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Location of the production system and distribution of facilities

Table of contents:


1. Planning in the location of facilities

It is necessary for all companies to analyze and study the capacity system that they can implement, all this in order to be able to cover the largest amount of demand, optimizing profits for the company and over time consider the possibility of expanding, in order to increase its market and provide a better quality service and satisfaction of needs to the majority of the consumer population of the product.

Adding a facility is one of the best known ways to expand production capacity and the problem is linked to the definition of the place in which to locate it since the objective sought in an organization is that through its activities they are fulfilled in the long-term goals best possible.

One of the most important phenomena we are experiencing is the growing internationalization of the economy. Companies are crossing borders to compete globally. Locations in countries other than the country of origin are the order of the day for large companies. New markets appear (Eastern Europe, China) and others are unified (EU, NAFTA). All of this intensifies the pressure of competition, makes logistical factors more complex and important and that companies are forced to re-examine the location of their facilities in order not to lose competitiveness.

The cost of the labor factor continues to be a fundamental factor in some industries and also in some phases of the manufacturing processes of others that, due to this, are moving from developed countries to others such as Mexico, Taiwan, Singapore, etc., where the level of hourly wages is up to fifty times lower than in some developed nations.

2. Planning a localization project

The location of facilities, whether industrial or services, represents a fundamental element that must be taken into account when planning the future operations of any company. It is important to note that the extension of the life cycle of an organization depends largely on the site or region where it is to be installed, since if some decisive factors of location fail at the time of the organization's conception, it tends to shorten its cycle of life. life or there is a tendency to resort to rearranging the facilities, a decision that could be quite onerous. The study of the location is also a vital element for the analysis of new or expansion projects from the financial-economic point of view. The location selection process must be systematic and gradual,progressively narrowing the possibilities until the final location is determined. It is necessary to determine which is the country, region, city and place in which a facility is located. The purpose of the location study is to find the most advantageous location for the project; that is, by covering the demands or requirements of the project, they contribute to minimizing investment costs and costs and expenses during the productive period of the project.costs and expenses during the productive period of the project.costs and expenses during the productive period of the project.

Its objective is to achieve a competitive position based on lower transport costs and speed of service. This part is essential and has long-term consequences, since once the company is located, it is not possible to change your address. The study includes the definition of criteria and requirements to locate the project, the enumeration of the possible location alternatives and the selection of the most advantageous option possible for its specific characteristics.

The selection of alternatives is carried out in two stages. In the first, the area in which the plant will be located is analyzed and decided; and in the second, the site is analyzed and chosen, considering basic factors such as: costs, topography and situation of the proposed land. The first stage is defined as a macro-location study and the second as a micro-location study.

3. The economic and human technological impact in the projects of productive systems

Talking about technology means referring to technical progress, since technology is linked to research and development activity aimed at innovating production techniques, forming an integral part of the set of productive forces and constituting an essential aspect of the material elements of the process of production.

If the technological impact has been great in the ecological and social systems, in the field of productive relations it has caused an authentic revolution, and it is where the triumph of the automatic principle that is based on the mechanized and uninterrupted process is expressed in all its breadth of production.

Technology is an important element in shaping living and working conditions. Technological transformations affect work activity in different ways. They determine its material contents, influence the environment in which it takes place, allow greater control of the workers' activity, and, when creating new products, directly affect the structure of industry and occupations.

Each social formation, each mode of production, has been characterized by a certain degree of development of the preceding productive and social forces, which constitute, at the same time, the material and technical basis for their development and reproduction. The relationships that are established between workers and the means of production constitute the element that allows us to distinguish the different economic eras that humanity has gone through, to the point that what distinguishes one economic era from another is less what is known. it produces, than the means of work with which it is produced.

Therefore, despite the fact that all technological innovation produces changes that affect the design of labor relations, not all technological change produces the same effects. Thus, the impact produced by industrial technology can be differentiated from that produced by new post-industrial technologies.

While those were limited to the replacement of manual labor power, new technologies not only replace the arms and legs of workers, but also capture part of the powers of the human brain and, in many cases, surpass it.

On the other hand, it is worth highlighting two notes regarding new technologies. The first one, the phenomenon of centralization of technological production in the hands of groups of companies and especially in transnational companies, which entails a centralization of decisions in the matter of a part of capital. The second refers to the increasing intervention of the State in the definition of the technological model by the centrality that for a policy of economic growth represents technological renewal.

The most outstanding characteristic of the new technologies is their interdependence, the fact that they constitute a system in which the advances in each field facilitate progress in other areas of technological innovation due, above all, to the communicability of the information already obtained. its translation into the specific code of each field by means of computers telecommunicated between them.

As is known, the technological sectors that form the basic nucleus of the so-called new technologies are: microelectronics, computing, telecommunications, automation, artificial intelligence and lasers. Opinions on its social effects are proportionally distributed between optimism and pessimism.

Removing this controversy, we are undoubtedly at the dawn of a true revolution in the conception of labor relations, since there is practically no type of work that cannot be entrusted to automatic machines today. Any production process can be fully or partially automated, not only in large companies but also in small or very small ones, thanks to the progressive low cost for companies to incorporate microprocessors and computer applications.

In all the studies there is unanimous agreement that the basic social characteristics of our industrial and labor system, such as the tendency to full employment, the defense of traditional professions and industrial trades, the differentiation between workers and employees, the The basis on which qualifications are based, practice-based learning, career as a transition from one job to another, the working day, etc., can put the present in question.

The applications of new technologies, at the same time that they have made possible a considerable increase in material progress, have produced great impacts on labor relations that are manifested in aspects as diverse as: the volume and sectorization of employment, the forms of contracting, labor control systems, flexibility of labor provision, professional qualifications and health.

4. Localization project management model

For some time now, the term "Project Cycle" has been used to indicate the different stages that the project goes through from the moment the idea is conceived until it materializes in a specific work or action. These stages are: "pre-investment", "Investment" or "execution" and the "operation" or "operation" stage, and what is usually called the ex-post evaluation to which we will dedicate a few lines later.


The “pre-investment” phase corresponds to all the studies that need to be carried out before making the decision to channel resources towards a particular objective; This phase includes the identification, selection, formulation and evaluation of the project.

The "investment or execution or implementation" is basically a stage of mobilization of both human, financial and physical resources, with the purpose of guaranteeing the suitable means for the subsequent fulfillment of the company's social objective. It is, therefore, a transformation process that uses various inputs to deliver a final product, which can be the facilities of a factory, a reservoir for irrigation, a mass vaccination campaign, a new tax collection office, a workshop maintenance of vehicles, the facilities of a recreation or health care center, the assembly of a thermoelectric plant to meet the energy needs for the development of a region, the construction, provision and equipment of a regional hospital, etc.

The "operation" stage corresponds to a permanent and routine activity aimed at the one of a good or the provision of a service; It is the stage, we repeat, in which the company's social objective is fulfilled. Juan José Miranda Miranda project management.

In the execution and operation stages, the basic cycle of administrative action is developed, that is to say: planning, operation, monitoring and control, which is why it is often referred to as "the administration of the execution and operation of the project." The planning that determines the course of action to be followed, the operation that is the translation of the plan into concrete facts, and the monitoring and control that corresponds to the verification that what is executed is in harmony with what is planned, which may result reviewing plans and correcting actions.

The projects in operation are subject to analysis in order to verify whether the proposals and expectations resulting from the pre-investment study occurred during execution and whether they are being presented during the operation; In order to verify the goodness of the instruments for capturing, processing and analyzing the information and the decision mechanisms used, this corresponds to the so-called "ex-post evaluation". It is appropriate to invoke another term that is very frequently used in the language of experts because, given the importance of the chronology and magnitude that the outflow and inflow of money has in the analysis, it constitutes a guide and a mandatory and permanent point of reference, it is the ¨ project horizon

La ejecución que es la etapa en la que se movilizan mayor cantidad de recursos humanos financieros, logísticos y de todo índole se expresa como salidas de dinero (flechas hacia abajo), la operación precisa la atención a costos de producción, administrativos, de ventas y financieros, que también constituyen salida de dinero (flechas hacia abajo), pero al mismo tiempo se generan ingresos derivados de las ventas de los productos o servicios (flechas hacia arriba), cuando el proyecto deje de producir beneficios sociales, económicos o financieros se tendrá que liquidar, lo que da por resultado unos ingresos correspondientes a la venta de los activos que aun tienen algún valor económico. El perfil de todos estas entradas y salidas de dinero en diferentes momentos del horizonte del proyecto, constituye el denominado «flujo de caja», resultante cuantitativo de la formulación y elemento básico para la evaluación del proyecto.

5. La planeación de la distribución de instalaciones

La finalidad fundamental de la distribución en planta consiste en organizar estos elementos de manera que se asegure la fluidez del flujo de trabajo, materiales, personas e información a través del sistema productivo.

Características de una adecuada Distribución de Planta:

  • Minimizar los costes de manipulación de materiales.Utilizar el espacio eficientemente.Utilizar la mano de obra eficientemente.Eliminar los cuellos de botella.Facilitar la comunicación y la interacción entre los propios trabajadores, con los supervisores y con los clientes.Reducir la duración del ciclo de fabricación o del tiempo de servicio al cliente.Eliminar los movimientos inútiles o redundantes.Facilitar la entrada, salida y ubicación de los materiales, productos o personas.Incorporar medidas de seguridad.Promover las actividades de mantenimiento necesarias.Proporcionar un control visual de las operaciones o actividades.Proporcionar la flexibilidad necesaria para adaptarse a las condiciones cambiantes.

Parámetros para la elección de una adecuada Distribución de Planta. El tipo de distribución elegida vendrá determinado por:

La elección del proceso.

La cantidad y variedad de bienes o servicios a elaborar.

El grado de interacción con el consumidor.

La cantidad y tipo de maquinaria.

El nivel de automatización.

El papel de los trabajadores.

La disponibilidad de espacio.

La estabilidad del sistema y los objetivos que éste persigue.

Las decisiones de distribución en planta pueden afectar significativamente La eficiencia con que los operarios desempeñan sus tareas, la velocidad a La que se pueden elaborar los productos, la dificultad de automatizar el sistema, y la capacidad de respuesta del sistema productivo ante los cambios en el diseño de los productos, en la gama de productos elaborada o en el volumen de la demanda.

Tipos Básicos de Distribución en Planta. Existen cuatro tipos básicos de distribuciones en planta:

  1. Distribución por Procesos.Distribución por Producto o en Línea.Distribución de Posición Fija.Distribuciones Híbridas: Las células de Trabajo.Factores físicos y humanos a considerar en la distribución de instituciones

En los países en desarrollo, el fomento de PFNM ha sido favorecido principalmente por el deterioro de factores económicos internos y externos, y por los esfuerzos encaminados a conservar los bosques tropicales y la diversidad biológica.

2.2.1 El empeoramiento de la situación económica interna y las crisis de las balanzas de pago han sido causa de que muchos países en desarrollo no puedan hacer frente, por más tiempo, al pago de determinadas importaciones, viéndose obligados a utilizar en mayor medida sus recursos naturales. Los plaguicidas sintéticos constituyen un ejemplo de productos importados costosos que ahora han de ser sustituidos por plaguicidas vegetales locales (véase 2.1.10 más arriba).

Es necesario favorecer el desarrollo de programas de capacitación, dirigidos a los oficiales forestales nacionales sobre oportunidades para el desarrollo de productos. Por ejemplo, el Departamento Forestal de Zambia ha creado, después de un proceso de capacitación en los Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, un banco de datos sobre PFNM, para promocionar su utilización.

2.2.2 Algunas administraciones gubernamentales son cada vez más conscientes de que el bienestar de un sector de comunidades locales depende de los recursos forestales no madereros, y de que la utilización de esos recursos puede proporcionar una mejora constante de su nivel de vida.

Hay que dar publicidad a los éxitos conseguidos para impulsar un desarrollo ulterior.

2.2.3 En los países occidentales, el movimiento verde está creando nuevas oportunidades de mercado, especialmente por su demanda de productos farmacéuticos herbáceos que sustituyan a los sintéticos. Los esfuerzos realizados recientemente por vincular las ventas de productos forestales con la conservación de los bosques higrofíticos ha estimulado la demanda y elevado los precios de algunos productos. Los beneficios se están reinvertiendo en proyectos de desarrollo comunitario por grupos tales como Cultural Survival, The Body Shop, Conservation International, etc. (mayo de 1990).

Es necesario identificar y fomentar esas oportunidades.

2.2.4 En ocasiones, la emigración de pueblos crea nuevos mercados étnicos. Este es el caso de la emigración a Israel de la comunidad judía de Marruecos, cuya predilección por el aceite de argán obtenido de la planta endémica silvestre marroquí Argania spinosa ha impulsado su cultivo en Israel.

Es necesario conocer y satisfacer esas demandas.

2.2.5 La búsqueda constante de nuevos productos bioquímicos para la producción de medicamentos y para la industria ha sido impulsada por la necesidad urgente de hallar cura para el SIDA. Las drogas para el tratamiento del cáncer y la necesidad de encontrar alternativas estratégicas al caucho y al aceite de esperma de ballena forman parte de los programas de investigación vigentes que se están desarrollando desde hace decenios.

Conviene fortalecer las instituciones nacionales de los países en desarrollo de manera que también estos países puedan participar en la búsqueda de nuevos productos bioquímicos y farmacéuticos y obtener beneficios de su aprovechamiento. Esa participación debe garantizar los derechos intelectuales y de origen, estableciéndose criterios para el pago de derechos de patente al país de origen de los recursos genéticos.

2.2.6 Existe una conciencia cada vez más clara de que el mundo depende de un número progresivamente menor de recursos básicos, especialmente en el sector de la alimentación, y de que es urgente la diversificación pala evitar las posibles consecuencias de las pandemias.

Como se ha mencionado en el apartado 2.1.13, hay que estimular aún más esa toma de conciencia a través de la educación y de los medios de comunicación.

2.2.7 El incremento constante de la población mundial y la ocupación de las tierras más favorables ha determinado la necesidad de utilizar mejor las zonas más inhóspitas. Con frecuencia es necesario utilizar nuevos PFNM, adaptados a esos medios, como base para el desarrollo de los recursos regionales. Esto es especialmente cierto en las regiones áridas y semiáridas del mundo, pero también en las zonas tropicales húmedas.

Hace falta reforzar las instituciones nacionales para estimular la investigación sobre el uso de PFNM en esas regiones más inhóspitas.

Location of the production system and distribution of facilities