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8 Tips for managing change. companies transform when people change


"The true transformation of a company occurs when people inside change completely and decide to give their best to ensure the purpose and vision of the business."

Achieving this requires leaders to do what is necessary to unleash the potential of their collaborators and allow change to occur!

"Don't expect different results from your customers if you don't change." These will change, if they are truly produced through the consistent action of your leaders.

I have spent many years within a great diversity of companies conducting research and analyzing the results obtained. I have been able to observe how in the Executive Meetings there is constant talk of changing the "status quo" of things within each business, moreover, I have seen how plans and plans that specifically aim to improve the competitive position are detailed of business. However and with regret I say it, I have also seen how many of those plans and purposes are not carried out and consequently the results are not what is expected, according to plan.

Why is it that these things happen? How is it that even planning does not achieve the intended results?

My answer to all this is LACK OF LEADERSHIP.

Why do I say it?

Because Leadership is an absolute commitment to change, it is the engine that makes things generate activity and it is who ignites the inner fire of people to achieve the highest purposes.

We have been seeking to change our business on all fronts, seeking to improve what has been achieved in the past or seeking to achieve a competitive position in our industry that makes us look great to others.

We see how the service levels have areas of opportunity, we observe how in our internal process we still have the opportunity to work on improving our costs, or on the quality of our product, and even on the systematization of our activities to align all this in favor of those of us who work. Our clients.

The great reality is that we seek improvements in processes, systems, technology, or even through better financing for our operations, but rarely do we seek improvement through our people. The reason? It is more complicated to change a person than a machine, the attitudes and commitments for technology. We tire of working on it because we depend on the decision of others to obtain the highest commitment in relation to what we have defined in our Business Plan. It is absurd but this is what really happens.

"If you want to change your organization, the only long-term path is to transform people and this requires your absolute leadership."

The only viable and sustained way to change any circumstance in your organization is through its people. But it requires your will to make the change together with them because it is you who commands the change of others from showing a consistent change in yourself.

On the other hand, it is you who must eliminate in your way those who do not share your dreams and this requires character. It is not enough to have a clear vision only of the point of reference where we want to get to, it is about making decisions that allow us to get there in the best way, deciding to act in accordance with what is intended quickly and openly. It's about letting go of our fears and steadily moving forward in the search for better things for you and your organization.

While things are going well for financial results, we are not so concerned with deficiencies in the process, but when the results are not achieved then we pay attention to every detail that causes costs in the process. Paradoxically, what we have allowed to happen in the past by having a chain of successes, is what causes us great disappointments when the results are not favorable.

The hearts of our people light up only if we show that ours is on, that's how it leads, that's how the best results are achieved.

Then learn to act accordingly and make up your mind to Align your Business in spite of others. Keep in mind that your results depend directly on the team executing the operation, so it is important to work efficiently in this direction. Your People / Team.

You will not reach the summit alone, you will have to be accompanied by those who have decided to climb with you and have committed themselves to the purpose of stepping on the summit. So make sure you have the best talent in your favor to achieve this dream.

Aim high in these activities once you have defined the correct APPROACH for you and your Company:

1. Select talent, do not fill vacancies: Make sure you have leaders from the beginning, do not pretend to draw water from a rock, if you do not manage to get the commitment with your people from the first day, it will hardly be later. It is like pretending to marry someone who does not love you, thinking that in time you may come to love him.

2. Take off the weight of those who do not want to go to your side: Do not wear yourself out by giving more opportunities than you should to people who do not want to go with you.

You will always find those who can commit to your vision and in this sense who will help you achieve your dreams. People who do not commit to you will surely make others do not commit themselves either, causing internal chaos that will only lead to the loss of money and time. They are times of change, they are times of acting quickly to changes in the environment, they are times of making High Level decisions even when they mean pain when making them. Do it for your clients and for those who follow you.

"Don't pretend to go very far with your people if you haven't trained them to do a

Marathon ”It is necessary to acquire the necessary physical condition, the technique to arrive together with the commitment to do it.

"If what you want for you and your company is to differentiate yourself from your competitors, learn and understand that you can only do it through your people."

They are the ones who make the difference!

"The alternative to failure is to move forward"

3. Having the right people to do things in the best way, commit to working as a team with them: No one is only successful, it necessarily requires the support of other actors, so it will be cohesion and the commitment to be united the only thing that can take you forward.

4. Direct appropriately: From the beginning, make clear the dream you are pursuing and how you intend to achieve it. Make them participate in the place where you intend to get along with them, clarify the rules, what corresponds to the discipline and what it requires of people in terms of their commitment.

5. Train constantly: Don't pretend to go far with your people, if you haven't prepared them to do a marathon, that's what it's about. Training should never be abandoned, much less that which has to do with people's leadership. Remember: Technical talent is never enough.

6. Support without modesty: People require encouragement and motivation on the way to the top. Climbing the hill is not easy and there will be many obstacles along the way. You and your team must be prepared to heal the wounds that occur in each fall, whether serious or light, but you must show the strength of the team during the entire period in which you have to walk. The motivation and enthusiasm of the entire team depends exclusively on their leader.

7. Empower people: Give them the ability to unleash the power of each person with confidence, take away the fear of decision-making, and give way to innovation and creativity from every team member. Here is the important part because you have to seek to reward great contributions and not normal activities. Never pay just because they keep you company. Align the outcome of each position in the organization with your Compensation System, this will help you avoid subsidies.

8. Give in to change: Embrace new ideas, allow your organization to become a company in continuous learning. It is perhaps the only sustainable competitive advantage in the future for you and your team. Enable a transformation of your organization, changing together with your people. Have a first quarter, full of results, acting at the highest level with your Leadership.

Final thoughts:

"Organizations cannot be transformed unless there is a change in each of the people who make it up." This is the leader's work, there she must point out her commitment.

8 Tips for managing change. companies transform when people change