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Leaders are capable of transforming crisis into opportunity

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Six weeks ago I returned from a conference tour that I did in Central America, this tour was sponsored by the Association of Small and Medium Central American Entrepreneurs.

In Guatemala I met Gabriel, a 32-year-old young man who is now an entrepreneur and lives very happily with his family after 5 years of living and working very hard in the United States.

What impressed me and made me reflect on Gabriel's life was when he told me about his exploits to achieve success in the United States.

Gabriel served as a gardener, cook, and server in the New Jersey area and now owns one of the best restaurants in the region. His dream was always to return to his homeland, only he did not want to return being the same.

Why did he become an entrepreneur I asked Gabriel? Because he wanted to be a leader he answered me.

Who is a leader for you I asked? For me, a leader is one who knows how to put his life priorities in order, who knows how to plan, organize, execute, and knows how to persist chasing his dreams no matter how difficult the winds are.

When I went to the United States I did not know anything about what I am now, but I thank God for the opportunity to have lived in that country because otherwise I would not be who I am now.

In the United States I learned to speak English, I got my GED, I went to college, I worked on things I never imagined, but above all I learned the art of saving, and I managed to prioritize my life, I planned them, organized my life, and went following my dreams and goals and I am sure that all the decisions I had to make amidst the obstacles made me a leader.

I am sure that Gabriel's life is undoubtedly a great example for millions of Latinos in the United States and that is why I want to share with you the importance of acquiring leadership in the midst of the socio-economic crisis that torments all of humanity.

I am sure that many Latinos who left relatives in their country and ventured on the journey to reach the north did so out of need and despair of not having found legitimate opportunities in their countries to excel and make all their dreams come true.

Even in the midst of so much decline, inflation, and economic recession in the United States; This is still the land of opportunities for many Latinos, the problem is that many of those who come to this northern land seem to have forgotten that they came, and they do everything, but the least they do is prioritize their life like Gabriel did.

There are many factors that make up the leadership structure, but I think that all the nomenclature that makes a person a leader is useless if they do not put the following steps into practice in their daily life:

Prioritize objectives:

The human being has a need for food, clothing and shelter; However, when we talk about prioritizing objectives, it means awakening the extra-sensory senses and activating the perceptions of thought and envisioning life fulfilling goals and making dreams come true.

It is important to make a list of priorities in my life and to work diligently on each priority.

Prioritizing goals means first meeting those goals that will have the greatest impact on my life and the lives of those around me.

Gabriel came to the United States and his first priority was to save to start his own business in his country and live with his family.

His second priority was to improve himself as a human being and that is why he learned English, obtained his GED, and obtained degrees in Business Administration, Leadership courses.

Make a priority list or a list of everything you want to make happen and then list them from 1 to 10 and then plan your action plan.

• Learn to Plan:

Many are the ones who plan but plan badly that is why they cannot make their goals come true.

To plan and carry it out, it is necessary to take an inventory of all strengths and weaknesses, and curiously, these have a lot to do with managing emotions and thoughts.

We live in a world of thoughts and those thoughts are governed by emotions.

There are people who are impulsive to buy, others are impulsive to eat, and others are impulsive to say yes; and those emotions cause such people to make wrong decisions that they very soon regret.

To plan correctly it is imperative to first know yourself and channel your emotions properly.

• Write your life plan:

It is psychologically proven that all those who put their life plan on paper tend to be healthier, and more physically and intellectually active.

Putting your life plan in writing will help you be more disciplined, more patient, and more persistent in your priorities.

The life plan must be carried out in three stages which are: short, medium and long term.

The short term should be considered between 1 to 4 years, medium term should be 4 to 10 years, and long term should be 10 to more years.

The problem is that the human being suffers from a very great aberration that is impatience.

Without a doubt, patience is the most important virtue of any leader.

• Dedicate your life to acquiring knowledge:

It causes me confusion and sadness when I talk to many people who claim to have the desire to change their life and become great leaders, but do not want to dedicate themselves to learning anything about life, it is as if they believe that they already know everything.

Any man who does not take the time to appreciate and contemplate the beauty of his surroundings is simply doomed to die in the misery of knowledge, despair, and torment caused by physical illness.

Every aspiring leader must live life with all perceptions active to appreciate and learn from every event in his life.

Time should be spent reading biographies, books on human thought, books full of spirituality and application to real life.

It seems very unreasonable, but continuous reading awakens the brain's perceptions and provokes a desire to learn more in life.

Dedicating myself to learning in life I believe that it is the greatest wealth that every human being can acquire, and it is the richest legacy that any loving father can inherit his children.

• Build your self-esteem correctly:

From before birth and then from birth, human beings are powerfully influenced by the environment that surrounds us.

This is where many men and women get stuck because unfortunately they were born into a broken family, and you may have been treated very badly in your childhood, but it is important that you decide to break these patterns in your thinking and start to generate new thoughts.

If you were treated rudely, that is what is programmed in your mind, but now is the right time for you to reprogram your thoughts and repeat the opposite.

In science called "Human behavior" there is a basis that is important to know and apply "The 21-day rule."

Set your life to repeat everything you want to receive from life daily for the next 21 days and you will find that it will soon become a habit to repeat what you want to receive from life.

• Put vision in your life and your projects:

One of the most frequent problems seen in many who stagnate their career towards leadership is because they cannot learn to put a vision to their life and everything they undertake, and this is due to the training and education patterns that were implanted in them. in his infancy.

Perhaps you were taught that dreaming is bad, that thinking big is a sin, that wishing for better things or wishing for a better quality of life is harmful, and now you live according to the circumstances you face daily, believing that this is the destiny for his life.

Anyone who wants to become a leader with a winning attitude and mindset needs to reprogram their thoughts and stop thinking small and start thinking and dreaming big.

Whether you want to become a leader, have a better family, or start a business, you must begin to believe in your abilities, strengths, and abilities and believe in God.

It is imperative to understand that a person's vision is known by what they declare with their lips, if you have been declaring pure trifles in your life, stop for a moment and start declaring dreams, ideas, goals, and big wishes, and that is the good beginning of the activation of faith in life.

• Activate faith in your daily life:

When human logic is not enough, when the power of adversity is very great, it is time to cry out to a Divine and Higher Power. We are part of a spiritual plan, which we do not recognize, thanks to the veil that covers our eyes and which has been activated by selfishness, fear, pragmatism, greed and above all individualism which is basically the door to the destruction of fulfillment of great men placed on this planet to fulfill certain missions which they never perform due to their unconscious state.

Many times despair paralyzes us and we are filled with a wave of worry that does not solve the difficulties. That is why we must do something, even a little each day can bring better results than a lot today and nothing tomorrow.

A reflective action of our facts is recommended, within what the anguish of the moment allows us.

As long as we are at this level of marginal consciousness in which we now live, it is certain that we will feel desperate with some frequency, as long as we do not learn to live more in the present, to trust more in God, than in our own strength; As long as our decisions are motivated by the superficial needs of the ego, we will not be able to obtain the results that we seek and it will be almost impossible to live confident that we will achieve all our goals in life.

Leaders are capable of transforming crisis into opportunity