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Sustainable health actions in a town of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico


Sustainable actions in health are elements focused on continuous improvement in the quality of life in a population determined in the environmental, food, economic and health aspects, mainly. These actions, of course, carried out in collaboration with health personnel, students, and the residents themselves.

It is important to mention that today that Mexico presents a series of problems in various sectors, an important sector is health, this fact motivates the development of certain strategies to seek results that favor the living conditions of society.

The morbidity index due to diseases of different types is increasing, especially the so-called chronic-degenerative and those caused by biological vectors, induce people to hospital processes and even death, which is why the determinations to be taken in The first level of care is basic. Public health agencies in Mexico, health personnel, students in the health area and society itself have a joint commitment to the continuous improvement of lifestyles, which is why, that sustainable health programs become optimal to achieve proposed objectives in terms of social development, promotion and prevention of health.

In the present work, mention is made of a comprehensive experience with a sustainable health approach that was carried out in the “Nueva Maravilla” neighborhood in the municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas


Currently, in Mexico there is a great demand for basic health services, since in recent years there have been a series of phenomena with the health-disease process in different regions of the country, it is worth mentioning in this regard the various cases Chikungunya fever, Sika and influenza that have left hundreds of people to date with the characteristic signs and symptoms of these diseases and even victims, which is even more regrettable. It has been shown that there are a series of actions that reveal alternatives for the improvement of the environmental, economic, food and health aspects. The key to these actions is the decision-making of objectives proposed for the improvement in the state of health of the society.

In this paper, the experience of implementing a sustainable health program in the “Nueva Maravilla” neighborhood in the municipality of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, located to the north-west of the city, is disclosed. “Nueva Maravilla” has the characteristic that the majority of the inhabitants belong to some indigenous group characteristic of the highlands of Chiapas (Tzotzil or Tzeltal). The actions in the aforementioned locality were based on the implementation of strategies that allowed the participation of both public health agencies (San Cristóbal health center), students from the nursing area (school of nursing in the state of Chiapas) and residents..

The actions were carried out from the perspective of a first health care where health promotion and prevention stands out, it is worth mentioning that the first level of health care is essential since it is about eradicating or reducing the rate of conditions that over time can harm people and induce treatment at a second level of care (hospitalization), which generates complications in well-being for both the patient and care institutions in general.

Situational diagnoses were developed during the period between the months of May and June, in which the sketch of the colony was updated; home visits were also carried out in order to assess health conditions from the measurement of basic vital signs (blood pressure, heart rate, temperature and respiratory rate), a series of workshops were held in which the active participation to the inhabitants of the locality issues of nutrition, sexually transmitted infections, drug addiction and oral health, this in order to facilitate knowledge for people to improve quality of life.

In these actions, the participation of the residents themselves made the difference, it is important to mention that sustainable actions emphasize the development of strategies aimed at continuous improvement in environmental, social, economic, food and health aspects through the participation of the inhabitants of a certain geographic area and of course with the advice and participation of health personnel as well as groups of students that facilitate the achievement of the objectives established in these programs.

Under the supervision of health personnel and the active participation of a group of students from the technical nursing career at the Chiapas state nursing school, the residents collaborated fully in actions to clean up, clean up public areas, prepare graphic representations. information on health on public roads and unconditional support of care for the families of the town that presented the most problems, in this sense it is worth mentioning the actions taken in a family identified with problems of malnutrition and pediculosis, to which they were carefully provided services to your home to provide information and basic care.


It is without a doubt that action is the most important decision to generate a change towards the continuous improvement of living conditions in people in the most needy localities. Through this work carried out in the state of Chiapas, a more mainly in the implementation of effective health improvement programs, as well as the active and joint participation of health personnel, students and residents of the localities. In these actions it is important to highlight the disposition of the groups of nursing technical students who dedicated their space and time to the implementation of their knowledge to obtain a result that is certainly significant in social development.It is important that the message about the first level of health care be spread to the new generations so that they are the carriers of the message of prevention and health promotion to integrate a change as a society and that they are basic foundations in a culture that needs to change to obtain a better situation in living conditions.


  • Cruz-García L. (2006). A sustainable health program. Health Psychology. National Autonomous University of Mexico.SSA (2002). Action program: environmental health Espinosa-Montejo S., J. López-Bautista, C. López-Gómez and M. Vázquez-Castillo (2016). Sustainable health program for a medical unit in Chiapas, Mexico. Gestiopolis.
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Sustainable health actions in a town of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico