exercise (exceeds normal) and manipulation (who handles or manipulates something) power.

If the leader's communication skills are limited, if his ability to envision a better future is shortsighted, if his interpersonal skills are deficient, if his resolve to remain faithful to well-metabolized and ingrained values ​​is not firm; Then, when the moments of crisis come, they will feel pressured to resort to force, manipulation, coercion (it is a pressure that is exerted on a person to force a behavior or a change in their will. Therefore, it is associated with repression, restriction or inhibition and control to achieve the proposed results, instead of dialogue, participation, teamwork and the reconciliation of interests.


Learning to use power to lead, that is, to generate influence to achieve results based on shared objectives, requires learning to use the ability to mobilize one's own energy towards those defined shared objectives, in order to transform the environment, which demands the development of skills and abilities for the leadership approach. The development of the ability to lead, provides the person with the structure, the sense and the orientation to express their power towards the achievement of the proposed results. Now, developing leadership as a vehicle for the expression of personal power is a process. Growing in leadership implies a process of personal growth, which is related to the formation and development of one's character as a human being, which is forged from the inside out,from the clarity of the leader's personal processes, from the awareness of his interiority.

When power is also expressed with genuine commitment, with sensitivity and empathy, with deep respect and honor towards others, the use of power leads to gaining leadership and generating influence that results in the achievement of shared objectives. Power, then, flows as creative energy that mobilizes, with focus and congruence, all internal resources (talents, skills, experiences, emotions, knowledge, etc.) to achieve common goals. Leadership thus becomes a vehicle for contribution, service, transformative action, the channel for contributing to the satisfaction of the needs of others and the fulfillment of organizational objectives. Leadership seen in this way is defined as the ethical and responsible use of power, exercised with integrity,with respect to the other and conviction of one's own values ​​assumed as principles of life. Leadership, then, as Warren Bennis puts it, "is the right use of power."

Implementing the leadership approach is necessary to integrate it into the processes of a company, in general, it is expensive and although its application effectively can bring many benefits, not all companies have the resources to satisfy the aspects necessary of a good leader. This is a disadvantage, especially for small and medium-sized companies.


  1. Bennis Warren, Lideres, Paidos Ibérica, 1989. Lee Blaine, The Principle of Power, Mondadori, 1997. Karp HB, Guide for the Leader of Change, Cuatro Vientos 1997. John Adair, Lideres, No Chiefs, Second Edition, Confemtal, 1990.Quigley Joseph, Leadership in Action, Vision Edition, 1997 Barroso Manuel, Management Meditations, Editorial Galac, 2005.http: //www.degerencia.com/curso-especializacion-liderazgo-creativo-de-equipos June 13, 2013.http: //www.degerencia.com/articulo/el-poder-puesto-al-servicio-del-liderazgo#artrel 13 June 2013.http: //www.degerencia.com/tema/liderazgo 13 June 2013.http: / /www.degerencia.com/articulo/la-actitud-refleja-el-liderazgo June 13, 2013.
Leadership and its current approaches