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The 10 commandments of a negotiation

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As we know, a good negotiation is only possible when both parties are willing to be flexible with their initial positions and when this fact manifests itself in one or more moments of contact, since it is about preventing the negotiation from leading to a confrontation over personal or subjective points of view, or that focuses on the imposition of meaningless symbolism; For this, it is necessary to follow each of the commandments step by step.


Taking into account that negotiating is that both parties must have the will to find a satisfactory solution for both of them, it is to confront ideas, benefits and feelings to avoid that people face or continue to have problems due to those disagreements. It is a necessity when there is a conflict or you want to find a point of balance on an issue between the two parties. Each of the parties has the power both to prevent the other from achieving its objectives, as well as to help it obtain them and achieve mutual benefit, these situations are found in our daily lives at every moment, from the moment we wake up, until the hour of go back to sleep, either explicitly or implicitly.

Another important point to consider is that we must take into account to differentiate negotiation from bargaining is the possibility of future relationships between the negotiator and the negotiator. When we are really willing to negotiate and agree to make certain concessions, we do so thinking that the relationship will not end in that deal, but that the relationship will continue for a longer time. Taking into account that we cannot, nor should we, deteriorate relationships so much as to make future contacts impossible.

II- Background

It is important to mention that the negotiation or the negotiation process is not known to have a specific origin in humanity, since it does not have a beginning in the timeline of humanity, nor does it arise as a necessity, which is believed to be that is born by instinct of the human being.

For the human being, negotiation is part of them since before the already known barter, which was the way in which people exchanged one object for another, both parties seeking the benefit of said objects, such as salt, food or stones precious, which are one of the most recognized in this act of negotiation. It is necessary in the life of human beings. It is the most peaceful way to resolve conflicts in a civilized and peaceful way, always seeking a balance or balance between the parties involved.

It is known through history that the human being in its early days was a nomadic man who lived by hunting and gathering food and plants. When they realized that by implementing this feeding system the food ran out and they had to move in search of more food. By using barter or direct exchange. Societies began to value things, this was determined by the interest generated by the product and how it was valued with respect to other goods. Hence the concept of what we know today as price.

"The word negotiation has been widely used throughout history, to resolve conflicts or to establish mediating alliances between countries." (degerencia, 2013)

III- The Negotiation

Negotiation is a series of steps to follow through dynamic communication, in which two or more parties try to resolve different points of view and defend interests directly through dialogue in order to reach a satisfactory solution or agreement. mutually. We constantly think that negotiation only occurs between great entrepreneurs and that it is only a matter of money and ego powers, but the truth is that negotiation is something that all of us do every day in different aspects of our lives from the moment we wake up. In the morning, to go to school or go to work and we use the famous “5 more minutes”, that is a way of negotiating with another person, to reach an agreement.

In this process the negotiator (the person proposing) tries to determine the minimum result that the other party (or both parties) wants to accept, then adjusting their requests accordingly. A "successful" negotiation in this area occurs when the negotiator can achieve all or most of the results that her party desires, but without leading the other party to permanently interrupt the negotiations.

"An effective negotiation is characterized by the transfer of some elements by both parties to substantially preserve private interests." (formatalent.com, 2014)

The key to a good negotiation is the conversation, it is in listening and speaking only what is necessary at the right time. There are many elements that can affect a negotiation but it is the conversation, the words and the way in which you go towards the other party, this is the main factor. However, the emotional component that exists in any negotiation greatly affects the final result of the agreement. "It is common to get distracted and lose the key points in a negotiation, keeping calm and separating people from the difficulties they may bring will lead us to a much clearer vision…" (formatalent.com, 2014)

IV- Types of Negotiation

We are talking about two main classes for a good negotiation, the first which is the distributive in which both parties seek to distribute a fixed amount of value, and the other of integration, in which both parties cooperate to increase the value. Both types of negotiation usually appear in a real negotiation.

V- Distributive Negotiation

It is known as zero sum or win - lose. Each party seeks to obtain the highest possible proportion, which results at the cost of what the other loses. The price of a good is the typical case of this type of negotiation. The amount is the one that interests above prestige or personal relationships. Information about the interest of the other party, and the first offer that is launched, are key variables in this negotiation.

"The distributive negotiation usually occurs in negotiations based on the sale of products where the only thing that matters is the price, for example, in the sale of a car or real estate." (Hernandez, 2014)

VI- Collaborative or Integration Negotiation

Also known as win / win. The parties collaborate to improve conditions between the two. Something that happens frequently is the relationship between producer and supplier. One agrees to buy at a higher price, and the other accepts the sale by improving the payment conditions (such as longer term, for example). Other compensation mechanisms can also be used, such as helping to improve the quality of the input, or to innovate it.

“Hence, the goal of integrative negotiation is to create as much value as possible for oneself and for the other party, for example, through the exchange of values ​​where each party makes concessions, contributes or renounces something that he values ​​little or not so much, in exchange for something he values ​​a lot. " (www.elcofredelucia.com, 2010)

Vll- The 10 commandments of negotiation

What the history of negotiation tells us is that you have to follow some points, so that it is carried out correctly:

  • Increase your usefulness in each negotiation Discover the other party's limitations Negotiate from a position of power Plan for all negotiations Identify the tactics the other party uses Avoid potential dangers Give less, while leaving the other party more satisfied Keep your pressures hidden from the other party Use time as a weapon in every negotiation Develop a winning strategy!

We know that the 10 Commandments of Negotiation is a pattern to obtain the desired results of any negotiation. The power that we can use for every professional in the business world, but essential for those involved in the world of sales and purchases.

VIII- Conclusion

It's about getting something in exchange for giving up something else. It is the most intense part of the process.

It is important that any concession is conditional: nothing should be given for free. For all that is awarded you must receive something in return: "If you accept X, we will accept Y". "Yes" is a protective shield for our concession offers, it is a thread that we can pull if the other party does not accept our conditions. It is our price. Both the condition and the offer are specific: we tell the other party what to do to get us to do something for them.

We must have retained some flexibility in our position and continue to keep all pending issues linked; we will exchange one movement for another on a new condition. In addition, we will strengthen our concessions throughout the negotiation so that our position is more credible and the other party realizes that we make a great effort in each offer, that each issue is important to us. We must not show that we make concessions that we do not mind making; each time you have to make it more difficult for them to end up giving up on asking. Although we have a problem-solving mentality, as heirs of the Greek rationalist tradition, we believe that every problem has a solution as long as it is sought with enough perseverance,the Soviets do not accept that conception. In addition, while Americans think in terms of a four-year presidential term, Russians frame their approaches over longer periods, often decades and even centuries.

The 10 commandments of a negotiation