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Accenture top 20 business gurus. (2009)


The consulting firm Accenture long ago produced a ranking that is still fully current, with the most representative management figures.

There were no surprises, Michael Porter, the Harvard Business School professor and maximum exponent of modern strategy, is still the most recognized guru of management.

I have decided to reedit and expand this article because several readers have told me (rightly) that some of the management figures and consultants that I quote, are sometimes unknown to them. I am also working on a directory of the most important consultancies in the different management areas that I hope to publish soon.

The assessment was made based on several factors:

  • Number of Google searches Number of citations in the Social Sciences Citation Index Mentions in LexisNexis databases

We expose the first 20:

  1. Michael Porter Father of modern strategy and author of best sellers such as "Competitive Strategy" and "Competitive Advantage". He is currently a professor at the Harvard Business School. Tom Peters author of "In Search of Excellence", where he explained the qualities that differentiated the best companies of the rest. He recently published "Liberation Management" and "The Pursuit of WOW." Robert B. Reich Secretary of Labor during the Clinton administration, a well-known advocate of workers' rights. He wrote "The Work of Nations". He is currently a professor at Brandeis University. Peter F. Drucker considered the godfather of "Management Thinking". Author of "Post-Capitalist Society" and "The Effective Executive". He was a professor at Claremont University and passed away in 2005 at the age of almost 95. Gary S. Becker Nobel Prize in Economics for work in behavioral economy. Author of "Human Capital" and "The Economics of Life". Business Week columnist and professor at the University of Chicago. Peter M. Senge Organizational Learning Expert and Author of "The Fifth Discipline". He is currently a senior speaker at MIT's Sloan School of Management. Gary Hamel Considered one of the great thinkers in innovation and strategy. Co-author with Prahalad of “Competing for the Future”. He has published various articles in the Harvard Business Review, and is a professor at the London Business School. Alvin Toffler Futuristic thinker, author of books such as "Future Shock" and "The Third Wave". Hal R. Varian "Information Rules" author and columnist on technology issues in the New York Times. Dean of the School of Information, Management and Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. Daniel Goleman Creator of the concept of Emotional Intelligence, in the book of the same name. Recently described the applications of the concept to management in "Primal Leadership". Rosabeth Moss Kanter Organizational change expert. Author of "World Class", "Evolve!" and "The Change Masters". Professor at the Harvard Business School, formerly an editor at the Harvard Business Review.Ronald H. Coase Nobel Prize in Economics for his work on transaction costs and property rights. Editor of the “Journal of Law and Economics” for 20 years. Lester Thurow Expert in international economics, author of “Building Wealth” and “Face to Face”. Dean of the Sloan School of Management at MIT.Charles Handy Social philosopher and radio commentator who predicted the downsizing of organizations and the rise of the self-employed. Author of "The Age of Unreason" and "The Age of Paradox". Co-founder of the London Business School in 1967. Paul Romer Creator of the "New Theory of Growth" and the "Law of Increasing Income". Professor at the Stanford School of Business.Henry Mintzberg Expert in strategy and management, author of "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning". Professor of Management at McGill.Stephen R. Covey University Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and other personal improvement guides. Michael Hammer Along with James Champy, developed the concept of Process Reengineering in "Reengineering The Corporation". Bill Gates With his Windows operating system, he reinvented the way of working of millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought.” Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.author of "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning". Professor of Management at McGill.Stephen R. Covey University Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and other personal improvement guides. Michael Hammer Along with James Champy, developed the concept of Process Reengineering in "Reengineering The Corporation". Bill Gates With his Windows operating system, he reinvented the way of working of millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought.” Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.author of "The Rise and Fall of Strategic Planning". Professor of Management at McGill.Stephen R. Covey University Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and other personal improvement guides. Michael Hammer Along with James Champy, developed the concept of Process Reengineering in "Reengineering The Corporation". Bill Gates With his Windows operating system, he reinvented the way of working of millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought.” Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.Covey Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and other personal improvement guides. Michael Hammer Along with James Champy, developed the concept of Process Reengineering in "Reengineering The Corporation".Bill Gates With his Windows operating system, he reinvented the form of working from millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought”. Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.Covey Author of "Seven Habits of Highly Effective People" and other personal improvement guides. Michael Hammer Along with James Champy, developed the concept of Process Reengineering in "Reengineering The Corporation".Bill Gates With his Windows operating system, he reinvented the form of working from millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought.” Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.reinvented the way of working of millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought.” Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.reinvented the way of working of millions of companies. Founder, CEO and Chief Engineer of the giant Microsoft, Gates is also the Author of “Business @ the Speed ​​of Thought”. Warren Bennis Author of 18 books, including “On Becoming a Leader”. Also a co-author of Geeks & Geezers, Bennis is a co-founder of the Leadership Institute at the University of Southern California.


Accenture 50 Top Business Gurus -Alberto López Correa - Managers Magazine.

Accenture top 20 business gurus. (2009)