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Guidelines for restaurant management

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The subject of management will be addressed, which is part of the administration and is divided into 5 concepts that help the administrator to carry out his functions operatively, its elements are mentioned below; the decision making that helps the administrator, the integration that a collaborator must have, the motivation of the employees, the communication related to the department, the supervision that is required to reach the objectives.


This material was prepared for people who are interested in the management of restaurant management as well as for students who need support from the management which is operational, the issues to be addressed decision-making which implies any administrator to carry out, the integration of collaborators in the company, the motivation that is provided to the employees in the company and how they generate benefits for it, communication which is very important for any company, supervision that goes hand in hand with leadership and that without these it would not be possible to know if a good or bad job is being done.

All of this together helps companies to coordinate between departments and avoid fractures during operations.


Administration is the action of planning, organizing, directing and controlling resources to obtain the maximum possible benefit.

Planning is the development of objectives, which is the guideline to take from the company, the strategy to follow.

Organization is the structure of the functions related to the resources and levels of the people.

Direction is the execution of plans in accordance with the organizational structure, by guiding the efforts of the social group through motivation, communication and supervision. (munch & garcia, p. 160).

Control is to carry out the measurements corresponding to the outlined plans, being able to correct the strategies if the expected results are not being obtained.


A restaurant is an establishment where food and beverages are prepared and sold for their consumption on the premises, and this service is charged.

The word restaurant is derived from the Latin restaurare, which means to recover or restore.

The concept of restaurant in recent times has changed, since it not only serves food and beverages, but has also transformed into an organization with its human, technical, material and financial resources, which must take care of projections, finances and marketing.

The primary objective of restaurants is to provide services to customers, the service is to serve consumers who come to our establishment by providing what they require talking about food and beverages that are handled in the establishment.

History of restaurants

To understand how restaurants have evolved over time in Mexico we must know their beginnings; "The story takes us to the year 1525 in New Spain, where Pedro Hernández Paniagua was authorized so that his house could open an inn, offering bread, wine, water and meat to visitors" (Cano, 2011, p. 7).

Start the emergence of different types of establishments such as; taverns, inns, inns and inns which were established around New Spain, then travelers began to look for the locals.

In the 19th century, the word restaurant became fashionable and the establishments began to change their names, services, and expand their menu.

The oldest restaurant in the Federal District is called La Hostería de Santo Domingo, it obtained great fame since it was visited by officials, artists and public figures.

The administration is made up of:

Restaurant management


We think that for the administration to be carried out we must follow all the parts that make it up but we will talk about a part that is a bit complicated in the direction since this part is dynamic because it is operational.

“It consists of directing operations through the cooperation of subordinates' efforts to obtain high levels of productivity through motivation and supervision” (Lerner & Baker, 2006).

It is expected that the collaborators who are working in the company know the objectives of the company, however it is an obligation to the staff that the company have the directive to follow.

We have functional areas in a restaurant which are mentioned below;

Food and beverage management, which is like any other company, forms a system in general, it is made up of a subsystem that depends on each one to reach the expected results, the administration depends on the size and structure, the type of kitchen, service, customer and quality of service, the management of a restaurant depends on the optimization of human, material, technical and financial resources.

The decision-making to propose the goals to be achieved in a given period, of the purchase of good quality products or to establish the standard of product purchases, the decision of the type of menu to be offered, purchases will analyze the possibilities, offers, deadlines, agreements and which supplier we are going to have.

Decision-making also involves the qualities that employees must have in the company and the training that must be provided.

The integration of the elements that are available, the importance of the welcome manuals, the department or the activities that will be carried out in the corresponding areas of each collaborator, the socialization of this with the colleagues with whom they will work, the Induction to the department, tours of the facilities such as dining areas, lounge or restaurant, the operating team that is available, kitchen, bar, coffee area and presentation with the work group, to which it is suggested to some series of questions for the presentation of a collaborator and feel comfortable with the group;

  1. Where are you from? What is your favorite food? What is your name? What is your favorite sport or what do you like to do in your spare time? To name a few that you can use.

For the individual motivation of people it is very complicated since each one has different needs, but if we coordinate the personal projects of each individual and those of the company then the results that are being sought will be seen, the benefits for the company will increase A motivated collaborator not only carries out his activities but goes beyond his work and helps his colleagues to resolve their doubts if he is able to support them, we have the theory of motivation and hygiene, from Frederick Herzberg we find two factors. What I call “maintenance or hygiene factors are salary, supervision, working conditions and interpersonal relationships” (Herzberg).

As an administrator we must know when to use the tools of psychology to motivate our collaborators, there is a wide variety of models or theories that we can handle but, we can use the one that most benefits us or suits the organization to which we belong, always manage teamwork as a way of working since the objectives together is manageable, people are motivated by seeing that everyone works, in the restaurant we will put a way to motivate them to celebrate their birthday with a piece of cake, provide a different meal in which the administrator participates with them, training in the establishment is essential as well as to avoid mistakes and to motivate them,since if it is part of the workshops as courses to have better knowledge, it will be able to seek better positions in the company.

It is important that when one of the collaborators makes a mistake, they are notified of its inconsistency but in a way that does not discourage it, it is recommended that it be in a place where only the administrator and the employee are, the performance that you have had throughout the time you have worked but that you have made some mistakes and it is recommended that you do it in a certain way so that it will not be repeated and things are expected to improve.

Communication in the company must be precise, concise, in a timely manner, not all of us have the same perception channels, the 3 known perception channels will be mentioned, which information must be disseminated in the 3 ways with the reason that collaborators fully understand the message you want to convey;

Visual channel is the sense that is activated by sight when seeing images, recreations of memories or products of our imagination.

Auditory canal is the sense that is activated through words, at the moment of hearing conversations.

Kinesthetic channel is the sense that is activated at the moment of perceiving tactile sensations and is associated with the emotions of both the past and the present.

This in a restaurant is essential since if the collaborators at the time of the operation do not provide the correct information to the clients then we will lose our clients by offering products that are according to the description that was provided, the communication that must exist between the Kitchen and living room must be timely to be aware of the shortages that by operation begin to be scarce.

We have to take advantage of both formal and informal communication for when it is required, the formal one when we want them to find out about things that are true and that have a specific weight in the company and the information should not be distorted, it is important for the administrator that if there is information that will affect the interests of the company, it must be communicated personally, taking advantage of informal communication is healthy but must be controlled by any circumstances that may occur.

On the other hand, in the authority we should not have duplications of order in the company and neither have the confusion of being the one who gives the orders, we delegate the responsibilities to others and I do nothing, it is better to delegate responsibilities to a certain point where only the supervisor have to make decisions so as not to affect the interests of the company, and if the administrator provides responsibilities to a collaborator, the supervisor should be notified to be held accountable when requested, and remember that order given and not supervised is poorly performed, In the restaurant, employees will always follow the person who teaches them the things they have to do and instructs them to be better at work as well as in life.

Leadership or supervision in companies is essential since if delegated jobs are not supervised then we will not know if we are on the right track and orders are not given only if they are told that they are doing wrong since their work already knows it, it is corrected, he is oriented, he is transmitted what he is not doing due to not being careful, the supervisor is there to dispel the collaborator's doubts, to be his support in any situation that arises during the operation since he is more However, employees must be asked what can be improved in the processes for an optimization of the procedures and thus have the results expected in the company,Procedures manuals must always be provided in which the standards to follow when providing a service should be provided since if we have bases with which to measure then we will know how well we are or what we can improve through training, by having the check lists evaluation we can involve collaborators to carry them out so that they are part of this.


We just have to remember that when carrying out the guidelines outlined here we must not forget that we work with human resources and they are the most valuable elements we have since there may be facilities, financing, but without human resources it cannot be used. The company is running, so let's never forget to thank the people who work in our company and keep them motivated to reach the goals set at the beginning of the opening of the establishment.


  • Spout. (2011). Herzberg, F. Lerner, JJ, & Baker, H. (2006). Munch, l., & García, J. Fundamentals of administration.
Guidelines for restaurant management