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Reverse logistics. a world of opportunities

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There is a reference that some people occupy, mainly in the area of ​​mathematics, when expressing that: "the order of the factors does not alter the product." However, this is not entirely true, perhaps thinking of a sum, it is fulfilled, since there is no difference in adding five plus three, than three plus five. But thinking of a subtraction, the result will be totally different if the factors are placed in a different order, or in a division.

Putting this concept into practice, it can be observed that in many processes for the production of goods or services, in the same way, the order of the factors can alter the product, for example, in the production of some metallic material, an alloy or an alloy. Product that must be heat treated does not have the same results, putting the material in the oven at five hundred degrees for three hours, than putting the same material one hour at fifteen hundred degrees. And all this information that can help or benefit a logistics or administration system in a company is very simple, sometimes all that is needed is another point of view. Well, by carrying out an activity that has always been set in the same way, from another point of view, or with another approach, you can learn different things,which are very difficult to detect at first.

Undoubtedly, for any kind of company, which has certain processes already defined and established, it means a very big challenge, just as for a person, it can become difficult to learn to walk backwards, for an organization it can become difficult or complicated to develop a correct and effective reverse logistics method, however, when it is achieved, it discovers and learns new skills and competencies derived from the new knowledge that is acquired.

The concept of reverse logistics allows a company to take a step towards solving a problem that occurs anywhere in the world such as pollution, a problem that is increasingly palpable in everyday life and that generates difficulties or situations of risk, not just for organizations, but for every person on this planet. In addition, it offers the opportunity to create a double benefit for society, since on the one hand it is dedicated to meeting the needs of people, through the production of a material good or a service, and at the same time, it develops a strategy to avoid a high rate of pollutants is generated, which in turn, through recycling or reuse programs or strategies, can add an economic benefit to the organization.


In order to understand an inverse system, it is always necessary to know that same system but naturally or its counterpart, in order to learn to subtract, you must know how to add, to be able to divide you must know how to multiply, in the same way, to be able to understand all the potential and the tools that logistics

Inverse can contribute, it is necessary to know what are the bases of logistics in the business sector.

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (2014) mentions certain definitions of the word “logistics”:

  1. Belonging to or relating to logistics Logic that uses the method and symbolism of mathematics Part of the military organization that attends to the movement and maintenance of troops in the field Set of means and methods necessary to carry out the organization of a company or of a service, especially distribution.

These concepts mention to us in a general way, which are the parts that make up logistics, as well as part of its application in the business, military or science branches, well, the part that will be studied more thoroughly, is its application within of an organization or company, which is dedicated to the production of some type of material good or a service.

When the word logistics is mentioned in a company, other terms that are closely related to the first concept come to mind, such as: Supply chain, materials management, outsourcing, etc. And indeed, they are concepts that are closely linked and that undoubtedly deal at some point in the implementation of logistics systems within a company. Therefore, it is also necessary to mention them and understand what are the functions they perform in the organization.

It can be understood as "logistics" in all the processes of planning, operation, control and detection of areas of opportunity in order to improve the process of flow and handling of materials such as raw materials or finished products, services, information or monetary resources. The main objective of the implementation of logistics in the company is to: Satisfy the needs of customers, in terms of quantity, opportunity and quality of products offered to the market, with the lowest cost that manageable.

When analyzing this main objective of logistics within the industry, it can be observed that it encompasses more than one department, actually the entire production process, from obtaining the raw material, to the distribution of the finished product to customers, without However, all objectives or goals that one has, can be classified in two different ways: In the first point of view, it can be understood as simply the way in which the product or service offered by the company is placed in the market, and from the Second point of view or approach can be seen as an important part of the company that will allow to contribute new knowledge, techniques, strategies or tools, giving it a clear advantage over any type of competition, as long as it is designed and administered correctly.


This term refers to the way in which an organization can be linked with another, that is, a company that is dedicated to obtaining raw materials, has to be linked, or work together with an organization that is dedicated to the transformation of this raw material into a finished product, and in turn, the latter must work together with a company that is dedicated to the commercialization of this finished product to the potential market.

The main goal of supply chain management is to minimize the uncertainty and risks associated with its use, thus improving the perception that the client has of the company, and increasing trust. towards it. The importance lies in the optimization of the system, through the use of a database, which allows the development of a projection that is used as the basis for the total plan. This total plan is where the limits and scope of the inventory plans are set, which in turn are used to calculate what the workforce and equipment programs are, in a concrete and specific way.


(External sourcing) It is a technique that in recent years has gained strength, since it allows the organization or company to carry out the same actions or procedures, but supported by companies that specialize in certain steps or processes. It describes the employment of external companies that can perform assembly, cleaning, security or other actions that were initially carried out within the same organization. This allows the company to have its full concentration on the products it manufactures or the services it provides, allowing it to have a competitive advantage and reduce costs.

The decision to resort to this technique is not something minor, because in one way or another, certain control over that aspect of production or area within the company is being lost, so it is important to be clear about what the objectives are and supply chain goals and analyze whether outsourcing is necessary.

As a result of the application of these tools and business strategies, a new concept arises that allows an advance in the supply chain, since the Logistics Networks are created. A Logistics Network encompasses the activities and resources that are associated with the flow of raw materials within the company, and the transformation of goods and services to the end customer, which is why it can also refer to the flow of information and monetary resources.

The Logistics Networks that are used most frequently in organizations are characterized by containing the following elements:

  • Suppliers Production centers Warehouses (central, national, regional, local and transit) Points of Sale Clients


The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, in its updated version of 2014, indicates the following meanings of the word "inverse":

  1. Altered, upset. Said of two quantities or expressions: Product equal to the unit. Apl. At one of those quantities, uts The inverse of 3 is 1/3.

It can be understood that a system or an element that is inverse, has a different point of view than what is normally known, and in this way can generate new knowledge or skills, in the case of being put into practice or generating different results.

This type of term deals in the same way in the area of ​​mathematics and physics, since it is known that the inverse operation to addition is subtraction, and the inverse operation to multiplication is division. In electronic gate systems it is known by the term inverter, which is the element in charge of changing a positive or “high” signal into a negative or “low” signal.

For this reason, in new companies and organizations, this concept of "reverse logistics" has been created because the knowledge that has been put into practice for many years is to find the most economical way and that facilitates the ability to carry a finished product, from the factory to the end customer. However, now, mainly thinking about caring for the environment, this new strategy seeks to facilitate the transfer of waste that is generated derived from the tangible good or the service that the organization offers to the public, from the customer to the company.


Reverse logistics is also known as "reverse distribution", "retro logistics" or finally as "recovery and recycling logistics". But in each of these concepts, or names, an idea of ​​"opposite sense" stands out, as something, a system or element that is not common, nor that is guided by the rules or standards already established, but that is opening the way and generating new knowledge in the business sector in the country and in the world.

First, it is necessary to know the definition of this new concept that has emerged within the business world. For this reason, some authors are mentioned here and what are the main ideas they have regarding this topic:

The Logistics Board of Directors defines logistics as:

“The process of planning, execution and control of the cost flow efficiency, starting from raw materials, inventory in process, finished products and related information from the point of origin to the point of consumption in order to adjust to the requirements the client's." (Hawks Karen, 2006) And based on this definition, he concludes that reverse logistics includes all the activities mentioned in the definition of this term, with the difference that the actions operate in a reverse flow direction.

Therefore, the definition that interests the new concept is:

“The process of planning, execution and control of cost flow efficiency, from raw materials, inventory in process, finished products and related information from the point of consumption to the point of origin in order to recapture value or its correct elimination. " (Hawks Karen, 2006)

More precisely, it is the process that is responsible for moving the goods from the location of the end customer, in order to analyze their value, or their correct disposal. There are some other concepts that are closely related to reverse logistics, such as remanufacturing or reconditioning, since the importance of developing a correct reverse logistics system falls into this type of activity.

Certainly one of the main goals or objectives that these systems have is to be able to contribute to the care of the environment, through strategies of recycling or reuse of materials, mainly plastics, metals, polymers, glass, etc. But studies must be carried out that, in turn, allow a bottle to be redesigned, eliminate unnecessary spending on packaging, use the necessary amount in the product, which in turn will be reflected in the saving of raw materials, or in the energy it uses one or more machines. All these actions can be put into practice through the results that good reverse logistics can produce in a company, and that in the end, will generate a benefit and a competitive advantage in any type of organization in which it is put into practice.

“Logistics is that part of the supply chain management, which plans, implements and controls the direct and reverse flow and the effective and efficient storage of goods and services, with all the related information from the point of view of origin to the point of from a consumption point of view, in order to meet customer requirements. " (CSCMP, 2014)

With this idea in mind, it can be mentioned that in both senses, the logistics within a company, goes hand in hand with the production and distribution of the good it produces, and that the knowledge that is generated from this, They are the same, but this does not mean that you cannot learn something new, on the contrary, because by putting this technique into practice you can improve the processes or the use of the resources you have.

Revlog mentions (2004) that reverse logistics has the objective of ensuring the well-being of the environment, based on the reuse of products or materials, and related operations of collection logistics and raw material transformation processes, as well as used products and their component parts.

Dekker et al (2004) mention that in reverse logistics, used or obsolete products must be incorporated back into the supply chain as valuable resources.

The Icil Foundation (2003) makes reference that reverse logistics is the strategy that allows a company or organization to meet the requirements demanded by the client with the highest level of security and the optimal combination of costs, resources and stocks in close collaboration with members of supply chains.

A final definition is that of Carter & Ellram (1998) who indicates that reverse logistics is a process by which organizations can be more efficient or improve their contact with the environment through recycling, or the reuse and reduction of waste. amount of material used. Without a doubt, it is a savings strategy that, if applied correctly, can generate great social, economic, and social benefits when generating a positive image before the population of the country, promoting support for the environment, even more so, by being able to certify as Socially Responsible Company (ESR). And the economic benefits that can be generated is that the process of reusing or recycling raw materials helps to reduce production costs.

In a general logistics system, you can find some steps that are fundamental, depending on the type of company, and what tangible goods or services it produces, stages can be added or removed, but in general the following eight can be found elements or phases:

  1. Raw material supplier Raw material input Component production Parts assembly Final assembly Packaging Distribution Final customer.

Another line a little shorter, but in the same way in some cases is the one that follows, is the following:

  1. Client Company of origin Recycling Start of a new production cycle.

Following this series of stages in which logistics is starting up in the opposite direction, the following aspects can be highlighted:

  • Clients.- It is the final consumer of the material good or the service offered by the company. Their main contribution or responsibility is to return the item, once its useful visa time has come to an end. Origin Company.- The same supplier of the good. It is committed to giving a responsible management with respect to the care of the environment. In the same way, it is in charge of providing the transport service "client-supplier" as well as offering any reward that encourages the client to cooperate in this reverse logistics system. Recycling.- In this stage, the material reuse processes are carried out, always taking care that it helps to minimize production costs, and generating a positive impact on society that is in constant contact with the company.Starting a new production cycle.- The use of all these elements,they arrive again at the production line, where they will be transformed into a new finished product.

When you think about direct logistics, you can follow the aforementioned steps numerically, however, when reverse logistics is considered, the way it operates is ascending, so that the last step, or the last phase that is presented, in this case the "End Customer" has an influence on each and every one of the previous elements, and in turn, each stage or phase has a direct connection with the step that precedes it.

Differences between reverse and direct logistics


It should be noted that if there are no elements, goods or materials circulating in the opposite direction to the usual, reverse logistics is not being carried out, because apart from everything that has been explained above, it must be mentioned that processes such as that of the processing of merchandise that has not been accepted by the customer and has been returned, seasonal inventory, restocking, and excess inventory are also included in retro logistics.

There are some elements of administration, which are key when implementing reverse logistics systems, therefore it is necessary to pay special attention to them, to facilitate the implementation of the strategy. Here are some examples of the key points:

  • Provision of reduction of time in cycles Returns to zeroRestorationAsset recoveryNegotiationFinancial managementReversion of information systems.

C on c l u s i o n

This strategy allows obtaining multiple benefits, knowledge, abilities and skills as individuals and as companies or organizations. On the part of some industry, the advantages that it brings are mainly two: The first is an economic benefit, since it allows to reduce production costs, through awareness of the potential market, and secondly, it allows to generate a good image before the society, by using policies that promote care for the environment. And it is a reality that environmental problems are a serious issue that is hardly taken into account, in a world that moves in the monetary field regardless of the consequences.

P r opu is t a s thesis

Implementation of reverse logistics in a local company.

Research and verification of the benefits of recycling systems used in reverse logistics systems in the region.

O b j e t i v o

Generate a reverse logistics approach in a local company, which allows eliminating part of its waste, transforming it into an economic gain.

A g r a d ec i m i e n t o

Special thanks to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, to Professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernández, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for all the knowledge he shares with his students and to the Master in Administrative Engineering that promotes the culture of learning. As well as to thank CONACYT for the support provided and for the areas of opportunity that it generates, with its different programs, to the Postgraduate students.

B i b li og r a f í a

  • Karen Hawks. (2006). What is Reverse Logistics ?. 2006, from Reverse Logistics Website: http: //www.rlmaga zine.com / editio n01p12.php Silvia Ortiz. (2009). Reverse logistics: the other way around is not the same. 2009, by Expansion Website: http://expansion.mx/manufactura/2009/05/06/logistica-inversa-al-reves-no-es-igualDomingo Cabeza. (2012). Reverse logistics in supply chain management. Santa Coloma de Cervelló (Barcelona): Marge Books.CSCMP Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals, 2014.Available at: http://cscmp.org/about-us/supply-chain-management-definitions (accessed 12.15.14). Dekker, R., Fleischmann, M., Inderfurth, k., Wassenhove, LNV Reverse logistics: Quantitative models for closed-loop supply chains. Springer, 2004
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Reverse logistics. a world of opportunities