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10 Challenges of personal development in a globalized world


The 21st century entered sweeping the paradigms on which the administration had buried its organizational truths. The business culture ceased to be the competitive benchmark to qualify good practices in the Human Management areas that seek to capitalize on talent as a differentiator in organizational management.

Management trends and fads, (which took advantage of managerial snobbery) began to decline as an option for improving productivity. From authors such as Deming and Goldratt, including Drucker, Tom Peters, Goleman Senge, Porter to Prahalad and Hamel, Kaplan and Norton, and a host of professors, researchers and administration gurus who brought to the top theories, models and management tools such as TQM, CRM, BSC, COACHING, MENTORING, OCEANO AZUL, E-LEARNING (and the whole e- family), Amen to the hundreds of business improvement titles like "If it ain't broke, break it", "Who took my cheese", "Businesses at the base of the pyramid" etc… we are now turning to the new protagonists who walk the corridors of organizations; are the new winds founded more on autobiographical successes (Steve Jobs, Branson,Bill Gates, Dell, Trump, etc.) than in collective experiences as a result of judicious but uninspiring studies.

The search for new scenarios of personal fulfillment, the breaking of real and mental borders between countries, the urgency of communicating with people from other cultures and the need to know and manage new technologies, which every day decrease the distances between the current and the virtual, make personal development a requirement and makes this an individual and not a business responsibility, so that each person recognizes in their life plan the scope they want to give to their existence.

For many people the current life context is sufficient and their aspiration does not go beyond the basic satisfactions that life gives and that Maslow anticipates. For many others life is a race that invites every day to find new reasons to go even further. It doesn't matter that the race is not up as long as it is forward. The academy is a necessary and required step in this search for new scenarios to develop the contributions required by companies. We have changed and launched a new era, a new moment where the person begins to regain his importance in the labor market, where he has ceased to be an object, a "resource" to be recognized as a capable and thinking subject, a leading actor in business management.

It has gone from manufacturing to mind-making, reality requires a new interpretation of work spaces that ceased to be a "where" to become a condition of permanence in the network, for example, which has led to the Creation of a culture that knows no political boundaries leads social networks to be the true tools of expansion and competitiveness today.

Thus, the worker of the globalized world is characterized, among other things, by:

1. Recognize the historical context in which it moves. It is then about having a holistic vision that integrates the supra-national realities and understands that their contribution corresponds to a specific reality that transcends their academic training. The context allows you to understand the cultures of nations but also of organizations, establishes guidelines for action and identifies the critical factors of success in your professional work.

2. Set priorities in your personal development. The new generations develop a healthy egoism of understanding that "people pass organizations stay", therefore their task must be adjusted to their personal tastes, they understand that they must enjoy their work and learn new things every day. Your contribution will allow the company to ensure its permanence in time and therefore defines when it is the right time to leave, it recognizes that its timing should be distributed where it is best recognized.

3. Understand that your talents are at the service of humanity. We have shown that many compatriots have developed their professional lives in other countries, that they have learned other languages ​​and live in very particular cultures, their ability to adapt has led them to move around different parts of the world, without causing trauma, the concept of nation is not representative of this new worker of the world. Its training processes are geared towards preparing and being competent in any place that corresponds to it and making that physical space its place of realization and development.

4. Permanently train and update. The great challenge is not to lose validity in an increasingly competitive market, to increase employability every day so as not to become stuck in the knowledge of the past. The challenge is to be a protagonist and not a spectator, to be an added value generator for the organization. Perhaps we know people who live day by day under the philosophy that the future has not arrived and who knows if we will be there, so that little by little they begin to be displaced by new talents.

5. Use available technology at the service of innovation. The global worker understands that without connectivity and available technology the future will not be possible, he works to discover what has not come, to create new and better living conditions for humanity, work goes beyond individual satisfaction and is situated in the sphere of the common good, of new possibilities to turn the world, as McLuhan would say, into a global village and understand the impact that the other side of the world has on "flapping a butterfly"

6. Respect nature and treat it as an ally. The environment is the space where our existence takes place, the natural conditions of life are subject to the fragile action of humans when we pollute the air, water and land, when we ignore our ecological footprint and its impact on the organization. It is not about “recycling” or saving in consumption, the real help will come when we develop an awareness capable of understanding that our actions are responsible for ensuring the sustainability of the conditions of development of humanity, the route we take screams at us that if we do not treat nature as an ally sooner rather than later, the bill will be passed to us.

7. Work as a team in search of common results. The difference of cultures, languages, customs, studies, gender, etc., are not an obstacle to performance, on the contrary, they become opportunities for growth and development. Recognizing the skills and talents of others, valuing their contributions and generating common spaces for dialogue and action strengthen the communication and trust systems required for the work team to be a support in management. It is about valuing the difference and finding the common space of collaboration.

8. Lead your own life with a clear life project. Assume the risk of the unknown, tackle new challenges with the security of giving the best of yourself, have the ability to discern and make the best decisions, have the criteria required to know how to say NO, select your group of friends and establish routines Disciplined workplaces are some of the components of personal success that will allow you to advance confidently to the life purposes that you have established.

9. Assume the learning of languages ​​as a requirement of your homework. One of the success factors of the global worker is recognizing that there can be no language barriers, that his playing field is the world and that therefore he must know or at least have the basic principles that allow him to communicate with people from other latitudes.

10. Be flexible in the world of work. It is the best way to recognize that each company is an opportunity for mutual growth and not an anchor that slows down personal development. Few people believe that companies are for retirement, on the contrary, today organizations are a stepping stone that contributes to professional development. For its part, it is also convenient for companies that from time to time there is a renewal of their talent, that new ideas and ways of doing things come, that critical spirits arrive capable of contributing to the results and of generating new frontiers for the benefit of the clients.

I hope that these brief reflections contribute in some way to those who start their working lives but also to those who today walk through organizations with a philosophy of flexibility and mobility, understanding that nothing remains and that the best way to support organizations is to contribute with their skills and capabilities to explore then set off in search of new horizons and let the ship continue its journey across the corporate ocean as we find new opportunities to learn and contribute.

10 Challenges of personal development in a globalized world