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8 Actions to improve customer service

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If you don't give your customer the best, then what do you do?

If the Client does not receive the best from you, he must rethink his business strategy, even if his performance level is aligned with the Business he represents.

Maybe you want to go to the moon, but your calculations are just to get to the first orbit.

As long as you don't align your internal processes to vision, you won't be able to achieve your dreams!

You don't get very high on results unless your actions are the size of your dreams. Check to see if inside your business, people are shooting at the same benchmark they are aiming for, and if not, their level of leadership is not working as it should!

I have recently visited one of the most important Tourist Centers in our country. Cancún, Mérida and Campeche. Fantastic places for those who come to enjoy and live an experience of knowledge and relaxation, but certainly a bad reference in terms of Service and Differentiation when it comes to customer service.

I narrate a little my experience. Upon my arrival, (which incidentally is at the invitation of CREESER, a major Human Development Consulting company), I request information to find the airport's door number 6 in the airport information modules and the answer is: “I think more ahead".

My sense of direction says: go ahead you will surely find the place you are looking for. Later, on the way to the City of Mérida, almost upon arrival, I passed by a place, where I found a sign that says: Enjoy the best Yucatecan food, in our restaurant that is 200 meters behind where you come from.

Disgruntled by the announcement upon my arrival in Merida, I set out to look carefully how many moments of truth I would find where with the least possible change, the companies or businesses I visited could improve their level of service and consequently their profits.

I ponder whether so many businesses and companies over there could not increase their sales if they focused their intentions on their Clients, and even more so if they focused their efforts and investments on the development of their people. I am one of those who think that if what we want most as companies is to have Clients on our side, we necessarily have to invest in the development and growth of our people.

It is not possible to think about achieving a high degree of market penetration if our collaborators do not carry out their work with excellence in the operational line and even less, if they are not allowed as ambassadors that they are, to bring the concerns of External Clients to Senior Management or decide to take control of actions to meet their needs to decrease their degree of dissatisfaction with the service provided.

Can you imagine in these resorts Hotels without internet in the rooms? Can you imagine a restaurant waiter scolding a Customer because her coffee cup was thrown at her?.. It really happens! I have seen it.

You can aspire to Excellence once you do something great with your people! … You can take the first step by investing in them, otherwise there will be no guarantee of achieving a high level of satisfaction with your customers.

I repeat the same question to myself every day when I see service failures in so many moments of truth that pass in front of me.

If you as an Entrepreneur do not give the Client the best, then what do you do? If you demand excellence in what your collaborators do, why not deliver it to the Client?

The conclusion I come to is that as long as we do not invest in the development of people within the Company, precisely to produce Excellence, a high level of performance cannot be achieved with those who pay for our products and / or services.

Excellence is achieved through practice, in no other way, it is achieved through learning from so many mistakes that we are making along the way, it is produced through repetitions.

Think about the scores that Johann Sebastian Bach has invented.

Do you know them all? No. Surely this is the answer, we know the most beautiful ones, the ones you have made with great mastery.

But how do I get to develop this master's degree? Well, based on repetitions and repetitions until you get the perfect note! So it happens with our Clients.

If we do not dare to experiment, to learn one thousand ways to produce a quality service, and worse still, if we do not act as many times as necessary to produce a differentiated service, how do we try to achieve a high level of excellence? How can we differentiate ourselves from our competitors?

It is about giving the Client the best, and for this you must be willing to do what is necessary with your people, and I speak of investing in them, so that this reality can occur as a result.

Do your collaborators give what they can or what they have as capacities and abilities? This is the big question we must ask ourselves when it comes to producing Excellence. Am I taking my collaborators to put their full potential at the service of our vision? What am I doing to unleash this potential for the sake of achieving the greatest dreams and goals? How many resources do I invest in them to achieve this purpose?

It is curious how many companies try to evaluate the performance of people when they do not do the minimum to unleash their capacities, their abilities and their willingness to serve at a higher level.

We confuse long and strenuous hours with "commitment", when it has to do with the results it produces and not with the time you dedicate to your work. It seems to me that the urge to achieve results for our superiors has greater weight than to produce value for our Clients.

It is time to change our approach and convince ourselves that "what we do with our collaborators is directly proportional to the results we are going to have with our Clients".

Excellence is produced or not, at the very heart of our business and depends largely on the decision of our people to make it happen or not. But for this to happen, leaders must show that they are capable of making their teams work at the highest level and in line with the business vision.

They must have sufficient ability to influence others to give everything, being himself the one who gives everything, also to those who report to him, that is, directing correctly, investing in their training and training them to the full, supporting and motivating them and empowering them to take of decisions.

“What we do with our collaborators is directly proportional to the results that we will have with our Clients.

"Leaders must have the capacity to make the expected results in the business plan happen." If it doesn't, don't blame the operational line, the problem is on the desktop, at the top of the pyramid.

Put the focus on your people if you want excellence in your customers

At the time of budgeting in Business Plan, think in numbers, right? In those digits that you want to achieve as a product of your efforts.

It is an important moment, which allows you to project the place you intend to achieve in the next exercise.

It should also be a time to think about the amount of investment in time and money that you will give to your people to ensure that their actions really are reflected with their clients. Several things are required to win:

  1. Focus on the Client. Make sure that people work thinking about generating value for our clients and not producing results for us Passion for results with clients: Be even obsessive to achieve the highest value perceived by our Clients in terms of products and services We provide you. Closeness: With our collaborators and with our Clients. With the first to ensure that they put everything at the service of those to whom we owe ourselves and with the second to ensure our position and ensure that their voice is heard in all corners of the organization and receives our response. Equipment: No general has won only battles. Only with great coordinated work among all can victory be achieved.If leaders want to have excellent results with their collaborators, they must show that they also have that degree of excellence in managing and leading their teams. Coaching, coaching and more coaching: If you do not have leaders who unleash the potential of your people, you are lost!. They will never give their all for their organization and less for who runs them. Empowerment: A high level of empowerment is achieved by investing in the development of people, not otherwise. Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already told!. You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.They must show that they also have that degree of excellence in managing and leading their teams. Coaching, coaching and more coaching: If you don't have leaders who unleash the potential of your people, you are lost! They will never give their all for their organization and less for who runs them. Empowerment: A high level of empowerment is achieved by investing in the development of people, not otherwise. Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already told!. You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.They must show that they also have that degree of excellence in managing and leading their teams. Coaching, coaching and more coaching: If you don't have leaders who unleash the potential of your people, you are lost! They will never give their all for their organization and less for who runs them. Empowerment: A high level of empowerment is achieved by investing in the development of people, not otherwise. Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already told!. You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.If you don't have leaders who unleash the potential of your people, you're lost! They will never give their all for their organization and less for who runs them. Empowerment: A high level of empowerment is achieved by investing in the development of people, not otherwise. Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already told!. You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.If you don't have leaders who unleash the potential of your people, you're lost! They will never give their all for their organization and less for who runs them. Empowerment: A high level of empowerment is achieved by investing in the development of people, not otherwise. Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already told!. You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already said it! You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.Learn from falls: This is how excellence is acquired, I already said it! You cannot ask for much if you give little and you must be willing to give everything to your people if what you want is for them to do it in front of their Clients. If you require external support, go to him and lose the fear of growth.

Final reflection

"If you want to have the highest perceived value in the market and with your customers, spend the time necessary to produce Excellence at the heart of your business, that is, decide to invest money, time and effort in your collaborators."

8 Actions to improve customer service