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Reverse and integral logistics

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Since ancient times, Hernán Cortés already mentioned in his letters to Spain, of the great civilization that he found in Tenochtitlan, where runners from the port of Veracruz fished marine animals, and they were organized in such a way that they made it arrive fresh for tasting.

Man organized himself based on the needs that arose, always solving obstacles and proposing new forms of work, it is recognized that our ecosystem is immensely rich and varied, humid regions, dry regions, fruits that are born exclusively in certain areas, however, the need for variety is present throughout the world.

The Free Trade Agreement, which, at this time, is about to be modified, represented an important advance for the Mexican economy, since it allowed Mexican products to have a presence in North America, although it was not limited to these regions, today it is exports to various countries, leading beer.

Main Agrifood Markets in Mexico Source: 2016 Agroalimentario Atlas of the SIAP Retrieved from http://www.animalgourmet.com/2017/01/13/cuales los - foods - Mexicanos - se - exportan /

Additional other products are also successful in the various continents of the world.

Main Agrifood products exported by Mexico Source: SIAP Agrifood Atlas 2016 Retrieved from http://www.animalgourmet.com/2017/01/13/cuales los –food – Mexicans – are – exported /

All this would not be possible if the industries did not have a system for the distribution and delivery of the products they produce, in addition to cost management and support systems for the exchange of information.A nascent concept is Reverse logistics, which can be see from two perspectives; as an ecological support for companies to increase efficiency in the return of products that are no longer used, waste, waste, and as the traceability that is required when a product does not meet customer specifications, or represents a threat, with which it is necessary the fast recovery, and the identification of the product, as well as the assignment of responsibilities in the inspection failures.

Traditionally the focus was forward, that is; from the acquisition of raw materials to the delivery of the product to the customer. Today, the term integral logistics is used in order to go further, Tejero, JJA (2007) places it as a “special management culture” to be competitive.


“Logistics is the part of the supply chain process that plans, carries out and controls the efficient and effective flow and storage of goods and services, as well as related information, from the point of origin to the point of consumption., in order to satisfy customer requirements ”Ballou (2004)

Scheme of the logistics system. Source: Mora, L. (2008). Comprehensive Logistics Management, Best practices in the supply chain. Bogota: Ecoe

This concept focuses only on the exchange process, within a more comprehensive term called Supply Chain, which "encompasses all activities related to the flow and transformation of goods, from raw materials to the end user, as well as flows related information, in an upward direction ”Ballou (2004).

There is some confusion in mixing both, although it is highly aligned with each other, however the difference is that the second is more comprehensive, while the first is limited to a process that ends in the satisfaction of customer requirements.

Tejero, JJA (2007). He refers to the term as a "specific philosophy in the way of managing a company."

It also includes that the term logistics implied higher costs.

Disconnected logistics cycles Source: Tejero, JJA (2007). Comprehensive logistics: the operational management of the company. ESIC editorial.

According to Mora, L. (2008) logistics has a managerial approach, which involves physical distribution such as transport and storage and the location of plants, warehouses and inventory levels.

What is logistics. Source: Mora, L. (2008). Comprehensive Logistics Management, Best practices in the supply chain. Bogota: Ecoe


A definition of integral logistics was defined in 1986. “The control of the flow of materials from the source of supply to placing the product for sale, considering minimum costs and speed in the flow of the product” Tejero, JJA (2007).

For this, it is necessary to know the capacity that one has, since the flow will be limited by it, and the control that is exerted to comply with the planned.

Control refers to a term called "lead time" where it refers to the average time in which an operational process starts until it ends. Tejero, JJA (2007).

Within logistics there is also the concept of Forecasting, which is the forecast of demand through which the operation and supply program is carried out.

Its objective is "Reduce costs and contribute substantially to the profits of the companies, through the rationalization and optimization of the resources used." Mora, L. (2008)

Previously, a company if it suffered cost increases in raw materials, continued to reflect it in the products to recover it through the client, today, that activity is limited by the market, in which it is not so practical to make price increases, since if the competition does not perform it, the organization is placed at a competitive disadvantage, for which the efforts must be reflected in the optimization of resources so that costs are reduced in processes, transportation, supplies.


Reverse logistics is understood as:

“Macro-process of planning, managing and controlling the flow of products and materials from the place of consumption to the point of origin, including the associated information from the destination site to the manufacturer or supplier, with the purpose of adapting the products in the place indicated and create economic, ecological, legal or image value, among others ”Mora, L. (2008).

In order to optimize the product return process which can be generated by the following causes:

  • Product defects Excess inventory Customer complaints Expired product Excess inventory in sales period

And it has the following objectives:

  1. Conscious suppliers and responsible products with the environment Reduction and revaluation of raw materials Recycling Change of materials from heavy to light Responsibility in waste

Source: Mora, L. (2008). Comprehensive Logistics Management, Best practices in the supply chain. Bogota: Ecoe

Responsibility for waste includes the withdrawal of products, their correct classification, destruction, return to origin, recovery, recycling and packaging of hazardous waste.

Gómez Montoya, RA (2010) considers the following processes within reverse logistics.

Harvest. Physical recovery of the products or waste, and the establishment of origin and destination.

Inspection, selection and classification of recovered products. Identification of product characteristics.

Direct recovery of the product. This process contemplates a small deviation that does not affect the performance of the product and is solvable for later sale.

Transformation, treatment or final disposal.

Transport. He is responsible for the transfer of products between the points of origin and destination.

Storage. Store the products for a specified period, it can be in the middle of the origin and destination.

Value Processes in Reverse Logistics (Gómez Montoya, RA, 2010).

Support processes in reverse logistics (Gómez Montoya, RA, 2010).


The use of products in massive quantities has generated concern in companies to become responsible for the final disposal of the product after the expiration of the life time, or for defects that arise.

This is due to the new "green" thinking that makes an organization more aware of its environment and the responsible use of the inputs it requires, as well as the protection of the areas from which they are obtained.

Reverse logistics is also known as green logistics, although it uses principles of conventional logistics, from a more complete approach.


God for giving me the opportunity to inhabit this universe, where I have met the best people in the world such as my parents, grandparents, cousins, nephews, uncles and friends.

Along the path traveled that has brought me the opportunity to do a master's degree with the support of CONACYT.

To teachers and co-workers who have given me the hardest and most satisfying lessons that the experience allows me to discern between dreaming and longing, and that nothing happens except through action.


Vegetable fat collection system in restaurants and food processing plants in the City of Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico.


  • Ballou, RH (2004). Logistics: Supply chain management. Pearson EducaciónMier, O. Reverse Logistics. Foods of major export. Retrieved from http://www.animalgourmet.com/2017/01/13/cuales–los–alimentos–mexicanos–se–exportan/ Tejero, JJA (2007). Comprehensive logistics: the operational management of the company. ESIC editorial.Mora, L. (2008). Comprehensive Logistics Management, Best practices in the supply chain. Bogotá: Ecoe. Gómez Montoya, RA (2010). Reverse logistics a process of environmental impact and productivity. Production + Clean Head, D. (2012). Reverse logistics in supply chain management. Marge books.
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Reverse and integral logistics