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Management gurus and thinkers and their contributions

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In many areas of professional life, you can find people who have managed to stand out from the rest, because they have made outstanding contributions in the different areas in which they develop, that is, it is very difficult for anyone to be an expert in all topics, however, when an individual studies enough and puts that knowledge into practice in different situations, he can discover something that no one had ever been able to observe or do, and in the administration, some people can be referred to historical that have made very important contributions and that have managed to change the concept that was previously had and the trucks that were previously followed, to achieve construction, the administrative processes and the administration in general as it is known today.

According to the Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy, a guru can be defined as:

  1. In Hinduism, spiritual master or religious chief is a person who is considered a spiritual teacher or guide, or who is recognized as intellectual authority.

For which mention will be made of some people who can be considered as "gurus" or as the experts in administration. It is important to note that there have also been people who did not make specific studies on the administration processes themselves, however, putting their ideas and strategies into practice, directly or indirectly they have also contributed to the development of the administration until reaching the point of present.

It is necessary to mention the teeth processes through which the administration has passed, since ancient times, even of primitive man, where perhaps there was no definition as such, nor was it considered as something, it was simply part of life, and it was put into practice without knowing all the potential that can be developed to make life easier for the human being.After that, great cultures appear which generate great advances in this field, and it is where outstanding characters begin to emerge that, through his knowledge and his experiences allowed the administration to be used by the vast majority of people on the planet.


The first civilizations that arose around the world, left the foundations laid to develop administrative processes, and understand what the administration itself is, within these civilizations mention can be made of:

Egyptians.- Egyptian constructions, mainly the pyramids, are clear examples of how a civilization met different needs, such as planning, organizing, controlling and directing the different resources that were available, after that, around 2000 BC in this culture Orders and laws had already been established, as well as a bureaucratic system in the nation, and the use of well-established inventories began to be made.

Hebrews.- In the Bible you can find many narratives of characters who developed the administration as part of their work or the tasks they carried out, among which people such as Moses, Jacob or David, who are among the best known characters But in the book of Genesis, the scope that a good steward can have is exemplified. The Hebrews were in the land of Egypt, around the year 1400 BC, when a period of seven years of abundance was foreshadowed, followed by seven years of famine, for which Joseph, one of Jacob's sons, proposed to Pharaoh, to get a prudent and wise man, who would put governors over the land of Egypt, they were to be in charge of harvesting a fifth of the crops that were generated in Egypt during the first seven years of abundance,they would be stored in government warehouses and served as sustenance for the Egyptian people for the next seven short years. The story continues, but it is mentioned that thanks to that system of administration, Egypt survived that period, without going hungry as in neighboring towns.

Babylonians.- Approximately in the year 1800 BC the Hammurabi code was created in the kingdom of Babylon, which is one of the most notable contributions to the administration, since it is clearly exemplified that the use of written control can denote notable benefits, In this code, terms such as the minimum wage, the obligations that a person who hired had to fulfill and edicts that suggested the principle of industrial safety were managed, such as the death sentence of architects whose works collapsed and killed their occupants.


Next, mention will be made of some of the currents that emerged in the evolution of the administration and some of its main representatives along with the year or years of its main works together with the contributions they made:


Frederick W. Taylor (1903, 1911, 1912).- One of his main concerns was to raise the productivity of an organization through greater efficiency in the production of the goods that were manufactured, he also proposed a better salary to the workers when applying the scientific method. Its main contributions are based on the use of science at all times, as well as the creation of harmony and cooperation in the work groups, the achievement of optimal production and the training and development of personnel within the company or organization.. He is known as the father of scientific management.

Henry L. Gantt (1901).- Gantt proposed the hiring and selection of personnel should not be a common and current act, but should be carried out according to a scientific selection as well as a harmonious cooperation that should exist between the working party or worker and the administrative part of the company. He developed what is known today as the Gantt Chart and proposed the need to carry out training for workers, which would allow them to better understand how they should do their work and the tools they had at hand.

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth (1900).- Frank stood out for the studies he carried out regarding times and movements within a company, while Lilian, who worked as an industrial psychologist, worked on the human aspects that exist in companies, as well as in the personalities and needs that workers have while working.


Henri Fayol (1916).- He made a division in the activities carried out in an industry, highlighting six groups: Technical, commercial, financial, security, accounting and management. He was one of the first people to propose that administration should be taught as a specific science and formulated fourteen principles of administration, among which mention can be made of responsibility, unity of command, chain of scale and authority. He is known as the father of management theory.


Hugo Münsterberg (1912).- He proposed the need to apply psychology in industry and in management processes.

Walter Dill Scott (1910, 1911).- He stressed the advantages of applying psychology in advertising, marketing and personnel.

Max Weber (1946, 1947).- He proposed the theory of bureaucracy.

Vilfredo Pareto (1896-1917).- Developed the approach of social systems in the organization and administration of a company or organization.

Elton Mayo and FJ Roethlisberger (1933).- I carry out a detailed study on the effects that the attitudes and social relations of the work groups have on the performance of the company, taking the Western Electric Company plant as an example.


Chester Barnard (1938).- In his work "The Functions of the Executive" he mentions that the task of managers of a company is to maintain a system of cooperative effort, he proposed a broad social systems approach.


Peter F. Drucker (1974).- He was a prolific writer, who was in charge of the study and development of general management issues.

W. Edwards Deming.- He was in charge of introducing quality control in Japan.

Laurence Peter (1969).- I detect a very frequent problem in companies, that some workers are eventually promoted to a level where they do not have the skills to work.

William Ouchi (1981).- Made an analysis of certain Asian management practices, and how they adapted in the American environment.

Thomas Peters and Robert Waterman Jr. (1982). - They carried out studies that allowed to identify what are the characteristics of a successful company.


Frederick Winslow Taylor did not complete his university studies as he chose to begin his apprenticeship as a mold maker and as a machinist in 1875, and rose to the position of chief engineer after earning an engineering degree from night school. This journey allowed Taylor to know what were the functions, obligations, problems, attitudes and elements that can affect a person when he develops as an apprentice, worker, foreman, teacher and as chief engineer. In one of his main works "Principles of Scientific Management" published in 1911, the father of scientific management detailed the following five points:

  • Replace the tax rules with organized knowledge Achieve harmony in each work group Achieve the cooperation of people, it allows to replace the chaotic situation experienced in individualism Work to obtain maximum production Development of all workers to the highest degree possible, also allows growth in the company.


His work is based on fourteen fundamental principles, of which the main ones will be exposed:

  • Authority and responsibility: Fayol proposed that these two terms are related but each one has its particularity, he considers that the first is a combination of official factors derived from a position and the second as a result of the first. Unit of command: Workers must of receive orders from a single superior, since he considered that each worker would know what to do, clearly and precisely. Scale chain: I delimit a chain of superiors from the highest to the lowest positions. Esprit de cops: “The Unity is strength ”highlights the need for teamwork and its importance.

C on t r i bu c i on e s recent.

Peter F. Druker.- He published numerous studies on a variety of topics, mainly business thought, and was a professor at Claremont University. Coming from Austria and born in 1909, one of his last books is entitled "The administration in the following society" in 2002.

Edwards Deming and Joseph M. Juran, two people of North American nationality, who allowed great advances in the quality policies of Japanese companies.

Tom Peters.- Civil engineer at Stanford. He is one of the most influential thinkers in business, one of his greatest successes was the book entitled "In Search of Excellence" Michael Porter.- 16 books, 75 articles, expert in competitive strategy and competitiveness Administrative I nno vac i or .

Previously, some authors who worked specifically on administrative issues have been mentioned, however, mention should also be made of those people who put these studies into practice, not leaving them only on paper, but through the processes of manufacturing goods or services, it was found that more and more, the administration was improving, helping to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of organizations.

  • 1910.- Henry Ford uses the chain production system exponentially increasing his production of the Model T. 1920.- Alfred Sloan worker of General Motors, establishes a modernity scenario in the organization using the divisional organizational structure, allowing the divisions of the company work independently and individually. 1931.- Procter & Gamble, introduced the administration by maracas for their products (Soaps) so that there was a manager for each brand who was responsible for their success or failure. 1943.- Skunk Works Lockheed builds a combat aircraft in a very short time by using small groups that the company did not interrupt. 1950 At Toyota, efficiency innovation is carried out by reducing employee turnover, allowing the development in 1961 of the term,quality control. 1967.- Shell is based on strategic planning with alternative scenarios. 1973.- DuPont launches the 360-degree review process, where feedback is made between managers, colleagues and subordinates of the company. 1987.- Motorola uses the Six Sigma process to improve efficiency and reduce product defects. 1989.- IBM manages data processing for the Kodak brand, bringing an international focus to the brand. 1990.- Michael Hammer gives a reengineering approach by radically rethinking the way of thinking of organizational processes. 2000.- Working together is popularized among companies, who in turn interact more closely with their clients to come up with new and innovative ideas. 2011.- The way of managing companies is totally computational and depends largely on the internet connection with which the exchange of information is facilitated as well as the storage of elements, as well as a mobile communication system that allows ideas and messages to be transmitted from wherever you are.

C on c l u s i ng .

One hundred and fifty years ago, everyone thought that exploiting the worker was the correct way for a company to produce its goods or services, one hundred years ago most people thought that psychology had no effect on organizations and people, twenty years ago administration it was done on paper and pencil, two hours ago an organization put out a new product for sale. Will organizations be prepared for what will unfold tomorrow?

The characters that have been mentioned have contributed their knowledge and research to be able to improve administration, administrative processes and the characteristics in which millions of people work every day, without a doubt, this important branch within any type of business. organization has been refined to become what is known today as administration. Certainly for people and even more so for organizations, change always involves a risk or several risks, leaving their comfort zone, and risking all the investment that has been made to establish a company, for that reason it is a great admiration that people like Taylor, Fayol, Gantt, Pareto, etc. They have been able to propose or study,the concepts or elements that are related to managing the administration of an organism, and finding to put into practice all that knowledge that can only be obtained through experience in order to improve business aspects that not only affect workers, but also the entire society usually.

A g r a d ec i m i e n t o .

Special thanks to the Technological Institute of Orizaba, and to Professor Dr. Fernando Aguirre y Hernandez, who teaches the subject of Fundamentals of Administrative Engineering, for all the knowledge he shares with his students and for guiding us in the course of the Master in Administrative Engineering.

B i b li og r to f í to .

Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich, Mark Cannice, Administration a global and business perspective, Fourteenth edition, McGraw-Hill / INTERAMERICANA EDITORES SA DE CV México DF, 2012

CHIAVENATO Idalberto, Introduction to the General Theory of Administration, Seventh

Edition, McGraw-Hill / Interamericana, Mexico DF, 2004.

Castro Arroyo Teresa de Jesús. (2015, February 23). The management gurus and their contributions. Retrieved from http://www.gestiopolis.com/los -gurus-de-la-administracion-y-sus-contributions /

Sánchez Ávila María Fernanda. (2016, February 19). The Administration Gurus and their contributions. Retrieved from http://www.gestiopolis.com/gurus -de-la-administracion-y-sus-contributions /

Rojas Gutiérrez Keila Yeritze. (2016, February 8). The Administration Gurus and their contributions. Retrieved from http://www.gestiopolis.com/los -gurus-administracion- contributions /

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Management gurus and thinkers and their contributions